So what have you lads saved from the Tuesday debacle? POST YOUR BEST!
Democrat Salt Thread
so fucking hilarious.
So what do you think lads?
>Oh you don't understand, well picture this: Marco Rubio is Voldemort! There, now you know why I'm on the Cruz cruise.
What percentage of black voters were disgusted when the tranny knocked on their door and that pushed them to Biden, do you think? 98%?
shit thread, greece is gonna collapse within 5 years anyway without german help
I don't see you posting anything, and you're calling the thread shit?
Can these things make a reference to anything other than current mass media?
>So what do you think lads?
some good salt
now go defend your border, that's more important than OC
I think if any of them had spent 15 minutes learning the basics of how the economy works they wouldn't be so surprised all the time.
I can't wait for the
>im leaving the country
>wtf other countries have immigration standards
>blaming warren
you know nothing else would make these guys equate warren to a serious radical like sanders, except right now that it justifies their defeat. motivated reasoning is funny when it's this obvious.
So if bernie sanders is the mockingjay does this mean biden is darth vader or voldemort?
serious question:
Trump has only tried to help lgtbbq's ppls, why do they fear him so much? Rupaul recently said 'we survived his first term, but who knows what will happen if he gets another term?'. Like wtf do they think he's going to do?
This one is fucking gold
This is the cringeist fan art ive ever seen
Because they're fucking retards.
Same reason blacks overwhelmingly vote for the party that fought against civil rights, created Jim Crow laws, terrorized them with the Klan and disarmed them.
You try and give these people the benefit of the doubt then they go off supporting plantation owners, house niggers and wealthy red-liners.
So now the lgbts are supporting the party that wants to import homo-slaughtering muslims by the boat load.
Reminder that there is not other possible outcome other than it being rigged
Oh you don't even know...
>blaming your tranny suicide on politics
Did you try to stop being a freak?
I mean these are the people we are dealing with
Remember the whole Kavanaugh thing? They haven't changed a bit
These guys LARP harder than the boogs
they really do think that they are in Star Wars
>those books
retards cite common literature as the modern world
anarcho-kiddies cite 1984
awakened right wingers cite Brave New World
the truly awakened know Bradbury's Farenheit 451 was the closest to truth
Thank you fro the laughs Greek fren, made m morning.
I like how sociopathic they are about this, just reading their analysis on boomers and youth reminds me of party member wannabees who want to look like Sherlock Holmes so they can impress each other, they are very low on the hierarchy both inside and outside
I saw a statistic that Jews are more prone to schizophrenia.
It came full circle when I was watching cops v politician dashcam videos.
They're genuinely afraid. Unrightly so, but scared to death.
You can't help but see it in a brand new light. If just getting pulled for speeding causes so much trauma, imagine what an internment camp would do.
Even a routine presidential election makes them suicidal.
>No longer progressive
>No free healthcare
>Oligarchs now dispatch cartel gunmen to kill dissidents
So much for that class war lol
Two things. One, I love that he unironically uses the word “regime”.
Two, posts like these remind me of threads I’ve seen like “What job will you have in the glorious new Bernie Socialist America” and they’d say things like “I’m gonna design the uniforms!” or “I’ll make the memes!”, like they think you can just pick and choose whatever you want to do.
>Im getting desperate, losing hope, feel less safe every day, still knocking on doors and making calls
What would you say to this berniebro if he called you up or knocked on your door?
Bear in mind hes obviously mentally ill and very close to the edge.
keked an checked bernouts confirmed an hero
Just shut down social media, they will throw themselves out of their window
Forgot pic
>unironically going to reddit for one second.
re-prioritize your life, faggot
How much you want to bet this guy is white and salivating over finally being a minority?
>my existence is at stake
The only threat to this retard's existence is their likely suicide from post-op depression
>implying this isn't great value salt I collected from other salt threads
step your games up
> People finally start realizing all the elections are rigged
> "C'mon man don't do this"
>pic related
How is this not considered a foreign power interfering in an election??
I read some studies about pork having nutrients in it that is essential for long term brain health. Amino acids n sheet.
The fact that every muslim and jew (who dont eat pork) goes insane in their old age suddenly made a lot more sense.
Reminder that it actually is rigged.
Democrats do this all the time with fellow parties in Europe. That's why politicians across the globe default to supporting Democrats for president every time, theyve got connections
Best meme of Presidential Election cycle 2020, so far is pic related.
Wonder how many Trump supporters it's met
People paying actual attention cite the works of William Seward Burroughs since we are being sold to the Nova Hang to burn in the ovens. Or Tacitus and Ovid, Gibbons, etc.
You've gotta remove the "is" to make it more nigramatically correct.
Because they're on the right side of history
It's pretty obvious Biden is the Mandalorian and Bernie is baby Yoda
you should be out shooting niggers, Vasiliki