Whites concerting en masse to Islam

More and more whites are finding answer & solutions to their problems from Islam. How does this make you feel?

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As soon as they realized that Islamists can get away with murder of course they had to switch


with the level of retardation amongst my fellow whites hitting new levels, not surprised they are looking to a 200 year old fairy tale about pedos and goat fuckers for guidance

The liberal faggotry is unbearable, if Islam can end it than maybe Allah is the one to worship.

better to convert now than catch the sword later

More and more Europeans are becoming to hate muslims as we all should. How does that make you feel?

I can never be Islamic because I would blow up my mosque

Fuck goats, be a pedo, get away with crimes.
Sounds quite fitting in the libshit trend.

>Very little logical fallacies compared to Christianity
>Able to straighten out your life
I don't see a problem with Islam.

Honestly I think Islam is a conqueror's religion and Christianity is a religion of slaves. Take what you get through your right hand vs. turn the other cheek.

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>More and more whites are finding answer & solutions to their problems from Islam
>spams the picture of one single guy
wew you shills forgot you brain at home did you?

>200 year old religion

you're confusing islam with mormonism
same basic premise though

They're gonna get killed anyway. Non-whites are very VERY jealous of whites and 90% of them hates us.

Think about it logically and you'll realize that we're basically demi-gods compared to the other races.

I love how it's always that one ginger Brit.

>200 years old

American education everyone

Muhammad (pbuh) was a fair skinned redhead, you blasphemous kafir!

Let the retards among us join Islam or remain "Christians" or whatever.
Just as long as they all fight each other and die.

Like a shitton of white people are retarded, but we already knew that. I guess that's why the leftists are so hellbent on importing the goatfuckers here and protecting their dumb religion, so they can convert and fuck goats too.

Makes me feel that your full of shit. Go fuck yourself. Free Palestine

In France we call it bougnoule mental. It's a race traitor with a low IQ

Why would some arab in arabia be a fair haired no-souler? That's about as dumb as the pictures of Jesus being blonde and blue-eyed.

meme flag

not knowing the descendants of Freyja


Islam is based, it has the final solution to the jew and women question.

You forgot the legal pedophilla too.

i would join if i was able to believe in god. but god obviously doesnt exist and so the whole thing really is just a cultural thing, not religious.

Also converts are treated worse than shit, literally second class citizens among other shitskins

hello MIT

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>They're gonna get killed anyway
Don't you think they'd fight back? I think that white Muslims would be fucking terrifying.
Just imagine anybody trying to start shit with Europe in that situation.

Whites pay attention to make sure that the words in the title of their thread are spelled correctly. Nigger.

Where did you get this power level?

Just totally ignore the civilizations they built and it makes perfect sense, if you also don't understand the bible.

Stop claiming our history wh*Teboi, ginger folks obviously originated from Semites, Scotsmen and Irishmen descend from ancient Egyptian BLACKS

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It makes me feel like you're full of shit because only a chimpanzee would find any value in that primitive, cancerous religion. It has nothing of value, it is an even worse prison than christianity and breeds nothing but dumb as fuck idiots who are stunted and unable to understand even the most basic facts of life, yet alone things such as history, culture, or basically anything that isn't ooking and eeking their monkey sounds to allah.

I live next to Bosnia. They're chimpanzees. All muslims are chimpanzees and islam is not the solution, but a problem to be solved.

For being a conqueror's religion Islam hasn't really conquered all that much, though. Christcucks at least conquered the world with their faggy bullshit.

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Nothing. Christkikery is a weak and pathetic religion that serves as a slave pool for Jews. Islam is basically a David Koresh death cult that's also spawned by Jews, but at least they do their own thing and are ethnonationalist rather than Jewish globohomo.

Stay away from the horses, Bin Laden.

with our annual Volkskraftwochen

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It makes me sad whenever anyone follows that murdering, thieving, pedophile into hell.

Got any statistics?

When you say whites you really mean gingers.

If it wasnt just lonely gingers converting I would be worried that society was going back in to a more superstitious age.

Christianity hasn't had a civilization in a century. Secularism and its synthetic sharia laws isn't just sticking with people.

Im okay with it.
Some day where going to start beheading degenerates and its the day I pray to Allah.

Basically the same as now.

Stop posting.

Islam is the future. Western civilization is terminally degenerate.

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>Think about it logically and you'll realize that we're basically demi-gods compared to the other races.
Not sweden though.

"Scores are converting" yet this one ginger asshole seems to be the only pic we can find for these gay threads.

He's right, though..Muhammad is described in the Koran as red haired, blue eyed, tall, and pale

>basically demi-gods compared to the other races
200 years ago this comment might have had some truth to it. Currently whites are enslaved by Jews and are celebrating homosexuality. Non-whites are not as jealous as you might think.

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Barely anyone is actually. They're also almost all socially inept rejects or crazy people.

Post the passage that says that.

>most rabidly anti kike religion takes over the globe
>kikes too busy trying to destroy whites and western civilization to notice
>islam dominates and eventually wipes out the Jewish menace
>white peoples get to live in peace again
Well, are you going to start the boogaloo or not?

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OR....with society falling apart, some white people are noticing that the only religion that actually tries to fight back is islam.
Now I would never become a muslim, but when muslims are the only ones that agree Jews need to die and degeneracy needs to end, it certainly adds a few points in the Muslim column

What Europe really needs is a great resurgence in Christianity, especially christian values. The degeneration of our society goes hand in hand with the decline of Christianity. If us white people accept Islam as our religion, then our cultures and traditions will die out aswell. We need Christianity and not the new cucked brand of Christianity that the pope is promoting, but the old traditional Christianity.

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Christianity isn't European.
And if you actually read the gospel you'd know how really chucked Christianity is.

Fuck phone posting

Current degeneracy occurred under the watch of Christianity, Christianity is therefore incompetent or complicit. You're saying we should reward the thing that failed with even more support.

Also culture is irrelevant. European blood is what matters.

It didn't come from Europe, but over the centuries that Christianity has been dominant here, it has become interchangeable with European culture. We would still be dirty barbarians living in log huts if it wasn't for Christianity.

Give some exaples of how it's cucked? I mean it might not be perfect, but you have to admit it would be heck of a lot better than what we have now.

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Oh, well it says so in the Koran. How could I have ever doubted something like that. I mean, it's in the Koran. God damn do I feel silly now. Didn't know you had proper sources and shit like the fucking Koran.

>Current degeneracy occurred under the watch of Christianity.

Oh really, we had gay parades in the 19th century? When state and church became separated and church had no longer any real power over politics, this is when the degeneration began.

christkikes have no back bone

>doesnt know what sarcasm is

>you also don't understand the bible.
Suffer in this world profit in the next vs. thrive here and get your own paradise. No thanks.


It's kinda logical, Islam is the dominant masculine aggressive ideology. I think it's all bullshit though, if you need some stupid organized religion you're a dumb little shit.

Top tier cope

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>more and more
>same ginger cunt from literally a decade ago

ok ahmed

Yes, if the height of Rome and Greece is "living in mud huts" and being in constant war for 500 years is "civillized"

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Cool. Got me there.

>you cant be christian and a white nationalist
Pagan Larping niggerfaggot, go suck off varg.

That Christianity, as well as all Abrahimic religions, must be rejected outright. Look at your kingdom, Christ cucks, what wonders you have wrought.

lol are you serious?

You should look up the history of the muslims and how they, while being outnumbered fucked up the two most powerful empires of the time and expanded their empires at a rapid rate and continued doing so until the 1800's.

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Its this same ginger faggot every time.
Here, have some pigs blood in your eye.
