So I’m not the most knowledgeable person ever I’ll admit, but why do people here hate the Freemasons so much?
I wanna know, I love hating people .
Why tf do people hate masons?
Because they are servants of satan
Muh masons is muh joos for people afraid of being called an anti Semite
Masons were originally founded as a way for members of the nobility and members of the developing capitalist class to associate. Nobles needed access to capital, capitalists wanted to be ennobled, masonry provided the club in which they could both meet as equals. Masonic lodges use the trappings of esotericism and the mystique of the "secret society" to cover a far more banal truth, they are a simple fraternity dedicated to anonymous charity and good works.
If I say Jimmy Savile was one according to his fascination with eyes will you get it then?
Read their writings and books already.
The lost keys of Freemasonry
Morals and Dogma
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Scarlett and the Beast,
or listen to Bill Coopers Mystery Babylon
that's true. Lucifer is their God, as they believe it was Lucifer who "set man free in the Garden of Eden" against a vindictive creator who wished to keep us dumbed down etc
Fuck off, they are jew servants
Mason hate comes from catholic propaganda from the spanish American war in the late nineteenth century.
Pentagrams and nuerology had never been evil until then.
People on the outside wish to be on the inside
you cannot be on the inside if youre an atheist
atheists = mad
also theres a lot of Jewish/Israeli symbolism, but its basically all jewish larp, and has nothing to do with Judaism at all
but people on the outside dont really know that
Masons are like a good goyim club where they get to play "secret society" as they unwittingly do the bidding of jews against their own society.
>im on the outside, im looking in
>i can see through you, see your true colours
>cause inside your ugly, ugly like me
>I can see through you, see to the real you.
im guessing youve not read a single word on that outside of "MASONS" and "LUCIFER"
>you cannot be on the inside if youre an atheist
And why do you think that is?
Because they only want retards who believe in "magic" and "the supernatural" --- dumb people.
They want impressionable chumps who will believe whatever they're told, because they're already given to irrationality.
They are linked to the shriners, known for their red hats with the Islamic scimitar logo on them, which originated from a Muslim Slaughter of Christians where they dipped their hats into the blood to turn them red, as well as connection to the NWO/globohomo.
So it's just like Yas Forums? Based.
you've got to believe in a higher being
most atheists come across this and instantly dismiss freemasonry as a religious cult and instantly get buttmad
theres no specification it has to be a god or diety, but 90% of atheists will instantly prevent themselves from becoming a mason by declaring there is no god and that they are the highest form of being
Human trafficking, sabotage, mass spying, frauds, stalking, jewish bootlicking, corruption, organized crime, treason...
At most there are many of what you call "gods" but most of them are crap.
This is something very few people will tell you. Their origin is dubious too.
It started as a social club for stone masons.
Stone masons are not nobles.
Masons -> knights templar ----> cannanites
You blind?
They oppose the imperialism and supremacy of the European races over the planet.
to each their own
People on the outside get mad theyre not on the inside
start making bullshit up and get buttmad that they dont know the true larp
They're diametrically opposed to us. Yas Forums is mostly traditionalist. Freemasons are staunch humanists and believe tradition is a hurdle to be overcome. But every relevant occultist after Levi has been politically rightwing and they have no arguments against Evola et al, so the whole thing is pretty laughable.
for me, its the lies
>1 post by this ID
>Boomer conspiratard topic
bunch of larping idiots
To distract from (((people))) who should be hated.
>Read their writings and books
You should list some.
Well the only free mason I know is a pretty outstanding guy. I don’t know what they do or believe once initiated, but it’s hard for me to conclude it’s evil based on the one I know, nothing but helpful, happy, and active. A Productive member of society.
Based on that I think it’s more of a private networking organization that selects members who can help others. Basically, surround yourself with successful and self-supporting people, and keep leeches our. I don’t think they give any hand outs, members are self sufficient and successful independent of the masons. But when they come together they can elevate each other further by networking, connections, access to advice, information, guidance, mentors, and other smart talent men who have influence. Where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
I do think they practice occult rituals and subscribe to occult beliefs. I’ve been down some rabbit holes and have found concrete connections between modern “new age” and “personal development” philosophy that surprisingly go back thousands of years, back to Plato.
Think Tony Robbins and Napoleon Hill, the law of attraction. I think this is probably what the free masons teach and practice.
To my surprise, after digging deep (reading texts from various centuries), I did find reasoned philosophical and theological arguments that would support the law of attraction and support the belief that occult practices work. But the portrayal of these occult new age practices in modern pop culture is not accurate and skips over the philosophical and theological underpinnings.
It’s not satan worship, or evil worship, or setting out to do or be evil. Beliefs are centered around the concept of God and Mans relationship to this God. That God set the rules, and Man must abide by them, but that Man is like God in that Man is creative, and can bring any state of matter he believes possible into existence.
>500 yr old Christian organisation based on tradition
>Literally formed around the preservation of traditional knowledge
>Is against tradition
It's kosher and totally harmless, you will never we charged with hate speech fir saying da masons run the world
do you really know him user
Yeah, thanks lucifer for kicking out of the garden of eden, what horrible deal that was.
I have no idea
Masons were a LARP created from scratch, Templars are our dear bankers and Cannanites were the equivalent of ancient Amerisharts.
They're not Christians. You're confusing ritual with tradition. And who do you think was responsible for US revolution / French Revolution?
This user knows
Because they're larpers who claim to work for the good of the world but are only working for their own advantage. Also because they heavily use bribery and private contacts. If you're in with them and need something (like a job, a credit etc), there'll always be someone who knows someone who will help you just because you're also a mason.
Basically, imagine the pagan or muslim clans, except that they don't have a common goal but everybody is out for their own good. That's the masons.
Traitors, oathbreakers, and kikes for the former. Opportunists and kikes for the latter.
>They're not Christians.
Over 95% are. And the organisation itself was based around it.
>You're confusing ritual with tradition
The rituals were the traditions.
Its because theyre a bunch of greedy pedo waspjews
Fuck that evil cunt aswel
they're satanshits
Since youre being a bunch of twats as usual im just going to go ahead and say it
The G is gravity, enlightenment is refering to weight.
Research coral castle
Inb4 assassinate, I dont even give a fuck the soul is immortal do it faggot.
I always laugh at these threads. Most who respond are hardly correct on what Masonry is and its history. My dad and his parents and siblings became higher ranking members and most people here have no fucking clue what its like to be a Mason.
Thats why everyone talks about the jews isnt it..
And one of their main goals is the extermination of the white race. Not hating Freemasons is like not hating a plague that is killing you.
I dont believe in this waspjews shit
Thats just gnosis with extra steps
Look inward instead, /x/ types.
What rank are you and why are you suprised "the profane" dont know, implying, about your secret society?
Did you forget remote viewing was real? Do you think people wouldnt notice that you HAVE TO be a mason to be promoted within cops in america and other places?
Did you think people didnt notice the checkerboard pattern they wear almost worldwide?
You underestimate us.
Because Masons are evil and part of the problem.
Original masons: saying certain things could get you killed by Kings, so being able to organize and discuss issues and tactics secretly was important (for bringing about revolution)
In america, that secrecy and protection became less and less necessary/useful, as free speech had taken hold.
So what do people talk about in secret when you're allowed to say things openly? Evil. They plot evil.
Their structure is also evil
>we have important knowledge not known by the average person
>join our cult, obey our laws, and maybe you'll learn our secret knowledge
That is a cult
Masons are a cult, they serve Jews, they have disdain for people who aren't "enlightened" and they gatekeep.
Globalism is very much supported by masons
So you're a waspjew? Fucking greedy cunt
Freemasons control England. "BBC" is a Freemasons code (322 backwards) Philip, Charles and Harry high masons. (((They))) could kick every migrant out of England or drown them in the English channel but (((they))) don't.
Instead (((they))) announced that soon whites will be excluded from health care.
Masons is how a cop and a judge get the bankers son out of shit for banging a 15 year old
It is not da joo puppet masters most schizos want to believe
It sounds like you come from a more right wing rite. I know they still exist, but they are a clear minority compared to leftist masons. If I turn on MTV today, will I see traditionalism or humanism? What masonic power structures today are using their influence to spread traditional values? With the death of the catholic church, pretty much just Yas Forums. I do concede that key figures from Christianity play a central role, but this is way most masonic rites are predominantly leftist. To state it simply, the way most people process it, Christianity => universalist => humanist => left-wing and Yas Forums => hierarchy => racialism => right-wing.
Gay LAPRer shit for the same fags who believe in bigfoot and ESP.
They organise all the fake terror attacks and school shootings and gang stalk/kill regime dissidents. Also pedophiles.
Ive only met 2 that told me they were, they are both now in prison for child sex offences. Thats a pretty high hit rate. Hang the fkrs.
To people less well off, and people who aren't real joiners Masons are kind of annoying. They were known for being hugely nepotistic. If you see these guys passing you over as they covertly elevate each other it could rub you the wrong way. The human sacrifice element doesn't help either.
You're acting like a 6 year old. This board has self-awareness, you know.
What if lucifer is God the creator and Satan. Hmmmmmm
On the outside they want you to believe they are very good, charitable old men.
But how do you know what they are on the inside?
That's not how "rites" work. There's jurisdictions (states/countries) and private lodges.
And shockingly, there's no lodge in control of "M"TV.