Gday lads

>After workers failed to show up at an aged care facility where a 95-year-old woman who tested positive for coronavirus died, NSW Health was forced to send nurses there

>Childcare centre in the heart of Australia's virus epicentre is shut down as a staff member is tested for coronavirus - as terrifying graph shows the rapid increase of the pandemic

>Why I'm a super party pooper: we need extra cash to buy homes now, not to retire on

>Labor’s climate policy ‘the dumbest seen in modern political history’ News&utm_campaign=Breaking News&utm_term&utm_content&utm_medium=twitter

Not Australian related, but for shits and giggles

>Far-left congressional candidate, Fat Brown Buffalo (AKA Chunk Yogurt), melts down on his YouTube show, disastrous election numbers roll in


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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm moving to Australia.

>I'm moving to Australia.

We're full.

based. bring your sister

Not without a loicense

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Uber shits

He drives the designated shitting uber.

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Getting my P plates soon lads and got a job lined up, things are working out for this old neet. But with my luck this fucking virus will fuck everything up.

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>But with my luck this fucking virus will fuck everything up.

It;s all bullshit mate...remember AIDS, ebola, bird flu, chicken flu, BBC flu...all lies

>AIDS isn't real
>ID: g4Y

Honestly who cares as long as you can drive without a supervisor?

thats fucked

Based game.
I still need to get my fucking L's and I'm already 21 in a few weeks. I just don't see why I should bother with a car - rego and insurance is a pain, I'd imagine. I just walk everywhere, and it's a fairly small town anyhow.

Good luck getting your P's, user!!

god, veronica gets my dick diamonds

..oh, and her former adult form is cute too

What is a good job to do in Aus?

>I just don't see why I should bother with a car
The fact that they don't want you to should be reason enough

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Keep sodomozing your faggot mates and see how long you live faggot.

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Friday night tomorrow but if you're a NEET every night is friday night

How are you celebrating?

Newstart recipient.

No one who cant get to germany wants to go to your penal colony , Bruce

I'm not the homo saying AIDS isn't real, g4Y


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>Friday night tomorrow but if you're a NEET every night is friday night
>How are you celebrating?

Six pack of beers and a hip flask of vodka

Thanks dude

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>Order shit
>Get shit

Are your doctors Pajeets and such, like in Britain?

Yeah, a lot of them are. Not sure if it's worse in Britain or not, though.

Chinese. I legitimately can't remember the last white doctor I ever saw.

>Order shit
>Get shit
>Implying we didn't know
Thanks Pajeet

3d printing and 40k

Gee whizz fucking gay assholes results in infections and lowered imunity....lets create an illness

>ID says g4Y
I guess tassie is anal colon(y)

>Are your doctors Pajeets and such, like in Britain?

Yes, chinks or pajeets.

Playing the first Valkyria Chronicles and drinking export. Might move onto rum afterwards.

What exactly are you trying to get at? I mean, youre obviously a poofta, but do you have a point?

Oh so turns out the local chinese store stopped selling bootlegged liquor.
I't too expensive to get drunk now desu

>Thanks Pajeet

Your welcome Captain Obvious.

All you fuckers turn in already?

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>What exactly are you trying to get at?

Faggotry is bad for your health. the anus not a sex organ

How old are you?

I'm about to get my fulls this year, I hope. Also, recommended: Get your motorbike licence.

So why are you a faggot then?

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mid 20s

Why didn't you get your licence earlier?

Capital of southern hemisphere

because I was a shut in neet Yas Forums fag in my teens/early 20s

How did you get like that to start with? And how did you get yourself out of it?

I know that feeling, almost identical to you. Got a job lined up I hope.

Also, you should have gotten your motorbike licence first, that way you wouldn't have needed people to supervise you and you would have been mobile instantly.

Half the people on centrelink are simply too nervous too call employers, and find it difficult. For some people, they find it harder to contact employers in person or over the phone. Online applications mean nothing.

Nuke it NOW!

Yeah but doesnt mean you need to be shut in. Ive had mate on the dole that are very outgoing.

I went on Yas Forums when I was 17 and just started lurking the site everyday and playing vidya and watching anime, I went to TAFE for a couple of years when I turned 20 and then I've just been doing volunteer work in my local community since I was 22 and getting newstart
yeah guess that was a fuck up, my dad even has a motorbike but I got my own car sorted now

I am on centrelink and don't have a job, I still go out every weekend, most people do. They will volunteer because you can't get rejected from volunteering unless you're a pedo.

It's a fear of being rejected I suppose.

I'll never go back on centrelink though, it's not worth the hassle and the services are not that great honestly.
No one ever thinks of motorbikes lol. Meh, now that you've got you're car you wouldn't use it anyway.

Inb4 toilet paper control

I'm so sick of this corona bs. First its deadly now its fine then deadly now its fine again. fuck.


Fair enough

Centrelink services are pretty silly, like you go in they ask "have you looked for work" you say "I've applied online" lolok heres your money.

Thats it.

They need more action getting people to employers and people making phonecalls. It's pretty obvious if people are just applying online they aren't actually trying to get a job.

The whole job provider thing is a rort and should be dismantled and replaced with something that doesnt pay commission to those faggots.
Its no wonder you guys just go round and round in circles with the current structure.

And honestly, there is a certain percentage of you that just arent ever going to find a job and its more cost worthy to keep you under tabs, than it would be to just thrown you on a pension.


I thought that they acted more like a recruitment company rather than what they do (not really sure what that is).

There are a couple of people that put in LOTS of effort to put people in front of employers, which is fucking great. But I don't understand what the rest does.

The only reason I went there was that I thought they might have easier contacts to apprenticeships and stuff since I'm older. Turns out, I was wrong, but I'm eligible for some kind of subsidy which is lucky, I've been making a few phonecalls and stuff but being that I'm an adult people aren't too keen on hiring.

stop fucking buying shit you nut cases fuck was back at work 2 hours and have one day off now because over time

Business idea: let superannuation be accessible to cover the cost of training courses.

>It's pretty obvious if people are just applying online they aren't actually trying to get a job.

Problem is that employers are being drooling retards and telling people they can only apply online.

There needs to be a rethink of hiring processes, the current system is a clusterfuck of chaos that would give Tzeentch a headache.

I disagree, most employers want to hire people that ring up or walk in - unless you are talking about a big company. Small - medium places want to see face-face action so they know you're not a sperg.

>Business idea: let superannuation be accessible to cover the cost of training courses.

Bad idea, if super was used to give more people training then businesses would be free to continue to raise the employment bar.

>Oh so you have a degree in boxcutting and stacking user?
>Sorry lol but we need a bachlors in box taping!
>For the life of us we can't seem to get employees with the skills required!
>Better import more Indians!

>Better import more Indians!
Isn't that what you company does best, Pajeet?

Getting a new colony for my new Beehive next week fellas.

Gonna have some we'll pollinated veggies cone this Spring and loads of honey too. Feels good man

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pretty sure I know what you're growing

>There needs to be a rethink of hiring processes
They do it like this because they dont want 10,000 people blowing up their phone, or walking into their office for the one singular job they have available.
Haha youre old school like me. Quick chat and a hand shake and come in for a trail week, we'll see how you go.
But doesnt work like that anymore. Ive got a mate looking for an adult apprenticeship, I told him of a place to go thats a big electrical company. I said just walk in there with a copy of your resume and she'll be right mate. Well, he did that and they told him to fuck off and apply online, he's like well im already here, they said they dont care and they wouldnt even take his resume.
Cunts fucked

>I disagree, most employers want to hire people that ring up or walk in

I disagree with that, it seems to be employers talking out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to that so they can keep people confused so the migration scam can keep going apace.

most employers want to hire the person who they can pay the least amount and who will not complain about being exploited as much as the law will allow

>Isn't that what you company does best,

And I think Uber is retarded for it, most of these fucking Indians have scams going and steal the meals, but Uber being comprised of typical corporate retards thinks if they just keep recruiting Indians they'll finally end up with ones that aren't dodgy.

Dirty fucking cunts, i hope wuflu rips the shit out of 'em, less chinks, less muds ftw.

I have been applying online at this place for over a year now, getting knocked back consistently. Definitely le handshake meme is the way to go. Target small - medium sized employers and you'll be right.
As long as you're contacting small-medium sized businesses, ones that don't have their own dedicated receptionists, they will literally have no choice but le handshake meme.

>They do it like this because they dont want 10,000 people blowing up their phone, or walking into their office for the one singular job they have available.

Problem is that they created the problem in the first place by being boomer fucks that do nothing but hack and slash the workforce until the companies fall apart.

I'm literally banned for life from my local medical centre because i asked for a white aussie doctor. I'd been given three nigger doctors in a row that were so stupid i had to tell them what to prescribe for me. I might as well be a gp.

>Ive got a mate looking for an adult apprenticeship, I told him of a place to go thats a big electrical company. I said just walk in there with a copy of your resume and she'll be right mate. Well, he did that and they told him to fuck off and apply online, he's like well im already here, they said they dont care and they wouldnt even take his resume.

I've also heard of boomer parents marching their kids in to places to prove how easy it is with a handshake only to get btfo by mangers who tell them to get the fuck out.

Its quite literally because of mass immigration. For jobs you wouldve had 10 people apply for, now youve got 100, for jobs that wouldve seen 100 people aplly, now its 1000.
Roads are packed, shops are packed, no parking, longer waits for the doctor, less jobs, less pay, more competition for housing, more expensive housing.... I could go on and on forever but I'll just work myself up.
I hate this country and what its become and the people that facilitated its decline.

I'm only 30 mate, and when I left school it was still on handshake basis. Thats how quickly this country has fallen.

gotta give em a dick shake now

>I hate this country and what its become

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