Masks only work in one direction

>masks only work in one direction
retards actually believe this

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No one cares about you little faux virus. Epstein was murdered, deal with it.

>get infected goyim!

From what I understand it’s to stop your spit and mucus from getting everywhere not about keeping anything out. And as for why medical professionals use it again it’s to keep splatter and such both out of their mouths and keep their fluids off the patients from talking and such.

That specific type shown there anyway, if it doesn’t have a good seal and it’s not rated to filter certain things they really won’t help. So you know, go ahead and get a mask just be sure it’s rated properly and do a fit test. Be sure to pair with some sort of eye protection if your being serious about it.


masks only work, if you wear safety glasses, and latex gloves with it


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Yes, masks like that are for surgeons to not sneeze or drool into your open body during operation. As a measure to stop being infected by aerosolized vectors, it's actually worse than having nothing. It just becomes a piece of cloth where shit can land and remain closer to your orifices.

If you want to actually prevent being infected with gear, you need a mask with an airtight seal, a proper biofilter, goggles and gloves at the very least. There's a reason why people who work with infected people wear the full hazmat suit, because that's what actually works.

For a normal person what actually works to prevent getting sniffles is washing your hands before you touch your face after touching shit strangers also have and generally isolating yourself.

It only works to protect others from your respiratory issues, not the other way around.

Good goyim, the masks do nothing!

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>I can't read
We know nigger.

They're making up bullshit about how it only keeps sick people from spreading disease when masks plus washing hands reduces rates of infection by 70%. The old boomer elites scared about the deathrate of older people and want you to leave them the masks.

Why would you think something that is open to the sides of your mouth would help with not breathing in vapor? You guys are cargo cult faggots, I hope you understand that. If this was actually serious instead of just another WHO habbbbnneennnenning people who took your advice would be in serious problems.

Like I said, what you need if you want to avoid aerosolized infection vectors is a mask with an airtight seal around your mouth and nose and a proper biofilter at least. Do it properly at least if you're going to be a neurotic faggot.

I hope people sue the health advisory bodies if they contract it following this advice.


Except if you fit the masks right they're not open. Stop spreading misinformation. A mask that is open on the sides still spreads disease and is useless, but somehow the hospitals and elites still want these masks everyone is saying don't work.

Digits digits digits

Every news channel is saying this, normies online are saying this, the radio is saying this, the government is saying this, and it really makes me not believe it at all. China didn't shut down every city and tank their GDP because of the sniffles. They're lying to us.

The masks do not help from diffused nano particulates, they are fine in reducing the amount of particulates you're spewing because it keeps the larger ones on the mask preventing them from diffusing into the air. Are you retarded or are you pretending?

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These masks do not protect you from covid anyway, so who cares.

Then why do healthy officials wear masks?

They are not an airtight seal. People at hospitals want these masks because you have to use them when dealing with open wounds. It's only faceberg boomers and habbeningfags who are actually hoarding them as a preventive measure towards infection due to their cargo cult.

Elites obviously buy proper masks. Why would you not buy a proper mask if you're worried about aerosolized infections? Give me a reason for not buying a proper mask.

Based and deserving of more (you)s

Corona can spread asymptomatically


Most of these patients dont have open wounds. If doctors are wearing masks around people who have no injury and just a cough, I will too.

Then everyone should wear masks anyways

Like vaccines, basic masks don't prevent 100% of the spread but help reduce it to a level where it can't sustain itself. The western world cannot meet the need for masks as production is mostly in China now so are trying to save face and claim they're of no use. Mandatory mask wearing was a large part of China's successful strategy to stop the spread.

>Don't wear a mask, so you can infect as much people as possible during your 3 weeks incubation period.
It's as if they want to kill as much people as possible.

They only do so during wound care, operations or anything else that actually compromises the integrity of your physical body. If you haven't noticed, when you go to your doctor, he doesn't wear a mask when you two are talking about your sniffles. Why doesn't he put on a mask when you come into his office with your flu? It's because there's no fucking reason to.

it's to stop everyone from buying them so that only the infected can buy them, that's more important as it's more effective. they get sold out everywhere now.

which is possibly why it isnt speading rapidly in Hong Kong, because they all already wear masks

They're handling ininjured people though. Its everyone. Doctors are wearing masks when in contact with Corona patients with no wounds.

Oh, you're talking about China. Well, Asia use these masks as a talisman to ward off evil spirits. They've seen western medicine has some shit going for it, but they don't understand how it works. Therefore everyone in Asia walks around in these masks to feel better about themselves, a literal cargo cult.

You'll also notice that the people who actually deals with infected people in a contaminant setting, are wearing the full suit and the airtight mask with biofilters like I say.

Where? Certainly not here.

The American CDC proves masks reduces your risk of getting things like the flu by 70%.

holy fuck, they put a shitskin in the picture for MUH DIVERSITY but all it tells me is to stay the fuck away from these types of subhumans. nice fucking work

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Not really. Please read this, it the latest conclusion from Wuhan.
They only try to save the masks for elite and politicians.

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Actually, when I went to the doctor and got tested for the flu, the doctors and nurse all put on masks and gloves and said I was highly infectious.

Logic. This man is pure logic distilled.

In the USA they are wearing masks when handling suspected patients. The same people telling me those masks are useless.

>this is what the amerimut gets from this
There aren't enough quality masks to give everyone on earth a stockpile (not yet anyway, they are ramping up production, if only for profits). So masks are most effective at infection rate control when used in areas where there the infection is spreading e.g. an infected person, hospitals etc. etc. If you are in bumblefuck nowhere Montana you don't need to go around wearing a mask, not because the mask doesn't work, but because it is not needed.
Also a masks effectiveness is highly dependent on the user. I have seen people put on surgical masks wrong, let alone n95 masks. They don't work if not worn properly.
Furthermore the virus hasn't shown to be effective at airborne transmission, globular, yes, but not airborne, this means you have to be in close proximity to an infected person or be touching shit they have touched.

In short the random Joe idiot on the street is going to be wearing the mask improperly, will be wearing it in situations in which the mask does not reduce the chance of infection and then the moment he arrives he arrives back home he takes of his mask and stuffs his face with food using his unwashed hands getting infected anyway. This is a polite way of getting Joe not to waste masks.

The mask hampers facial recognition apps and they don't want that to be mainstream.

In here and France they are confiscating all the ffp3 for the medical staff

Not enough good masks for everyone...

Do not trust them.

I guess the US medical people are retarded then. By all means, go get some of those masks. I'm just telling you if you want to actually avoid infection you should go get a proper mask with an airtight seal and a biofilter instead. I have no idea why this sounds like a bad idea to you, but it seems you burgers are as retarded as asians now.

>They've seen western medicine has some shit going for it, but they don't understand how it works.
China is averaging 120 new cases a day. Italy alone is far above that. Get it through your head, eurofag: masks work.

Maybe if the city liberals spent the money they didnt waste on liberal fantasies on emergency precautions they wouldn't be getting mad about joe buying a mask 20 days ago.

masks also tell healthy people you are sick and to avoid at all costs

Iran vs South Korea/HK. One country doesn't wear masks, the others do. Infection/death rates tell you everything.

Yeah, good luck with that.

This is airborne HIV once you catch it your body is on a doomsday clock

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That's the only difference between Iran and South Korea? One wear masks one doesn't? k.

A mask is not going to protect you from the virus, if it is airborne the only thing that can save you is a fucking airtight suit.

He fucked around and got that triple double

Yes, but the US and good healthcare do not go hand in hand. You guys also throw antibiotics at almost literally everything, any booboo, sniffle, cough wheeze or softtissue ache and out come the broadspectrum antibiotics along with a narrow spectrum antibiotic for the physicians best guess at what bacterium might be causing the possible infection. Your market is so selfservingly destructive at this stage I wouldn't but it past big pharma to actually WANT the "superbugs" to make antibiotics ineffective so they can pump out their next line of "pro-virusses".

Masks, if they are good quality, work both ways, true, but retards like you like to think that they are like wearing a full-body condom, which they aren't. Wearing mask and gloves you can still touch your face, eyes or contaminate other parts of the body, so they are little use if you don't actually know how to use them. Add to that braindead morons who buy them in bulk, and you get people who actually need them to help those infected or the infected not to spread the virus, that find themselves without masks or gloves.
And while we're on it, hand sanitizer doesn't work either.

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Isn't this in Frogland where govt has already banned face masks?

It's not that masks doesn't work, it's because non-medical people don't know how to properly use it and can't be bothered to watch Youtube videos how to. In effect, they just put a petri dish in their face.

It is not airborne.

But I read that from here, surely people don't lie on the internet.

What are you on about, of course hand sanitizer works. It's just that you shouldn't use it as a replacement for washing your fucking hands with soap. It's for when you're in the field and have to eat something or whatnot in a high risk area. Using it instead of washing your hands is retarded because all you do is destroy your skin and bacterial culture, making you more vulnerable.

But people who don't wash their hands properly at the correct times are retarded anyways, so do whatever you want.

I'm so fucking tired of all this, I work at a pharmacy and there's like 200 customers who come in every day demanding hand sanitizer. Yeah, we're out 3 weeks ago. WASH YOUR HANDS faggots.

>Therefore everyone in Asia walks around in these masks to feel better about themselves, a literal cargo cult.

No it works, supposing everyone wears masks it grants herd immunity from the several people who are actually sick and spraying their shit everywhere.

Procedure masks cant stop water particulates. The only function of procedure masks is to stop you from sneezing and coughing all over the place, as well as stopping you from touching your face and spreading it that way.

Retatds like you and chinks buy up all the masks though so healthcare workers dont have access to them


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And there this evidence which is pretty irrefutable

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Taiwanese cargo cultist reporting in. Rambling about masks and... herd immunity. Thanks for the input Chong.

They don't work at all if they don't cover everything. They make people who have the virus less likely to spread it because while your eyes are vulnerable they don't breathe out of their fucking eyes you retard

not an argument

If everyone wears masks, it means the sick people aren't spraying crap everywhere.

That's not the type of mask you want if you're trying to avoid infection by aerosolized vectors. You want one of these, with at least a P3 level filter cartridge in it.

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Nordbro, just stop arguing. They are reactionary happening fags, they will never listen to reason

If everyone wore actual airtight masks, yes. That's not what you're doing over there.

>Furthermore the virus hasn't shown to be effective at airborne transmission
Please explain D. Princess.

regular masks like pic indeed won't do shit in corona's case
people panic buying them are fucking retarded and so are you

You aren't in a state of emergency yet. Nor is there reason to be, nor will there be. Trust me, I am the first waiting for a happening, but this is not it, this will be a distant memory come this time next year. There is no reason to believe this is really any worse than the half a dozen other "oh no this is really it guys!" pandemics.
>b-but muh stockmarkets
meaningless metric with regard to measuring anything about the disease other than how investors are perceiving the threat.
>b-but muh china lockdown/GDP collapse
Chinese government has on multiple occasions already stated that they believe many countries have gone overboard in their reactions to the virus. GDP slumping is affected by other countries locking down their Chinese branches/businesses/personel and import/export more than it is being affected by "empty chinese factories".

This particular hahhahahabbbbbberning is triggering me on unprecedented levels. Working at a pharmacy is not fun these days. Can you imagine how faceberg boomers are behaving with the extra hysteria that's being shilled by the media on this one?

Look, we can prove right now that procedure masks dont work for shit.

Put a procedure masks on and breath on a mirror, if you see fog that mean water particulates are traveling through the mask

>If everyone wore actual airtight masks, yes

Air tight is better, but not necessary. The more important thing is just to stop sick people from sneezing / coughing aerosols

>A study by the New York Times suggested that wearing a flu mask at the height of the season can cut down on the spread of viruses as much as 2.8 times

My 4 P-100 respirators and over 80 filters beg to differ

LOL don’t hoard something that won’t work so other people might access to something that won’t work, brilliant

I feel lucky I actually got a VOC respirator months ago for a completely different reason. Paired with air tight goggles and heavy duty nitrile gloves I'm good. The only bummer is I'll have to shave, I think I'll keep a little Hitler mustache for that WW1 gas mask look.

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Sure, but what about sneezing / coughing with and without mask? How far is your shit gonna fly out of your face then?

They instituted a 10cent plastic bag tax in my state recently and that triggered every fucking boomer. Every time I would get groceries the aisles would be filled with boomer bitching about MUH 10 CENT BAGS NOOOOOO

So with this, I can only imagine


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That's why they say ONLY SICK PEOPLE should wear the mask. That's the whole fucking point you dunce.

>the western world got gaslighted into believing obvious safety measures don't work
You don't need a fucking hazmat suit to reduce the spread you retards. Pay attention to results.

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Yes, medical masks are a bit effective for stopping unhygienic faggots sneezing and drooling all over shit. What they're not effective against is you getting infected. That's the point, only sick people should be wearing that type of mask.

If you're paranoid and want to avoid being infected yourself however, go get a proper mask with an airtight seal and a biofilter.