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U think Yas Forums cares if someone investigates and jails an orthodox jew?

Put Kushner on trial too, hes a PoS

this is a Yas Forums thread apparently.

I'm fully on board with purging this kike rat if it means taking down the Bidens and potentially the Obamas and Clintons.

a fucking twitter screencap of a billionaire doing a face.

everyone applaud. this is the future.

this fucking kike needs to go to jail

Ok twink lord pedophile Steve Bannon

A jew lying and scheming to make a profit off other peoples hard work no fucken way

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Kushner is Jewish, what else did you expect?

>Ok twink lord
t-thank u.. makes me feel cute
>Steve Bannon
wait what

Ok so investigate them both. Politics aren't a team sport, having undying loyalty to politicians just makes you retarded.

I expect him to Be prosecuted

I don't think anyone here would object to that kike being hanged.



How dare he invest into opportunity zones. Those people are supposed to be on 4th generation food stamps.

>Huurr Trump needs to purge that kike rat!
Never going to happen. Trump ceded his authority to Kushner. Kushner is the president. Trump is just a frontman.

Trump is controlled by his attorneys. His attorneys are protecting the establishment. That's why Trump tweets shit but never does anything. It's his only outlet.

>Kushner is the president
Trump is probably more intelligent than Jared. Jared's father had to bribe Harvard with tens of millions of dollars to get him in and it pissed off a lot of top-tier students from his school who didn't get in despite Jared being a below average student. Jared's in the Oval Office to add prestige for the Kushner brand, not because he's some evil mastermind with everyone dancing to his tune

Unless it only benefitted that company, I don't see where the conflict is. How many other companies fall under this now? How many other people benefitted? Exactly. Yawn.

>Trump is probably more intelligent than Jared.
Doesn't mean Trump isn't following his son in law's orders.
>“It had to be changed to stay consistent with Kushner’s proposal, which is at odds with what the president has been saying,” Ms. Vaughan said. “It’s a takeover of the president’s immigration agenda by the special interests who benefit from illegal immigration.”
If Trump says X and Kushner says Y, they go with Y. Kushner is the president.

If you were really pro-trump you would want to use this to kick that effeminate jew libshit out of the administration.

ayyyy this thread is anti semetic

>holy shit I just learned that politicians take advantage of their privileged positions

How the fuck do you think Bernie became a millionaire despite never having a job

wowww its fucking nothing

Difference is this isn't illegal you dolt.

Reminder that you guys should have elected Chris Christie. He locked this kikes father in prison.

The golden rule at work.

Dare I say Kushner 2024?

Neither is being a tranny, but both kushner and trannies ought to be tossed off cliffs.

This jew rat has to go.

Kushner's dad was against Zionist jews and often battled them ruthlessly. Why do you think the globalists are on a smear campaign against Kushner? Believe me everything Trump has done is calculated and Kushner is going to play a vital role in taking down Netanyahu.

Remember when /ptg/ used to say Kushner was based?

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I remember when Chris Christie shut down the public beaches, and was found hanging out on the beach with his family having the entire beach to themselves. He took a bunch of shit for it, but I thought it was fucking hilarious that he literally gave no fucks.

he bought in, did the work than sold for profit
now biden's kid is a moron who got money for doing jack shit a quid pro quo
see the difference


Come back when he breaks a law.

>got money for doing jack
yes, im sure kushner is all self made

my god youre a fucking kike

Cool it with the anti semitism pal

IQ in these threads is so low. 0 critical thinking skills, 0 independent thought

doesn't matter if he's old money or new he actually worked for that shit and sold for profit, biden's kid got quid pro quo

>he actually worked for that shit

post nose

Jared Kushner worked hard for his cash. He isn't like Hunter Biden.

No one is "self-made," you child. Everybody uses the resources they've inherited to pursue the opportunities available, due to a network of other people.

Kushner bots on full damage control. He a good boy dindu nuffin goy. 666 what a cohencidence


I thought you guys had critical thinking skills and were anti establishment?

>Inb4 political theater
No you don't panic en become so spastic that you commit treason in broad daylight for "political theater"

/ptg/ kikes in this thread actually defending (((Kushner)))

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Show flag, Saul

And you are defending all anti-trump globalist kikes

Why not both?

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Kick the Kushner kikes out of the White House

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>deep state
Hello 2016 tourist. You have to go back.

But my stock in Cadre, and a bunch of other stocks, went up.

why is yael's neck freakishly long

I have like 10 of those and even one with black Trump.

>I have like 10 of those

DNC colluding with Ukraine to get dirt on Trump is treason. FBI and CIA providing false information to FISA courts to spy on the Trump campaign is treason. Democrats, Obama officials and State department working together in a coup attempt against a President is treason

You ok with this abuse and subversion of US politics? I guess you and your kike friends are ok with it

Trump is a globalist kike.

Is true that Kushner is the president?

>Trump is probably more intelligent than Jared. Jared's father had to bribe Harvard with tens of millions of dollars to get him in
lmao the same happened to trump

Trump is not jewish and all globalists are opposed to him. Why do you delude yourself?

>Jared's in the Oval Office to add prestige for the Kushner brand, not because he's some evil mastermind with everyone dancing to his tune
he's obviously not dumb if he weaseled into a senior advisory role he has precisely zero qualifications for, trump would not have lost a single vote if those two dopes fucked off to switzerland or whatever the fuck

Fuck off tranny shill. Kushner is based

This, Trump has always been a Goy frontman to the NY Jewish establishment, he would have been destroyed long time ago ifhe wasn’t useful for the Kikes.

his daughter and her husband convinced him to convert, like they convince him to everything else.
He'll reveal it publicly if he wins in 2020.

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memes become reality

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