*record scratch*

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

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Everybody hates Chris.

I'm literally voting Trump now because of this. Fuck the DNC so much.


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holy shit is this the biggest drop in histroy?

How about the Biden SURGE

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will obama be the VP?

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Is that allowed?

>No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

In legal jargon, it says elected to the office of President only. Obama could even be president for a third term if Biden dies while Obama is Vice President.

This was their plan from the start.

Never happened before and I somewhat doubt theres anything written about it. So legally? Probably. In practice? Probably not, the Republicans would pitch a bitch over it and demand a change in running-mates.

youre retarded. the eligibility for VP is literally eligibility for president (plus cant be from the same state as president)

I hope this kike's communist movement dies and is never seen again.

dude they just make shit up all the time like no fucking reasoning so why not. well two can pay that game.
I'm the new american ambassador to japan cause I said so.
first action.
we need to allow japan to build more factories (run by japanese) in america to train american workers on how be efficient while maintaining a higher standard of quality.

>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
He should bounce quite a bit after the next debate and after he gets Warren's endorsement.

also each factory will have an entertainment complex for the families.

No, I'm not. Any person with a IQ higher than 110 told these fuckers this would happen exactly as it has.

Can't believe those idiots actually thought "momentum" could overcome both Superdelegates and low-information minority voters. How fucking dumb are they to fall for the same shit twice in a row? How pathetic will they look once they slink behind Biden in utter defeat?

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Then how can an ex-VP serve two terms as president? Just because there isn't precedent doesn't make it illegal. Maybe read a book and you could understand what the big scary words mean.

>gets warrens endorsement
God you faggots are too stupid to let live

warren is a democrat. shes not going to endorse a non-democrat

They say Trump learned nothing from impeachment.

So let's see.
>DNC fucks Bernie
>Put up someone no one wants
>Calls Trump pussygrabber
>Brings Bill to debate
>Trump hands ass in debate
>Email scandal
>There is no email scandal
>Surprise Trump gets elected

>DNC shafts Bernie
>Puts up someone no one wants
>Calls Trump corrupt
>Biden's son get mystery job
>There was no wrongdoing
Rinse. Repeat.

The DNC are fucking idiots.

>King Nigger 2: Return of the Kangz
Americans sure do love their sequels.

Newfag here, what site is that?

No, because Obama already served as president for two terms and if he were to be VP and something happened to Biden, then that would make Obama president for a third term.

It would technically be okay for a former one term president I believe.

term limit is on the president. VP is not president.

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Exactly, so their is legal ground that an ex-2 term president can be VP. The Constitution only says ELECTED to the office of the PRESDIENT. If Biden died and he was VP he would not have been elected to that office but ascended to it, therefore he would be the legal president.

I’m voting trump too, but not because of this. I’m doing it because I’m a white heterosexual Christian male so I have no choice. If we get socialism, people like me will just have to pay more for stuff that we never get anyways. Kind of like now, but imagine instead of paying welfare for niggers, imagine paying it for everyone.

No. Obama is ineligible to be president because he already served two terms. The vice president has to be eligible to be president.

He is ineligible to be ELECTED to a third term as President. See

Anyone ineligible to hold the office of president (like a president who has already served two terms) is also ineligible to hold the office of Vice President:


Listen, i know it seems like a joke. But this is real. At first i just thought Biden's obvious dementia was funny. But now i see the deep strategic genius behind it.

He's seeing beyond the Jewish question. While everybody is bitching about Jews, who's doing all the killing and raping and voting for Bernie?

I'll tell you who. Commie lgbt(((Q))).

Who can stop this 3rd wave nufemme blight? Not us. Not the alt right. Everybody's onto us. We need a sleeper. We need a harmless old Democrat doofus who obviously understands the traditional and natural enjoyment of smelling real American females and lolis. A man so steeped in hiding his power level that he can rile the wills of unruly niggers to the civilized side of a conflict.

Biden is a PATRIOT who had to stand by idly while a Kenyan homo moved a tranny into the Whitehouse and then a literal pedophile witch stole his turn for the nomination. Decades of being a gud ole boy to earn his chance down the drain. Who wouldn't then devote his golden years to bumbling his way into a position to crush the homos after living through such humiliation?

>Joe, go give speech to boomers
>Joe, go pretend you like shotguns to rural retards
>Joe, meet this qt, lol he's sniffing her get a pic

Punished Joe is real.

Not malarkey.

I'm ridin with Biden now.

Bernie, it's over.

I for one am proud to be a Democrat, because I get to chose between a demented girl sniffer and a geriatric communist. Yes sir, these fine candidates are the best that my party has to offer.

I have zero respect for bernie because he has a soft cock. The RNC wanted to fuck Trump so bad but he had big dick energy and guess what sports fans. He's in the white house calling the shots and fucking his trophy wife while Jeb! is feeding his turtles and fucking a literal goblin. Bernie is a jobber and as the ultimate irony is just in it for the money, he'll take his fall and exit stage left tho mansion number 4 so TPTB can crown the annointed one just like last time. He is the political equivalent of an e-thot and his supporters are simps.

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> Because of this apparent ambiguity, there may be a loophole in the 22nd Amendment whereby a two-term former president could be elected vice president and then succeed to the presidency as a result of the incumbent's death, resignation, or removal from office (or even succeed to the presidency from some other stated office in the presidential line of succession).[8][24]

God it's literally right there how are people on here so damn stupid.

Joementum! Feel the hairs on his thigh, kids!

It's pretty fucked up that you are not even considering the fake Indian, real Indian cfr qt, cia gayboi, and gibz chink. Oh and the crystals bitch. There is an entire field of viable democratic candidates, or at least there used to be before you refused to support them.

This is your fault.

Thankfully god has blessed us with the opportunity to ride with Biden.

you are retarded. 12th amendment
>no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

you should be castrated

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Bruh you just got btfo

the DNC would rather have Trump than validate Bernie and his positions

>If we get socialism, people like me will just have to pay more for stuff that we never get anyways
you need to reformat, the only way out of this prison is by following their example. never make taxable income, produce all your own needs to survive so they can't poison you through the food

why do you think obama has been silent this entire election and still refuses to endorse his VP? Because Biden is about to pull the most chad shit ever and Trump's supreme court will okay it. Screencap this.

watch them lose it when Trump returns to populism to earn his legacy

the 22nd doesnt apply to the election of VP. the 12th covers election of VP and plainly states that no one ineligible to be elected president can be elected VP. Theres no loophole. no debate. you are simply a retarded faggot

Turns out the DNC is one cunt hair less evil than full blown communism now that Hillary and her cronies are gone.

Thank God.


no, it's very much is a debate. Probably one Obama and Biden would win in the supreme court.

What site are these results from?

pretty sure that as a career politician, Warren will do what's in her best interest and endorse Biden. you morons are so naive lmao


not the same but these are a little nicer to boinie. he is finished. expect him to concede after losing michigan horribly.

>fucking snopes
do you know where you are? do you even know your name or what year it is?

I prob shouldn't have shitposted about this because Biden/Obama is actually a risk for Trump and totally doable.

LMFAO!!!! Dnc should muthafucking pay me. At the very least i should have negotiated for some granddaughter kissies.


I'd give you this link first but it's not like your mutt brain can even comprehend the words forming in front of them

Yeah push it dude it will galvanize support for Trump. Voters are complacent because they think he has it in the bag. If this happens Trump will lose and our country will be fucked beyond repair. Plus it triggers the fuck out of brainlets like

>Biden announces Obama as VP
>GOP says hay you can’t do that
>”well we’ll just have to let the courts decide”
>Supreme court case isn’t until after the election
>doesn’t matter what their decision is; Biden still wins the election

Even if the court hears it before the election it doesn’t matter. People will just say “hey I remember Obama and being told how great he is how and much I should love glorious leader by state media!”

i'm writing in bernie in november, nice trips

She’ll join as late as possible

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This just makes too much sense to not be true. Obama would be campaigning for Biden in any other scenario but this one.


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Niggers will forget to vote in the general. Not only is Obama not gonna weigh in unless Biden stops crushing Bernie going to convention, they'll drag out the vp process as long as humanly possible never mentioning the possibility until Obama's announced so it's a 4-6 week 'oh dayum' cnn/msnbc shitshow. It's gonna be a climbing-out-from-under-the-ring move if anything. So Joeposting as Biden/Obama ticket starting now is prob dominant strategy.

It makes Biden/anybody else disappointing.

the court would hear it and issue decision in less than a week under precedent set by Bush v Gore. the current makeup of court assures they would rule in favor of the plain text & spirit of law interpretations. per the 22nd no person may be elected more than twice. per the 12th no one ineligible to be elected president can be elected vp. Obama is ineligible and ordered to surrender is law license for being such a stupid faggot and wasting everyones time.

Eat dicks nigger
Eat nigger dicks
Nigger eat dicks
Nigger dicks eat
Dicks nigger eat
Dicks eat nigger

Yeah the Hawaii judges who declared Trump doesn't have his constitutional rights because Muslim country's feelings are really on the ropes right now worrying about their licenses.

The game is the game.