redpill me on this one.
why is it so poor and useless.
Redpill me on this one
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Great question, it all started with the federal reserve act of 1913.
Because its a former soviet country
Ukranians are white and based, they have just made many sacrifices through their history and we been attacked constantly by russian scum
Ukranians dont exist, there are Ruthenians and there are Russians
Ukrainians are dogs. A minute conversation with one erases all sympathy for their muh evil russia plight
Croatians elected Tudjman at the most critical moment of their history, Urinian pig vermin elected a moronic clown and gave a parliament majority to virtual-reality party which did not exist 2 months prior to elections. Can't for this shithole to get absorbed by Russia.
Urine soon to be truly 404.
Imagine taking a group of people and give them LITERALLY THE WORST traits from both Polish and Russians and then they decided to chimp out and create their own country but don't know how to lead it so after a few years after chimping out against Tzar they decided to become his bootlickers, that's them, that's the hohols.
At least almost no niggers here and most people don't like lgbt ideologies, me and my manager fired one lesbian so easily. We have money and resources to be great country in this shit of age, but zero human potential: elites are corrupt kikes and commoners are fucking degenerates. We have some kind of national business, I eat and wear mostly Ukrainian products, but our human potential can only do so little. Our current government are imbecile libertarians and commoners are even more morons to vote that trash comedian. Our right-wing is also corrupt as fuck.
No niggers, no faggots, a lot of hidden kikes, hatred towards ruskies. I fucking hate ruskies. This country is in horrible state, but I'm glad I was born here, not in nigger US, arabian Germany or indian Sweden. I will live and die here, and I will kill any ruskie who tries to capture this country in third time. Remember, ruskie is a nigger. Fucking animal.
Former Polish and Russian colony
Poorer than Mazovian voivodeship
тa вoдiїв aвтoбyciв-пiдлiткiв
Imagine if Mississippi and Alabama became independent, and then people ask "why is this place so poor and useless?"
and mazovian voivodeship is frozen shithole
Look at the woman. Just hot broads doing normie shit.
If it wasn’t for the Jews and corruption they’d be alright. Not the brightest bulbs and Russia constantly interferes.
the policewoman?
It's not like we had a relevant national elites through history to begin with. Even so, Eastern Slavs (including Russians) are under external control since at least 90's, if not since 1917, and all those conflicts are staged and forced with no visible profit just to divide and conquer. Russia goes full 1984 while being ruled by, in fact, (((Western capital))), Belorus is openly Russian vassal, and Ukraine is completely openly under Jewish oligarchy.
It is also the easiest time to leave this country in our whole history, so all decent Ukrainians are already diaspora, and there are plenty of them.
your country is so divided on the ruski issue.
on the one hand you have people like you who absolutely despise Russia and love their own Ukraine.
Meanwhile on the other you have Ukrainians in ur country who hates Ukraine with a passion and can't wait for it to rejoin russia.
they talk passionate about how much better Russia is in comparison to Ukraine.
just divide the nation okay, it's already too large.
Around 50-60% literally don't give a fuck - if Russia were to take over tomorrow nothing would change for them. 25% are "national-patriots", 15-20% are pro-Russian.
> Remember, ruskie is a nigger. Fucking animal.
You'll have a chance to tell that to their faces once the war for north crimean water canal starts this year.
Because they were occupied by a hostile foreign government that stifled their economy after a failed war for independence?
>Imagine if Mississippi and Alabama became independent, and then people ask "why is this place so poor and useless?"
they would be 3x and almost 4x richer per capita than russia
Brilliant. And ukrianian troops orders are to stand firm and catch russian mortar shells to the face for six fucking years alredy. Top plan. Fuckng ukrinains man.
>despise Russia
>love Ukraine
No. You are comparing Ethiopia and Somalia. Both are unfathomable shitholes.
>per capita
stupid fuck.
>At least almost no niggers
Yeah-yeah, I know this story about Novorussia since 2013.
>we eat kartoshky but we stronk country!
>that disgusting leftist trash
Fucking retards not having fashism. I don't even know what the fuck are they fighting for. "your" country. In what fucking instance is it "yours"? When it conscripts you and taxes you? Fuck that shit, that's mafia. I hope russians attack again and this time Ukraine will fall like a card house.
bullshit faggot ukrainians have plenty of very smart and competent people
but you are retards and will suck american and jewish dick and they will reward you with complete destruction (romania is the same)
>Hohols love black dicks!
>plenty of very smart and competent people
None of which are in power or give a damn about the country or the people.
>redpill me on this one.
>why is it so poor and useless.
because Ukrainians. they are like Russians but 10 times worse.
also only germans are capable of that level of prosperity and order, if you're not german but somehow get it in your head that that's what you have to strive for it will destroy you
we should just be the way we are and that's that, lol @ faggots complaining how bad it is
Novorussia was a result of Russian strategists being ignorant retards who though the rest of south-east was deep red like Donbass and Crimea. They also didn't take into account that Rada was still in place, functional and legitimate.
This time once Ze-moron and retarded Rada falls apart, there WILL be chaos and full-scale war will start.
>bullshit faggot ukrainians have plenty of very smart and competent people
>but you are retards
Stop being faggot and go kys.
>occupied by a hostile foreign government that stifled their economy after a failed war for independence?
what the fuck are you raving about, the Crimean economy is doing very well.
This year, right? Bring it or you are a faggot-nigger sucking ruskie cock. 3rd month already, time is ticking.
They’ve been pillaged to death by international financiers after the collapse of the USSR
>Stop being faggot and go kys
How about I sabotage current ukrainian state instead? Seems good to me.
>Ze-moron and retarded Rada falls apart
I don't see it happening so soon. They could literally tank the economy into Somaliland and claim it was all le ebil russians and get away with it.
And even though Ukraine is a broken country and all the pretty girls have left and millions have died prematurely from poverty, it is still better to live in especially for a straight white male than the US of Gay.
>faggot-nigger sucking ruskie cock
>fights for a democratic republic of Ukraine
Hah, nigger calling a nigger nigger.
Ukrainian nationalist
If you really want to go back you could really say it started with the battle of Waterloo and Nathan Rothschild breaking the Bank of England spreading misinformation and buying up all its bonds
Imagine a secretive non governmental being at the center of wealth in the western world for a full 100 years before the fed, and all the institutions and mechanisms that are a direct descendant of that
Crimea is also 1 of the best geographic areas in "ukrain"
best weather, best ports, best beaches, best tourism.
It's basally a hotspot for Russian tourists.
The men maybe. Dated a Ukrainian a few years back, she was... different but quite smart cute and articulate
Pretty sure her mom was a witch though, making her a young witch
But that just made her cooler
>best weather, best ports, best beaches, best tourism
Fuck NO. Those are the reasons I'm glad it's no longer under Ukraine's responsibility. Crimea is filled with russians and muslim tatars. Crimean weather is atrocious and the beaches are sharp big pebbles with trash. Shallow waters around crimea are filled with soviet chemical weapons dumps. Crimeansoil is not fertile and is salty and dustprone. Crimea also has not enough water to selfsustain any decent agriculture and population. I feel like it's a hot potatoe russians took like retards with a smile on their faces.
If I had married that Ukrainian girl I seriously would’ve considered moving there. Or at least visiting. Need a translator I could trust though
She would drain your wallet after getting permament stay
You talk anything else too than women?
>It's the Russians' fault that I'm a monkey
Kys imbecile. It's because of people like you that our country has turned into Africa. For people who are the only thing in their world is hatred of Russia.
>dominating Black and Azov Sea
>all those energy resources around the peninsula
>i-it was a tactical retreat, guise - we still won!
>our country
Your country is ruskieland.
>right winged
>horses and sabers
>cheap tobacco
>alcoholic populous
>pos soviet depression
>weird gov that punches eachother in the face
Show flag you b*ndera fag
because it's not white and not a part of russia.
OP Ukraine as been in the middle of a power struggle between (((NATO))) and Russia for the last 20 years. In the mid 2000 (((they))) drove a wedge between those two nation. Promising great wealth to the Ukrainian if they antagonize Russia.
All they got in return was Poverty and misery. ALL the Satanist in the West got there piece of Ukraine. Overthrow of the Government and installation of a corrupt leadership that sold Ukraine asset and PEOPLE to the highest bidder........ Look for the Podesta art on Google. And tell me those kid don't all look slav. What they did in Ukraine is unspeakable.
I’m Brazilian but I’m white,my Portuguese
family came here and mixed with Italians
The nuclear redpill is that, unless you're literally starving, wealth is monstrously overrated. We as humans have developed our societies so as to be able to distribute our resources in such a way that we have teams of scientists and marketing specialists finding new and exotic wants we can trick people into thinking they need. So is freedom btw. For the most part every value pushed by the US after WW2 has been horrifically poisonous for the world including our own country. This "uncanny valley" mockery of the values set forth by pioneers, frontiersmen and cowboys into a disgusting manipulative cancer that is more horrific just by seeming to be the ideas of the great White men who forged this nation into a jewish corruption of that.
>I'm white
>mixed with Italians
Oh no no no no no.
Next thing you'll tell us you also have slav ancestry.
>I’m Brazilian but I’m white,my Portuguese
family came here and mixed with Italians
You are bigger mutt than americans