Currently there is a horde of 30.000 orcs strong in Evros



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why contain it?

Stay strong and don't let Olympus fall, Hail Zeus!

That is all.



>Stay strong and don't let Olympus fall

not your personal army

Digits and the army guns them down

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idk if greece even has enough bullets rn thanks to germany and switzerland gutting the economy with a ponzi scheme presented as a uniting currency.

Let them in.

Fuck bigots and bash nazis.

Then they can resort to swords and spears to keep them out


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Oy vey, rabbi!

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Greeks have been in the shitter since
the 90's (dont remember about before then) due to communists and socialists

what if russia nuked turkey for bants?

Kys already lefty faggot

Roll for them to blown them away with arty

Umm just carpet bomb the crowds?

indeed. the euro was an old plan by them for global control. their creators lineage tracks back to the silk road. they're nomadic scammers.

That would give me a belly rubbing feeling of joy

Greece, the beacon of our civilization.

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Why did Europe support rebels if they didn't want refugees?

Zeus guide me!!!

Absolute madlad. This will be slaughter.

Oh shit, it's happening!


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Any Corona-bros there that go coff on them?

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based. every country participating in destabilising the middle east should fucking take them in and feed them. potato niggers, mutts, bongs, baguettes, roaches and krauts these are your people

So close

How is this not an act of war

Greece, the savior of Europe?

Good luck

Turks have managed to piss off pretty much every country around their borders this week. I'm sure the EU, Russia and Syria/Iran would love to get a piece of them.

So send them all to Israel and Muttrica

Wishing such demise of a population is much against the very progress that you promote. As a true lefty, you are contradicting yourself only to be accepted. It's like you are wishing to be desolved within a sea of degenerative behavior.
What made you this way user? What made you think that a mass migration was better than helping those countries through teachings and academia?
>there humans too!
If so, why not helping their countries by tangible assets (ie money is not tangible)?
But no.
Repeat what gives you likes and shares.
Perpetuate the putrefaction of a status quo by social dependency.
Give me a fucking rake already.

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idiotic leaders wanted a the region in disarray to make Israel stronger.

Also Arab spring hugely at fault for all this shit.
and westerners:
>mhu help the poor muzzies be democratic
>oh shit it's war now, let's help muzzies bomb themselves
>Gaddiffi problem, lets bomb him create democracy there

so tired of this idea that every country needs a democracy. it clearly doesn't work for most counties.
Some people just need a strong leader with a whip to tell them what to do.

what is the normie take on "hurr I'll send a million refugees your way"?
like what a ridiculous thing to say to your allies
show me somebody defending Erdogan

Thank god turks have worked out a solution for situations like this!

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why does it have to be on European soil?
Roches don't want them on their land. because with this idea the technicality of it is that once they reach European soil they can apply asylum even tho most of them can't since they aren't syrians but economic migrants

>every country participating in destabilising the middle east
saudi arabia, iran and turkey? just to name a few

1 million soldiers being sent to the front line. greece WILL fall. this is the future of all nations. take heed and watch greece's demise and know that it is coming for all nations.

>show me somebody defending Erdogan
Germany sending 32 million to Erdo for more coastguard boats, so they can ship more migrants over to our islands.
The UK foreign minister is over in Turkey today, he announced that it's all Assad's fault and that the UK stands ready to support Turkey.
The US promised to help Erdo in Syria with weapons and munitions and even sell him Patriots at a discount, no comments about the refugee stuff.
Bulgarian PM basically sounds like the turk foreign minister's twitter account.

And anyone in the EU who hasn't openly spoken against Erdo, is basically siding with him.

I dont care about EU. I hope you all get flooded over there with refugees. Germany should get them all.

So what is Greeces plan of action? What happens when thousands upon thousands charge at the razor wire and crush the guards?

The turks could easily defeat Greece in a war according to global firepower. Greece is ranked like 34 and the turks are like 14.

Uh oh

They'll need more toilet paper.

If any of those immigrants have COVID-19 then they will soon become a zombie horde, just sayin'.

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I'm wondering which rank is Vietnam

>Global firepower

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lesson learned, don't ask questions if the answer will send me into a rage

Digits and el grande padre will nuke them.

Oh shit.
By them I meant the rapefugees obviously.

Watch Trump support Turkey again, just as Republicans did in 74 wrt Cyprus.

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Fuck I love this decade so far.

What about gohan calvo?

Global firepower doesn't tell the whole story, or else the roaches would have invaded long ago.
Keep in mind we have one of the best anti-air defenses in NATO while roaches only their new, questionable S400s that they haven't linked to the rest of their radars yet.
All their airports and navy bases near the Aegean will be easy targets.
Their navy can't really move into the Aegean, just open a map and it's obvious why. Every little of the thousands of islands could have a missile battery on it or a ship behind it, etc.
We currently hold the advantage on the Evros front, most of Turkey's modern armored vehicles and tanks were moved to the Syrian front.
Their best bet would be taking over some small island in the far southeast where they have the advantage, then ask for negotiations.

The Turks need to arm the migrants so they can at least penetrate the initial check point. Once they make it a little deeper into the Feres they can begin raping the women and children to further agitate a response from the Greek military and locals.

Honestly if they were to even take an uninhabited island they would get sanctioned to oblivion and have their economy descend right into the abyss, But then again erdocuck doesn't even flinch at launching fake coups against himself so nothing surprises me about that roach and his double digit iq.

Gohan Calvo Negra will be taken down by El Hermano.

Yeah don't get me wrong Im rooting for Greece, but turkey will kick the living shit out of them in a war.


Calculation is that Europe will allow them in without hesitation because of toxic compassion. This pushes European populace further to the right and results in more wins for the extreme right. It fractures the EU, which is a short term win, and it islamizes the EU as a long term win.

Erdogan is winning the game in the way that liberals love to pretend Putin is doing.

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