Why do mentallly retarded or crazy people complain about their meds so much?

Isn't the goal of them to make you less autistic?

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Meds fix one thing but break others also there's no way to cure mental illness but you can always cure sanity.

Because the meds suck and sometimes are the reason you're crazy.

The people want Adderall. But no... take this shitty SSRI instead.

Sanity is a curse. Being sane will drive you crazy.

Bcuz theyre drug addicts and drug addicts complain all the time

Medicine has never done fuck all for me. I love how you HAVE to take it for 4 weeks to have any effect. How convenient that medicine only works when you need a prescription re-filled that bills your insurance $200. I was put on Prozac for hypochondria/anxiety attacks and it never did anything. I tried Effexor and a couple of others, none of them ever did anything.

One of them gave me heart palpitations and Effexor made me feel like I was being constantly electrocuted in the head. Now I just stick to being a drunk 24/7. I'm well aware I probably won't live for another 2-3 years.

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Prozac is absolutely shit.
Setraline is where it's at.

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Effexor was awful. Even without the head shocks I would get night sweats so bad I would wake up and be soaked like I just climbed out of a pool.

No idea why that shit exists. I didn't read reviews until trying it for a while. Most people who took it couldn't get an erection after taking it for weeks.

i laugh at the idiot slaves who don't exclusively consume raw meat.
i used to have numerous mental conditions all of which were instantly solved the moment i switched to natural real food like raw meat. infact i'm eating raw grass fed veal liver raised without antibiotics this very moment its sweet melts in my mouth is full of nutrients and removes all depression and anxiety instantly.
i used to be addicted to benzos and the anxiety removing power of raw liver is more then twice as effective as even the strongest benzo without any of the nagitive effects benzos cause.

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the goal of those pills is increased accumulation of wealth for pharmaceutical executives and world bankers. they weaken minds making people easily controllable

>Now I just stick to being a drunk 24/7. I'm well aware I probably won't live for another 2-3 years.

have you tried kratom, unironically?

They are full of side effects. It's like, ok, you are not being paranoid, but you can barely think anymore, your imagination is gone or maybe you just don't get horny anymore and you feel empty all the time.
Stuff like that.

My rule is if you need meds to copeseethe I ain't your friend.

>Abloo bloo bloo I feel sad.
If you let yourself get swindled by the psychiatric Jew then you have nobody but yourself to blame.

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You sound like the next hannibal lecter

The Meds don't work you retard. I've spent years tweaking my medicine to figure out what works. I'm basically down to practically the lowest dose I can possibly take without fucking shit up too badly.

For some people, meds are the difference between day and night.
t. Bipolar, anxious, and depressive disorder

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saddest thing i've seen is kids who grow up on antidepressants, the freak out they get when they haven't had their pills and reality starts setting in. OMG WHY AM I THINKING SO MUCH AHHHH!

Prozac is better if you are worse, because it also works on Dopamine.
Sertraline if for sad normies who only wants more Serotonin.

As someone who has been placed on several different brands of anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-psychotics, I can tell you this:

These medications are the fucking devil.
They are not cures.
They treat the symptoms of mental illness, not the cause.

Often the side effects of these drugs are worse than the mental illness itself.

that's a propaganda film to make cannibals seam like crazy psychopaths in reality cannibalism is natural and all carnivorous animals do it.
killing is essentially a game and tasty nutritious meat is the prize you win.
the higher the consciousness of the animal you consume the further you shall ascend.

I was on this abilify thing after trying several other medication that did basically nothing (the abilify was stacked with cymbalta) and i started losing motor control of my speaking ability, like my tongue would get heavy or my lips would spaz out and not go the shape they were supposed to while speaking.

Really scary shit, who even knows how much damage all that shit did to me and i was young and desperate and assumed these practitioners were trustworthy. Yeah sending me home with free samples of whatever the pharma sales slut was flogging that month, just an evil profession throughout tainted by greed and marketing.

Agrred. I've eaten a greater old one personally, got some crazy cosmic powers and shit from it.

Because psychotropic medication is utterly brutal to deal with. It's more a hammer than a scalpel. Most, anyway. Microdosed psychedelics tend to be significantly better.

>The People Want Adderall
Should be a shirt desu.

>take medicine for depression
>side effects include killing yourself
huh, funny how that works

>"boo-hhoo im sad, I need pills to function"
man up and stop falling for Hebrew make-believes you pussies. Get a job and get off the internet for few weeks and you would be anew

Because they’re retarded.

>>"boo-hhoo im sad, I need pills to function"
I mean, I was hospitalized involuntarily in a mental ward because of sever mania and psychosis, but apparently all I needed to do was pick myself up by my bootstraps and suck it up.

Imagine taking medicine when humans and doctors barely know about the endocrine system or anything to do with the human body.

They all have shitty side effects and make you feel dead inside.

Because most people who receives pills don't even need them in the first place due to poor judgement or wasn't raised properly.

I used to do stupid shit as a kid to get attention since I used to be dismissed the second I spoke. I was seen as a ADHD case and given meds for it, instead it fucked me up more than anything

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The pills don't treat their "illnesses", they just numb them to the point where they aren't a menace to people around them anymore.

So you’re saying I’ll be better if I don’t take meds for my bipolar...? Well I’m blaming you when I have a bipolar breakdown and end up stabbing someone in the neck with a fork.
What I’m getting at is that meds are a necessary evil for some people who have mental/physical conditions that they can’t help having

Did you ever try not being a pathetic weakling?

The problem is the psych "doctors" that abuse naive patients by handing out pills like candy. You can't blame the patient for doing the responsible thing and seeking help.
Truth is there are no happy pills or even a reliable therapy method. You just have to sort your own shit out and find something that makes you happy.

Not him, but bi-polar is on a different level than the standard depression or anxiety that a lot of people take rx drugs for.
There are certainly conditions such as bi-polar where rx drugs are necessary.

For anxiety citalopram has a good record, it also relaxes your muscles and slows you down a bit

Very very cheap too, at least here in the UK. Don't get branded meds, ask for the active ingredient instead and see if you can get a generic, you'll save big. It's like people asking for Calpol & paying $8 for the bottle when you can ask for oral paracetamol (exactly the same, different flavour probably) and get it for $3.50

Brit here sexpatting it up. LOLLING at cucked Amerimutts and their pathetic drug addictions.

Never heard of a stiff upper lip? It’s very simple, bad stuff happens, you just Stoically push it to one side and consciously decide that you are the captain of your own ship and have the will to decide how you feel.

Truly a slave nation. In a few generations true Anglos will come and recolonise then exterminate your slavishly mutt hordes. I’m sure one of my blonde haired, blue eyed grandchildren will feel a subtle thrill of power as he signs the decree to cleanse your brown hordes for the eugenic hygiene of the resurgent global Anglo reconquista.

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you need to get out more and stop whining, get a job, get some m8s to grab a pint once a week or so and stop falling for jewish tricks so easily

I've heard that the side effects of crazy pills are quite unpleasant. Crazy people don't realize their crazy, but they know when they feel like shit.

Kratom is honestly pretty soul sucking. It won't fuck up your life, but it's not good.

Time for all of you to take your meds

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I'm not bi-polar. I have family that is though and they are legit psycho when off their meds.

I take escitalopram , not sure if it is the same thing. It works okay and my problems have gone away almost completely after 6 years of taking them, but has compromised my ability to perform problem solving and concentration. I am okay with the trade off. I would rather do dumber jobs and be sane, than to do a PhD and go insane.

Because when people go off meds, they get withdrawal symptoms. Those symptoms are BECAUSE of the meds.

We're talking about anti-depressants, from what I gather those turn bipolar patients into manic lunatics.

Depends on the drugs, anti-depressants are evil, depakote is not.

Depakote also has withdrawal symptoms, but it is a necessary drug for many people with epilepsy.

Isn't it, though?

Because they dont even work and have side effects

Adderall is extremely dangerous, my friend got put on it around age 10 and an hero'd a month ago at age 22.

Nice get.

most of them don't actually have mental illnesses and are taking psychiatric medications (which is only causing more problems) because they are attention seeking fags

>Meds fix one thing
not at all, but why would a kikel lie right?


Most of the time they don't help, and if they do you get awful side-effects
t. Person that had long term mental health issues that only improved after I changing my diet

How will a diet help treat bipolar disorder? It won't.

He may have an heroed for any other of the millions of things that occurred in the 12 years since he was put on adderall.
This is an unfortunate and humorous reality.

This. I suffered for years due to mental illness, meds made me better in some ways and made me worse in others. I stopped everything, hate healthy, stopped drinking/smoking. I am completely sober, not even caffeine. Nothing that alters my brain in any way. Also stopped porn and masturbating.

Depression is gone, feel completely stable.

I had a back injury for 6 mo, and they put me on a generic neurotonin. I lost 50 iq points every time I took, it slows me down that bad. Even simple tasks. It's not fun but it helps a little with the neurological pain. I had no other option, I was being tormented with pain, like I couldn't even work.

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Ok boomer. Always nice to read a divorced alcoholic's advice on how a young man who might have violent bipolar episodes should avoid going on a rampage by just "trying not being sad and crazy lol". People like you are why the world got to this state, you are not helping anyone by telling them to do what everyone already does (including them). IMAGINE telling a clinically bipolar person to just have a pint and sleep it off. You are either an excellent troll or a horrible boomer (most boomers are actually undiagnosed schizophrenics desu, you can tell by the way they usually speak and write).

yeah parent's forced me on abilify at a young age because DAS WHAT DA DOCTAHS SED WAS GUD FER U... we need to unironically start killing jews and people who promote jewish practices in this country including but not limited to psychology, circumcision and zionism.

They banned mushrooms and peyote so (((they))) could sell you this bullcrap hahahaha

There is not enough research to suggest that right now, yes. But it won't hurt to give it a shot. There have been claims that your intestinal health and mental health are closely linked, and in my case fixing my gastrointestinal problems cured me of my anxiety disorder, depression, my OCD habits, and chronic fatigue.