Anyone else come here to let out their aggression in a socially and morally acceptable way?

Anyone else come here to let out their aggression in a socially and morally acceptable way?
Socially because it's anonymous.
Morally because this place is populated by authentically backwards and ethically bankrupt people. There are exemplars here of every kind of prejudice and iniquity. Rapists, pedophiles, and every sort of sociopath exists here.

The fact that this place is full of the absolute lowest IQ posters on Yas Forums just makes it easy. I would feel bad about the things I say to you people, given your limited capacity, if you weren't the absolute detritus of human society.

This place is essentially a karmic hunting ground, I'm glad it exists.

I will say you guys are right about one thing though. Trannies are mentally ill cultists.

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Ok leaf

Fuck off chink. Go accidentally release a bioweapon.

I'm a green eyed ginger with 100% Irish ancestry, I'm whiter than anyone you know, muttboy.

I do.

I'm so full of hate and anger and this is the best place to let it out.
I would never harm anyone and I generally wish everyone well.
But damn, people are so retarded.

I guess that's what they mean when they say Yas Forums is a containment board.

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Sounds like you're just a shitty person desu

> mutt

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Hah, you're right about the containment board thing. We're containing our anger here just as much as Yas Forums is containing the low IQ sociopaths.

Nah, if I was a shitty person I'd take it out on everyone, not just internet garbage.

>taking pleasure in being mean
>not being a shitty person
Pick one and only one. Restricting #1 to "acceptable targets" doesn't change the substance of your deriving enjoyment from hurting other people. Moreover, I think progressivism tends to attract people with this sort of sociopathic tendency, since they accurately perceive that it provides them cover to inflict suffering on heretics. In different cultural historical contexts the same people might be religious fanatics or party loyalists, depending on who held cultural-moral power at the time

well, it is a lesser evil really.

Being mean to the stupid nignogs like you here helps me keep my mask at work.
It seems to be a fair deal for me.

I have never claimed to be any sort of "good" person.

Are you actually making the claim that "progressives" are more cruel and violence than conservatives? You're right to think that morality can be influenced by cultural context but seem to miss the lesson it provides.
There are some things that are intrinsically evil though, such as wanting another group to suffer. Wanting to be seperated from other groups of people? Not necessarily evil. Wanting those groups of people to suffer, unduly? Evil.
Its not much different from basic Utilitarianism. Wanting to increase the amount of human suffering in the world is intrinsically evil regardless of your ideology. And yes, human include muslims, blacks, asians.
Why am I not evil for wanting the group that is Yas Forums to suffer you might ask then? Because by driving those kinds of people's noses into the dirt as much as possible, I might be decreasing a greater kind of evil in the world.

>Anyone else come here to let out their aggression in a socially and morally acceptable way?

You think it's socially acceptable because it's anonymous. This is the crux of it all and why I hate you. You have an opinion but just like the instagram thots, you need to be validated by the group to feel confident about the things you say. This shows how you're shallow and deep down an insecure faggot, who can't stand up for things he believes in, because being shunned by the group is too painful.

“The world suffers a lot. Not because the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of the good people.” - Napoleon

How about you fuck off with your low tier troll and just kys.

>Wanting to increase the amount of human suffering in the world is intrinsically evil regardless of your ideology.
>Why am I not evil for wanting the group that is Yas Forums to suffer you might ask then?

Actually retarded mental gymnastics, this is why I hate normies, they justify almost any act of violence and evil because they think the ends justify the means.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - some dood

My contention was limited to the personal, to you being a shitty person. In this case, the ideology you subscribe to is irrelevant; the only relevant point to consider is whether you, the individual, are deriving satisfaction from inflicting suffering on other individuals, which you are. That aside,
>There are some things that are intrinsically evil though, such as wanting another group to suffer
He says before continuing to explain how he wants another group to suffer

>like instagram thoughts needing validation
You're a perfect example of a Yas Forums moron. How do you go from someone choosing to be anonymous, to them wanting validation.
Are you really that braindead you can't see how those are contradictory?
Is it because you're Australian or is it because you're learning disabled?

If I wanted validation I'd go on reddit and peddle some easily digestible pablum for upvotes.

I don't know why you couldn't have put your low IQ shit in one comment, but sure I'll respond to this too.

Here's the math son. If group A is comprised of 1000 people, and they spread hate about groups B, C, and D which comprise 1000000, then by attacking group A you are actually decreasing the net hate in the world.

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You sound like a faggot who needs his ass kicked.

I can't be even honest here.
In reality I'm top hypocrite: ok guy who understands, has empathy, talks, listens, no hard and real opinions on something. Just grey.
Here I'm "red-pilled": hate niggers, kikes, commies, faggots; very pro-natsoc, prepper, etc etc.
Actually I'm: hate humans and current civilization; totally black-pilled, atheist, do not belong to any community or ideology, because I instantly hate them.

>Anyone else come here to COPE
you sure are a faggot, OP

So does coming here and pretending to be a "red-pilled" hatemonger actually help you deal with your black-pilled nihilism? What's the point?

Yeah, it is a cope, dipshit. That's the point.
I cope with my aggression by taking it out on people like you, who are not only egregiously stupid, but statistically way more likely than average to be awful people too.

yeah, it IS a cope. and you sure ARE a faggot

Just to read things, news, opinions. Sometimes I tell somebody something "red-pilled" like "kill niggers", but then I know I would want more to kill humans at all. One hypocrite belongs to real life, one to Yas Forums and black-pilled honest version doesn't belong anywhere except my mind. Just a shizo.

I just read this whole thread, and all I have to say is Op is a faggot.

this lol

Yes, this place is full of jews like you.

>How do you go from someone choosing to be anonymous, to them wanting validation.
> "muh comes to pol to let out aggression in SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE."

Damn you are the dumbest piece of shit i've argued with in a long time. I guess its true what they say, people who attack others about X are usually insecure about X. In your case X with IQ.

>Here's the math son. If group A is comprised of 1000 people, and they spread hate about groups B, C, and D which comprise 1000000, then by attacking group A you are actually decreasing the net hate in the world.
Another attempt to appeal to group or popularity, placing the group before the individual is a socialist, communist and fascist ideology. This further highlights you're need for group for validation. Western civilisation is not built this way, you must be an imported 3rd worlder into Canada. You're breeding stinks and it comes through in your ideologies. so please tell me more, you are just embarrassing yourself.

Hispanic. They always claim green eyes when unmasked. That we can have green eyes fascinates them. Isn't it a bit chilly up there for your kind?

You seem like an example of one of these low IQ posters you mention.

Schizos don't have insight into their own character and motivations.
Thanks for illustrating my point about this place being full of hateful retards. I seriously could not have written those better myself.
That's not what appeal to popularity means, mongo. Also, going to ideology when I haven't said fuck all about it is pure retardation.

Can I get one more moderately intelligent comment before I decide to bail on this shit?

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hahaha you don't have to say hey "this is my ideology" for you to have one. Your ideology comes through in your speech.

>That's not what appeal to popularity means, mongo. Also, going to ideology when I haven't said fuck all about it is pure retardation.

>Here's the math son
>Group A comprises 1000 people
>Groups B, C, and D which comprise 1000000

Your argument was we can be mean to minorities plain and simple, since you are appealing to the larger group. You are committing logical fallacies and instead of admitting you're a faggot you have doubled down.

>Hateful retards
>I am foundeeto outeeto (recoilando)





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>socially because it's anonymous
yeah leaf cia and mossad definitely dont have a file for all of us

I can't believe I let this happen and you still fucking got it wrong you dumb cunt.
I'm not appealing to anyone, what don't you understand about anonymity.
They watch this place for credible threats, if you think they actually have a file on you though you're schizo.

Leafs are giving aussies a run for their money with baitposting lately

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>The fact that this place is full of the absolute lowest IQ posters on Yas Forums just makes it easy
> if you weren't the absolute detritus of human society.

Of course a cucknadian says this. Must be the french shitstain blood giving off an air of arrogance based on nothing. Promptly kill yourself ugly frog hybrid shitskinned abomination

not on me but they sure are monitoring overenthusiastic anons who come up with operations, and probably have us categorised as dangerous/non threat/antisemites etc

> remain anonymous to say something socially "unacceptable"
> comes to /pol so group doesn't shun him for his rhetoric
> cant understand why he is a faggot.

Yeah but you're a leaf so I must tell you to hang yourself. Faggot.

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>not on me but they sure are monitoring overenthusiastic anons who come up with operations, and probably have us categorised as dangerous/non threat/antisemites etc

Being monitored by an alphabet agency is /pols highest achievement, It is every anons responsibility to LARP so that their job becomes increasingly difficult.

Also We need to end central banks. Use Bitcoin, use blockchain technologies and reject fiat currencies.

Go discuss the jewish question on LinkedIn then, faggot.

Yes . This is exactly why I come here. It's better than arguing with friends or co-workers and like you said, I'll always get some idiotic response from the ignorant filth that frequents here. Thank go for /lol/

Based and hypocrite pilled

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>Use Bitcoin
Outta yo fuckin' mind!

Your post makes no sense... anonymous yet validation through social media?? Pick one and then kys

this is OPs boyfriend

He claims to come to pol because it's socially acceptable due to the fact that it's anonymous. That is an admission to the fact that he would not normally say the things he does on social media out of what? Being shunned by the group for an opinion that doesn't conform to the acceptable narrative. No matter how much of OPs cock you are sucking you both are faggots.

can you read?

Bitcoin > USD

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Yas Forums is the void that I scream into

Mental gymnastics is the first sign that the NPCs mind is failing. He can be saved though with time. But usually just retreats back to his safe space (((twitter))) and echo chamber (((plebit))).

Well said Hanz.

Go turn in your guns again faggot

Thanks for reminding everyone Gunther.

It's literally full of astroturfers promoting jewish bullshit, idiot.