Smokers Kill People Even When Not Smoking

>Smokers 'contaminate public places' by releasing dangerous tobacco chemicals from their clothes, scientists claim.

>In the first study of its kind, researchers were able to track how levels of chemicals in a movie theatre changed when smokers walked in.

>Toxins soared during films for adults - when smokers were present. Cinema goers were exposed to the equivalent of up to 10 cigarettes of secondhand smoke during one hour


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People walking down a street could get hit by a bus and die tomorrow. Or a meteor might fall from space and decapitate them. Or a plane might crash into their bedroom. I don't worry about smokers.

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dont remember asking

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Stop killing people with your filthy smoker clothes!

legalize weed fags

Being walking gas chamber sounds based

Thankfully coronavirus will wipe all of them out.

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smoking is for chads

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Well realistically speaking getting hit by a bus is akin to hitting the fuckin lottery, seeing some retard smoker is more like taking a shit - it's bound to happen once a day. I'd happily genocide all smoking cunts of all flavors: cigarettes, pipes, vapes, weed, whatever. I grew up in the 90s where nobody really cared about smoking around kids and now my lungs are scarred with bronchitis forever. If you're so bent on killing yourself that you're smoking why not take the initiative on that bus we mentioned and just jump? Nigger.

My mother has smoked for 30 years and is still going

I don't think it's that scary desu

>the virgin truther vs the chad smoker

Or simply breathing in the fumes and chemicals from buses, planes, etc.

What a retarded argument

I'll get your kids to smoke. Tired of the kike media slandering based tobacco/marijuana


Fuck smokers

It's not. But the stronk ebil nazi men cannot have anything enjoyable in their lives.

Too right user

>>Toxins soared during films for adults - when smokers were present. Cinema goers were exposed to the equivalent of up to 10 cigarettes of secondhand smoke during one hour

sounds like absolute bullshit


>My anedoctal "evidence" is proof that smoking is not dangerous
Brainlet kys

Your mother's lung right now
Yours also looks about the same because of the passive smoke

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>implying (((tobaccoo))) isnt kiked

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For me? It's smoking camel blues during the week and cigars on the weekends.

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I highly doubt it, seeing as how you need to be near brain dead to start. The ONLY reason anyone smokes is because they saw some Talmudvision propaganda and thought it would be cool to copy a kike. Then OOPS! It's addictive. You belong chopped up in some gook restaurant freezer.

>smokes till 101, dies in their sleep
>never smokes, works out, eats proper organic food, dies at 45 doing cardio

>(((tobacco industry)))
imagine being retarded and goy enough to smoke. you get nothing out of it except a shorter life span and less spending power.

but you can whip your cock out in front of children and fill their head with all sorts of weird shit, hormones, heavy metals and drugs. just dont you dare smoke a cigarette. so shut down the cig making companies you faggots, dont come at the consumer for one product and go after the arms manufacturers for another.

It's amazing the 'Doctors' have time for this in between snipping dicks.

>wew lad
Both my parents smoked constantly while I was growing up and my lungs are fine. Sounds more like shit mutt genetics to me

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THIS is what you'll look like if you live to 100 and smoke!

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retarded argument

>residual particulate from clothing exposed entire room to approximately a dozen grams of burned tobacco

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>Everyone who smokes lives to 101
>Everyone who has a healthy diet dies at 45
Leaf faggot kys you maggot cocksucker

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Then why are the anti smoking companies owned by Jews you fucking retard

After smoking her whole life, she now looks like this at 100.

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Why do they fear nicotine so much? Clearly it's not for public health.

I only see OLD people, dying of smoking. Old people die regardless.

And smelling like absolute garbage.
Sounds like you're a kike who doesn't show his flag and doesn't exercise, therefore never using your lungs for anything other than pitifully sustaining his useless lying kike life. I'd happily bull whip your fat ass into a run just to show you how fucking stupid you really are.

>>residual particulate from clothing exposed entire room to approximately a dozen grams of burned tobacco

clearly its nonsense, in the same report it says they had to use incredibly sensitive equipment to detect anything.

>How can a few millions of a gram of viruses contaminate a whole cinema room?
You brainlet

How about a report on how dirty city dwellers are? They're exposed to unprecedented amounts of filth and toxins in the air.

>can't handle some smoke
Cry some more, faggot. Your mom likes it when I burn her tits with cigarettes. Pussy.

>>How can a few millions of a gram of viruses contaminate a whole cinema room?
>You brainlet

lol yeah, viruses and smoke residue on clothes are the same thing

Does that mean we can just ignore how dangerous smoking is?

Started smoking at 13, this is her at 100!!!

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>Does that mean we can just ignore how dangerous smoking is?

if you dont like it, dont smoke.

Viruses contaminate surface areas just like toxins

I've actually walked down a street and watched someone get run over by a bus. They didn't get back up. I've never won the lottery though. And smokers still don't bother me.

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Vape naysh my dudes. It's good for your lungs.

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One smoker is enough to contaminate a whole bus stop which puts me to danger.


This man is 126. Smoking for 100 years.


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Can we also talk about how disgusting smokers are with their littering? Why is it still acceptable that these disgusting pigs throw their cig butts on the ground?
Especially on bus stops it's full of these

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>One smoker is enough to contaminate a whole bus stop which puts me to danger.

the bus itself and all the other traffic passing pumps out vast amounts of pollutants which youre breathing in. better just stay indoors.



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We can't ignore what a health concern the average non-smoking city dweller has towards anybody that doesn't live like a rat

it is not healthy but sugars are unhealthy too. we can start banning everything unhealthy or we ban nothing because freedom is having a choice to do what you want with your life. i don't want to live in such a totaliratarian state where jews can dictate what society can do and what not. you should kys fucking low scum nigger

>Being walking gas chamber sounds based

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>Daily Mail

Literally fuck off

smokers and other druggies should be shot on sight

You're a coward and you deserve the horrible life you've made for yourself. Take solace in the fact that no matter how much money you make, Healthcare and social security in the United States will collapse, and you will die alone, diseased and untreated - just as you lived.

Smokers are rats, literally vermin who should be shot in the head



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We smokers pay far more taxes than you non smoking faggots

The government need us no matter how fucking much you hate us
Deal with it

And? Lets add even more filth by allowing smokers to smoke everywhere they want?
Besides our buses are all electric

i hate to break it to you but almost everyone dies 'alone and diseased'.

>And? Lets add even more filth by allowing smokers to smoke everywhere they want?

they arent allowed to where i live, they get fined.

Chain Smoker
Survives "stress induced WIDOW MAKER" heart attack


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i have always wondered how the fuck those people get by while smelling like absolute shit

and they'd live an extra 20 years if they didn't smoke. what's your fucking point?

Freedom of choice stops where it hurts other people's health
I wish all Smokers would be lined up and shot on sight

CNN ran it too.

I don't smoke but i'm not bothered as again, i'm not crammed next to others like a disease harboring rat.

Fuck outta here commie