Is it because they are mutts?
Why doesn't the USA have a hadron collider?
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We don't have one here because we use the one in Europe. You know, the one that we started funding in 1997 with a $530 billion contribution? The one that we've been funding with $21 million per year for operational costs and have already committed to until 2024? We don't need one here because we share the one in Europe. Dickhead.
It's pointless to build science apparatus that big, sophisticated and specialised for a fuck-tone money for you own use.
Same with story with ITER
Absolutely true. Good reason to collaborate in science.
The usa does have one, its not as large as the one in Switzerland/france though.
We had a bigger one under construction but congress cut the funding.
Doesn't the US already have something similar in Brookhaven?
And thank gods for that. Europe #1
Holy shit first Isreal and now this? Why the fuck are we funding all these retarded fucking ideas?
Why indeed
Because it’s worthless pile of junk
>hardon collider
sounds fucking gay desu
I cant imagine the sort of tech the burger government has hidden away that would btfo anything any other country has.
Why don't yuropeons have laser weapons, railguns, or hold the record for the fastest manned aircraft?
Why spend billions on a science project that a bunch faggot autists want to play with.
Because its a worthless money sink that proves nothing of value. It makes a particle go really fast so they can hit something else with it. big whoop.
They're still stuck on jew physics instead of plasma theory.
So that if something really bad happens, nothing of value would be lost.
>Is it because they are mutts?
what a bunch of losers, China and Europe both have one.
We dont need two black holes my nigg.
>I cant imagine the sort of tech the burger government has hidden away that would btfo anything any other country has.
sure they do sweetie. its not the 1970s any more, the US is no longer ahead of other nations.
and no one was sure if it was going to blow up or something so we put it in europe where nothing of value would be lost in case of catastrophe
Unequivocally this. The SSC was refunded in 1993.
Motherfucking memeflag scum. Can't wait til the Tokamak in China has an inevitable structure failure and glasses the whole place, bugs and all.
All that money should go to Israel.
I have a hardon collider
theyre the most powerful military in the world
>no longer ahead
yes they are
+Knowledge to you.
The Tevatron, a synchrotron collider type particle accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), Batavia, Illinois, USA. Shut down in 2011, until 2007 it was the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, accelerating protons to an energy of over 1 TeV (tera electron volts). Beams of circulating protons in the two circular vacuum chambers in the two rings visible collided at their intersection point.
>Why doesn't the USA have a hadron collider?
We’re not that keen on summoning Satan.
amerimutts cant into science. they only do projects that they think will make them rich like fracking, because they are consumerist goblin jews
>retarded fucking idea
give FIVE reasons a hadron collider is 'retarded'
Go ahead, I'll
Because we gave the money to niggers instead.
Well people have different opinions, some like it some dont. I think its the greatest thing ever created by man. Researching behaviours of particles in extreme environments and beeing able to reproduce the result is absolutely astonishing. Maybe if u were into physics u would appreciate it more. Anyways, some people like (you) think we should spend money on free food and porn, others think we should spend some money to figure out how we got here, even if it brings us closer to a god or no god doesnt matter.
Yoou forgot to mention it cost as much to shut it down and fill in the hole as it wuld have to finish it. Also that it was much bigger than the large hadron collider and they would have made more discoveries more quickly.
A little thing called globalism. You must invest money into others to make it economically and strategically non beneficial to attack them. If im helping my neighbour fix his car, im less likely to burn his house down and steal his wife. We have a mutual connection and interest, which we can use to invest in each other.
There's plenty of them. Fermilab is a hadron collider.
If my neighbour fix my car im less likely to burn down his house***
The rest of fermilab accelerator complex is still accelerating protons (hadrons).
Still want to know what the deal is with beryllium, bees, and the illuminati, and CERN.
Tldr: beryllium is the beam seperator material in ALICE yes fucking alice of all names. Looking glass much.
We could take yours anytime we want it but it’s better in your back yard than ours.
OP btfo
Because we're overrun by low IQ desert niggers and all our scientists left to play with rockets somewhere else long ago.
We don't like hard-on colliders round these parts fag.
What if he does more harm than good and you suspect him of sabotage? I would rather be the one in control of the fixing.
1. science is all fake bullshit
2. science is all jews
3. costs trillion dollars
4. doesnt work
5. is retarded.
Can't dispute this
they have fusion/fbi centres temporarily instead
You know we own the CERN supercollider right? We paid for 95% of it. You are welcome, faggot. Now lick the imperial boot.
>Motherfucking memeflag scum. Can't wait til the Tokamak in China has an inevitable structure failure and glasses the whole place, bugs and all.
it wont though. China can build all kinds of things such as supercomputers and the worlds largest radio telescope.
Because all our money goes to welfare
>>no longer ahead
>yes they are
no they arent. China leads the world in tech now.
Absolutely based question
They have something similar actually
It's called LIGO
Stanford University
designed by the Scottish (the mirrors)
no, it's ours
we just let other countries occasionally use it
everyone ignores me, I think it's a plot
We do have one. That is ours actually ours.
We were building one - bigger and better than the one in Europe and one which would have been finished a decade earlier.
... but Congress cancelled it to give more gibs to niggers, and most of the public didn't object because they didn't understand why we might want a superconducting supercollider.
You don't even follow the Geneva convention bro, get out of here.
Whenever I see a patriotic American poster I imagine he looks like a white muscled badass guy like duke nukem or some shit haha
Think it got SHUT DOWN
Hard on collider
Illinois has the world's largest atom interferometer
Where my strontium peeps at?