/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1599

Virus invades nervous systems

All masks are now confiscated in France

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

First case in EU offices in Brussels

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

CDC lab for test kits contaminated

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

China burning bodies without testing or registration

► Detected: 96,267 ► Died: 3,304

11:05: 5 new cases in Malaysia.
10:38: 7 new deaths in South Korea.
10:34: 27 new cases in Belgium.
10:25: 8 new cases in Sweden,
10:20: 591 new cases and 15 new deaths in Iran.
10:16: 40 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
09:42: 87 new cases in Germany.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,430 (3,013) ► International 15,837 (291): S. Korea 5,766 (36) Iran 3,513 (107) Italy 3,089 (107) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 331 (6) France 285 (4) Spain 248 (3) USA 160 (11) H. Kong 105 (2) Switzerland 93 (1) Australia 52 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) Iraq 35 (2) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 349 Singapore 112 UK 90 Norway 67 Sweden 60 Kuwait 58 Malaysia 55 Bahrain 52 Belgium 50 Netherlands 38 Austria 37 Canada 34 India 30 UAE 28 Iceland 26 Algeria 17 Vietnam 16 Denmark 15 Israel 15 Lebanon 15 Oman 15 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Ecuador 10 Greece 10 Czechia 8 Portugal 8 Qatar 8 Belarus 6 Ireland 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Palestine 4 Azerbaijan 3 Brazil 3 New Zealand 3 Chile 3 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 S. Arabia 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Slovenia 1

China +160 (+32) S. Korea +145 (+1) Iran +591 (+15) Spain +20 (+1) Switzerland (+1) Germany +87 USA +2 H. Kong +2 UK +3 Norway +8 Sweden +8 Kuwait +2 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Austria +8 India +1 Finland +5 Greece +1 Portugal +2 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Palestine +4 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2

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>Dead: 3,287
lol, still only 3,287.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,287? Four days? Five days?

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0 cases here

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I miss the days when we were in the 180s

Everybody who replies to this comment dies of corona-chan.

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Digits and we'll survive!

Pro gamer tip for all you big dummies stocking up now as opposed to 2 or 3 weeks ago. Get a can or two of spray disinfectant that works on coronaviruses, and spray down your groceries, your bags, and your keys when bringing them home.

It might be just a little bit over the top, but if youre also getting a mask, then you might as well go the extra mile of disinfecting. The mask is useless once youre infected, and bringing infected groceries in the house is one way the virus can slip by.

Especially here in the US where shelf stockers dont get sick days.

Also, try and do your shopping at night. Yeah shelves might be empty then, but you'd be avoiding coofers in a big crowd.

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>first case detected in my city without any contact to known previous cases

>schools not closed in BS/BL

>less than 4% fatality rate

I live in the rural mountains so If society collapses I can just be a wild man

I don't see the problem here

It's better than the brain tumor.

Anons, I don't feel so good

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Mashalah boy


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last update: 05.03. 07:00 GMT
source: RKI

>RKI reports:
cases between 2 and 69 years old, median 36,5 years
sex is known in 148 cases: 57% men
last update: 03.03 14:00 GMT
Nordrhein-Westfalen: NRW-healthministry reports 172 infections, 4 severe, and expects more infections to come.
Federal government bans export of masks and protective supplies.
Ministry of health wants to provide protective supplies to doctors and hospitals.
Austria: 37 confirmed infections, most with mild symptoms.
Switzerland: First corona-death: woman, 74, comorbidity.
Stade: Teacher of Vincent-Lübeck-Gymnasium infected, wasn't in school since 28.02, symptoms since 02.03., lessons continue.
Würzburg: 2 infected, Leonhard-Frank-school closed on 05.03..
Unterhachingen: 1 pupil infected, Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium closed until 06.03..
Nordrhein-Westfalen: Prisons prepare for coronavirus. No more visitors in Heinsberg stateprison.
Berlin: Refugee-homes hang up posters in arabic, turkish and english to educate refugees about the coronavirus.


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bernie will die in the next week I reckon.


3 Routes of infection: NRW, Italy and Iran
Most severe outbreak is in NRW, which started in Heinsberg, it is unknown how it got there.
Other outbreaks all over germany have had contact to Infected in or from NRW or Italy.
Community spread in newly infected areas could not be stopped.
Some cases have also been imported from Iran.

Men and women of various age-groups get equally infected, the vast majority of cases develops mild symptoms.
Hospitalisation is seldom required and as of 03.03. only 1 case, which had comorbidity, was reported with lung failure.

previous report:

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Am I gonna be okay?

Well, tyme to die then. I'm from Basel

i think i had a mild form of it. Its not so bad guys.

where the burgers at

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6% fatality rate

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The virus can't survive cold for long, and I placed all my prep stash in the cellar where it gets to -2 at night. I wouldn't need it for weeks, so at that time it would be pretty much sterile. I'm more worried about my water pump, because if it breaks I'm fucked.

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Bugs gonna bug


From what we know you're fine. But the best thing to do is to assume that you have it and treat it accordingly.

Based Dr. Boomer uploading new glorious video.

what’s it going to take for governments to tell the truth? they will still deny it when we have to dodge piles of dead bodies on our commute to work.

How long before the first chan user becomes a certified coofer and timestamps their test results here? Can't be long now.

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The virus can survive at 4c for up to 28 days
Apparently it doesnt like warm climates
But that doesnt make much of a difference anyway since it will always survive a few days at least

>4% of /cvg/ general anons will die.

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I just started feeling sick. It's probably a nothingburger.

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And i bet that if you freeze a virus you just preserve it indefinitly like a worm egg

Literally the plot for The Contingent, holy fuck that movie is prophecy

>There are 96,219 confirmed cases worldwide, including 3,309 fatalities.
> =~3.44%

Millions will die.

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> S. Korea +145 new cases

Happening cancelled.

numerals and everybody ITT survives


thing is you might have, corona will go though the same stages as sars did 15 years ago, a whole bunsh of people got it and never even realized.
both the absence of smog and the fact that white people are both bigger and stronger then chinese will make a big difference on how badly the infections get, and sars infectet tens of millions here with no one the wiser.
im still prepping though.

when will the bodies start hitting the floor? I want clown world to end.

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Patient Zero right here.

If the doctor becomes a zombie then it's finally happening.

Who was the fag that said March 5th was the end? God you fucking doomsday fags never learn.

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>look this desitlled water cures it
>we have cured the virus you can all go back to work
why are so many people still dying
>what people noone is dying look economy strong again


It jumps from -2 to +3 every day, I bet that's even worse for any living cell

Same old. Dead boomers, etc.
I've been feeling like shit for two months but then again I never leave the house.


Keep the coofers out eternally!

She's a fucking hero honestly. Imagine that kind of courage.


> if... if... if... worst case scenario.. if...

PANIC! its fucking nothing.

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Watching this graph is extremely disappoint.
Especially since the fucking flight company cancelled my flight because of this shit.

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true best I can do, this feels pretty bad though, I'll try to post updates as I can on how I'm doing in case it is corona


Also remember to quarantine any mail or carboard boxes that you might recieve for atleast 2-3 weeks. What i do is spray my shit with 70% disinfectant alcohol then quarantine it in my shed outside.
Also remember to disinfect your steering wheel and gearhandle every time you come home. Preferably with disinfectant wipes, but even just water is better than nothing.. Just keep your shit clean at all times and think about what you touch and bring inside your home.

What's your happening threshold, honkbro? I'll set an automated alert for you.

That isn't how it's calculated, retard. All those "current infected" could still die since the disease is still active. You take the number dead, add it to the number recovered, then divide for an active virus.

>deaths in Germany due to influenza this season: 200 (announced today)
>deaths in Germany due to COV19 this season: 0
nothing burger confirmed

Lots of Czechposters in this thread

>using chinas lies as a factor

you are this stupid.

Yeah because it's not like they'd ever lie

You don't have to both spray it and quarantine it for so long tho. If you have disinfectant to waste it should be sterile once it dries out.

At least no swiss are at risk


People don't know this but there is no animal model for SARS like infections.
That means ALL testing can only be done on humans.

So we have 200 deaths related to Corona but Germany is taking the China way of things, good to know.

trips seem to confirm

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Gorona is bringing out a lot of rarer flags, never seen so many pastaniggers on here in my life until recently.

the are just czeching it out

Just a bit more time user. Patience.

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Lol he says 1-2% dead and cuts that in half
As if the who estimate wasnt generous enough
Without correction the estimate is over 30% fatality
- look at italy

He knows shit is fucked and trys to gently weave his way into the media

> everyone is LYING

Where are the piles of dead bodies? overloaded hospitals?
In Japan? In Italy? In Korea?
There are none. it is over. It looked promising but it's not happening.

>still no quarantine


Attached: Empty stores, quarantined firefighters Washington city at coronavirus epicenter reels as death toll r[...].png (1416x1311, 1.31M)

>excludes fake chinese numbers

Attached: corona virus worldwide excluding china 4.3.20.jpg (1043x931, 98.95K)

Well then they will be counted if/when they die, shitforbrains, I'm calculating how many have currently died who have been infected. Keep up and learn to read.

You'd be a legend if you did mate, but put your health first. We don't want you to cark it.

I think that was only for 4 or 5 days though!

Just like any other prophesy, I never believed it for one second.

it's still happening, though.

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wouldent mind seing how wuhan looks these days.

For the record, even if they're being honest, deaths don't make a happening.

The fact it's spread massively, and we do not know the long term consequences is completely terrifying.

Give me the "real numbers", go on. You obviously have them if you 'know' they official numbers aren't real.

Is it over friends?

please mutate further

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I'm just glad she is safe for now.

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based Russian always with the good advice, are you a doctor / med student?

Yeah if you look at them by themselves you see a pretty fucked up picture, but adding china in is skewing the values.

Well aren't you a funny dude.

This. Back in january it was stated most people were not tested, the cause of death was just pneumonia. Turns out that CT image was almost 70% accurate and that's why for a second there was a spike in cases. But they realized how bad it would look to count those so they went back to bullshit

Glowies? Happeningbunkers?

sup bros i havent visited since the first couple of generals. are we still happenig?

Thanks user

All primary schools in Delhi, India will close for the rest of the month to prevent the spread of coronavirus - officials

>All primary schools in Delhi, India will close for the rest of the month to prevent the spread of coronavirus - officials


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Which city bruv ?
I'm /valdemarne/ and i got AT least 4 around me

I think it’s time to dust off that one pic with the tale of a Bosniac SHTF survivor.
Will be useful for many anons here.

If no one has it, I’ll upload it tonight.

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>Ching chong ping bong ding dao

Get the FUCK out of my country chinksect.

Corona Chan is currently touring the sunny state of California.

"I've met so many people walking around the well kept streets and everyone is shiny and happy and diverse. I love exploring California and also every state in the USA! Thanks for having me." - Corona Chan, 2020

Attached: Corona Chan checks out California.jpg (1280x869, 539.05K)

we'll know when you die.

Yes, and the number you calculated doesn't do anything to tell us the virus' mortality rate.

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when japan and SK is kill

>Population: 18.98 million (2012)

No one knows them retard but it’s almost guaranteed China is under reporting at multiple levels of government Beijing doesn’t want investors freaking out so they’re cooking the numbers and local governments don’t want Beijing locking down their city and firing the whole communist branch their like what happened in Hubei so they’re definitely under reporting to Beijing

>3,306 deaths worldwide and 51,234 recoveries


Look up Barry Marshall an Aussie did similar for stomach ulcers. He discovered the cure.

This is his reasonable assumption not worse case scenario.

'That's what I think is likely to happen. Then there are going to be millions of people dying and I don't think there's any way to get around that.'

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Outside of the package should be sterile yes. But god knows what kind of shit is lurking inside of cardboard boxes. Maybe i'm just super paranoid, but i'd rather be 100% safe than sorry.
Also remember that disinfectant alcohol is super flameable so when wiping down goods form the grocery store its a good idea to let it work for atleast 2-3 minutes then wiping it down again with just warm water. Remember all the video leaks from wuhan of apartment buildings on fire, don't wan't to end up homeless during a pandemic.


So, can we assume the recovered are just slightly delayed deaths?

Oh thank god.

Based Aussie bro


Habbebing has been delayed but we are now on track, unironically two more weeks. If its a nothingburger by then I'll eat my hat.

his story is where the "buy lighters" meme comes from right?

honestly closest values would be taking the official ones, removing chinas bullshit, and going from there.

It gives a rather grim picture.

only china is far enough into this thing and they have several mobile incinerators

If you need a rough calculation, using total infected is not how you do it, retard.

Use deaths/recovered to get a closer estimate based on current numbers. Using total infected is going to be far less accurate.



Why aren't they full suited? why are they so exposed?
You burgers are really going to have it hard

end of month

Fuck, literally all of my teachers in college are coughing. I'm already dead.

I love this guy but have you noticed he is innumerate not capable of the simplest sums?

Pete, it's time

Many of us actually don't identify with being Swiss. I feel much closer to a south german than to a person from Luzern actually.

Why do countries fall back to a communist like system in times of emergency and crisis? Resources become government controlled, money is distributed equally to compensate against economic loss, people work only for that what is necessary. etc.

Doesn't this prove that the cut-throat world of capitalism is inherently inhuman and flawed?

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corndoggirl will always be safe

alright thanks. i quit my job for this im so comfy.


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>Spergs still at it for a slight sneeze and a cough.