How delusional is reddit?

Are Berniebros this retarded?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 5.49.25 AM.png (1766x1392, 716.27K)

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My great grandfather fought for Hitler. I am proud of him having had fought the good fight.

Attached: Political Compass.jpg (734x736, 54.08K)

All of them belong on the center, Sanders is at an okay spot though.

>are retards this retarded
theyre bernie bros on reddit what do you think ?

Attached: 1542004567045.jpg (616x608, 29.62K)

mutt education

This is a square within a square obviously. Where would Evola go? There's only one tickmark from Pence and the most extreme position on the board.

>Where would Evola go?
Where I plotted.

Attached: Evola on Economics.png (868x760, 699.47K)

From that pic, Trump appears to be too much of a centrist to me.

Attached: Trump.jpg (900x900, 349.78K)

The political compass test is retarded and so is everybody who uses it. Its funny for memes however.

No shit.

> How delusional is reddit?


Attached: tenor.gif (640x640, 394.94K)

>All the GOP is more authoritarian than all the dems.

These tests are so fucking rigged its amazing.

So where would you place them? Parroting the same thing over and over is not valuable and adds nothing.

They are all authoritarian, jewish oligarchs.

These aren't tests, they are guesses by a random rettardtor

Isn't Vohra's entire goal to get elected, and the second the government shuts down, to never reopen it? Dudes' as bottom of the compass as it gets.

Attached: My political compass.png (605x568, 25.55K)

Imagine actually thinking trump is right wing kek. All his social policies are left wing and everything else is literally common sense

Alright fuckers, post your political views based on this meme compass.

Attached: 1583405430634.png (1766x1392, 487.86K)

The test doesn't really measure cultural issues. He is, however, a capitalist (honorary) kike, which is what the left/right axis is for.

Attached: Sacrificing your Fertility upon the Altar of Capitalism.png (716x1183, 931.9K)

Already did.

Deregulation, reducing taxes and civilians right to bare arms is totally authoritarian goy. By the way, do you have a loicense for that hate speech?

You faggots from redit always bring only the highest quality posts. How do you keep doing it?

Trump's very pro-tariffs. That drags him left on the economic scale. He's also very pro-bailouts and siphoning funds via taxation to certain groups through subsidies He's very far from being free trade and zero regulation/interference, which is part of his "populist" appeal.

>reducing taxes
For billionaires.

>right to bare arms
>hate speech
That isn't an economic issue, you angloid retard.

where do you kids come from?

Being a capitalist is common sense. Only idiots are anything else

Because I don't like that my state is plurality mexican now because of it.

all of those candidates are left wing liberals lol

>as rated by Bernouts

Are you a faggot?

Billionaires? You mean the people that disproportionately provide the most value to the word? Yes they had taxes reduced, along with everyone else.


> he fell for the rich = bad meme

I would literally let every billionair pay no tax if they ran their operations in my country. They are basically social pariahs who have engineered the world the way it is today. If not it’s that persons family / offspring who have a right to continue their lineage and access their wealth.

No one can ever actually give reasons why they think billionaires should be taxed more. They are just jealous and want free stuff. Evil basically

>Billionaires? You mean the people that disproportionately provide the most value to the word?
Yeah dude, Soros and Bloomberg provide a lot of value to the world...

Attached: Disapointed Pepe.jpg (306x306, 15.31K)

This compass is garbage anyway. Oh, you care about enviroment and against corporations? Well, you are lefty then despite being as far right socially as it goes. Picrelated

Attached: polcompas.png (480x400, 17.22K)

How is immigration the fault of capitalism? Capitalism is an economic model you fucking retard. Let me guess, you blame everything on muh capitalism.

Big corporations importing shitskins for cheap labour comes from countries having stupid immigration laws, not from capitalism

nice filename, newfag

Redddit always says anyone who is not a purple haired transgender freak demanding extreme left agenda is right leaning when that is obviously false

In terms of economics, yes they do and they also pay the greatest percentage of tax. Learn to separate economics from social issues and maybe you will actually have an opinion that doesn’t have the same value as used toilet paper

Being a monarchist Is common sense. Only idiots Are anything else.
>t. peasant in 17th century

Spics are cheap labor and good consumers.

I hope you didn't think that all the shitskins in Britain came in from socialism, lmao

Nice argument, retard.

Owned by a kiwi redditor lefty

I'd rather they get taxed into having nothing.

I fucking hate talking to people who don’t know how to read. Read what I wrote again and then formulate a reply or just stfu

>they are guesses by a random rettardtor

>Are Berniebros this retarded

Attached: 25iprp1mogk41.jpg (640x853, 52.18K)

Because you’re a jealous commie prick

How the fuck do I read Evola, I got metaphysics of war and it reads like incoherent rambling

Cheap labor and good consumers; that's why, angloid.

>you dont want soros to be able to fuck nations with his billions
>you are a ebil gommie
angloid intellect at it's finest

Attached: British White.jpg (450x600, 174.89K)

Yes. And it's to exploit this clear weakness. Bring it out to it's logical conclusion.

Are people really this retarded? When did free healthcare for illegal aliens and open borders become right wing authoritarian?

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90% of these candidates need to be in authortian left

Read "The AntiChrist" by Nietzsche then re-read MoW


Attached: 156B59E5-E426-4695-AFA9-21E7110C9244.jpg (1024x807, 80.9K)

Looks pretty accurate honestly.

Neo-liberals are borderline Dubya-tier

Retards in the thread don't realize that the left/right axis is economic and not social issues.

Social issues are and always have been subservient to economics.

Ridiculously retarded statement

Did I say every billionaire is good? No I said being a billionaire doesn’t make you bad and doesn’t mean you should be taxed a higher percentage.

Again, you can’t separate social issues from economic issues.

I understand that capitalism causes producers to seek cheap labour but this cheap labour can be found from within a nation without importing anyone else. So it’s clearly an immigration law issue, not an endemic issue with capitalism. But you don’t deserve another reply anyway

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Meaningless drivel

They live in a totally different reality

>opens border is a right wing idea


He is sort of correct. Liberalism was actually founded just for the sake of defending capitalism ("Prussianism and Socialism" - Spengler and "Reign of Quantity" - Guenon are both good books on the matter)

>Did I say every billionaire is good? No I said being a billionaire doesn’t make you bad and doesn’t mean you should be taxed a higher percentage.
Most billionaires (if not every one of them) are neoliberals that support mass immigration -Bezos, Bloomberg, Trump, Peter Thiel, Singer, etc etc as well as multinational corporations McDonalds, Apple, Google, etc etc

>Again, you can’t separate social issues from economic issues.
You have already demonstrated that you cannot do this yourself earlier in the thread.

>I understand that capitalism causes producers to seek cheap labour but this cheap labour can be found from within a nation without importing anyone else.
Yet that doesn't seem to ever happen. Capitalists always seek labor from abroad to undercut unions and wages.

>Bernouts after they lost the black vote

I can assure you that the only person accurate for economics is Vohra, given he's basically an AnCap that wants to abolish the government and any form of intervention or taxation, putting him at a full 10. Everyone else gets shifted left for their pro-taxation and pro-interference position, almost all of them running on a platform of intervention (Most politics runs on "I'll do more" rather than "I'll do less")

The left/right chart isn't accurate, nor is the authoritarian. It's extremely biased and just randomly plots people for the most part. It puts a guy that wants to abolish the government as authoritarian, but somehow gun grabbers like Bernie is somehow more libertarian.

being so illiterate that you can convince yourself you won the argument, despite speaking nonsense

You know he thought reddit made that graph with the names. Why you simping for him?


Thanks to the supreme alliance between corporate heads and the government this is not how it actually works. Amazon pays no taxes and they ship all their shit for free while still charging us for prime.

This but unironically

Monarchism is pretty gay. Kaiser Wilhelm said that he was ashamed of being a german after Crystal Night.

National Socialism/Fascism or bust.

Attached: Hitler and Bird.jpg (700x638, 64.05K)

Maybe start out somewhere like A Handbook for Right Wing Youth. Pretty good at laying out what he means.
You fail to realize that corporations control the government and its policies through donations, favors, and lobbying. Legislation doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Vohra's checks out fairly well, though he would be far more libertarian as he's literal ancap.

Pretty much.

You are just a sovok pidor, wash your pants