a YouTuber helped smuggle a kitten living in misery in a socialist country (Cuba) into Europe so that the kittens would have a better life. LOL
A YouTuber helped smuggle a kitten living in misery in a socialist country (Cuba) into Europe so that the kittens would...
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Did the kitten made it to Europe? I was worried it would be caught at the european airport.
>bringing diseased creatures into europe
we're talking about kittens, not niggers
Bald & Bankrupt is a sociopath ex-PUA tard
They're scum.
And he's jewish
and hes also a rapist
Bald faggot.
Yup..... predator
I love his channel, I never realized how much of a shithole eastern europe was before watching him
Hubris, hope she gets arrested for importing cat aids. They shouldn't have abducted a young kitten from its mother, should've removed it from the side of the road and put it in a safe place.
Feminine cuckoo maternalism and pathological altruism strikes again. Bad outcome for cat and Evropa.
Did the stupid fuckin roastie whore have to make it about showing off her small tits?
True. I never realized how beautiful Africa and South America were. Too bad shitskins made those areas completely inhabitable.
This is illegal. Animals need to be thoroughly checked before they can enter the EU or else they will bring in dangerous diseases.
Bald is smashing that right?
Let me guess it was her idea.
Yes, because that's what pathetic middle aged PUA's do, move to Eastern Europe to bang scrawny gold diggers.
Are there any more youtubers like this? who travels around in dangerous places?
>misery in cuba
What a retard
I always thought he was part of MI6 or an Intel agency like that. He knows to much and is too comfortable at all times.
cats are furry niggers
shut the hell up you let Chinese niggers in with the coronavirus cats are welcome too.
You're pretty much a nigger, you mutt yet you still exist
He's a sociopath with a death wish and admitted as much on Roosh forums
Benjamin Rich Swift is a rapist jew who thinks of the goyim in the countries he visits as cattle to be raped and exploited.
Fuck that kike!
>that pic
Looks comfy as fuck yo
>a YouTuber helped smuggle a kitten living in misery in a almost communist country (Cuba) into an actual socialist country somewhere in Europe.
Domestic cats kill 1 billion birds every year.
She couldn't find one in Europe?
she should be smuggling niggers into europe
fuck all you guys, that was a nice thing they did for that kitten
hope they give Fidel to Kolya
>hurrdurr cats cause mass extinction
fuck off retard, you don't understand ecology as well as you think you do
my kid will be born with a philtrum, can you say the same potatonigger?
Nice lips, more?
You're easily manipulated then, because of course he selects the absolute bottom of the barrel places to show.
Watch through invidio to avoid giving another vlogger schmuck views if you don't want to promote more of the same rhetoric manipulated and sicced on goys.
Otherwise carry on.
Been watching him for the past few months. He seems a bit too careless when travelling shitholes but not a sociopath with a deathwish. He still has his sense of self preservation about him in seemingly dire spots, like when the people were after him in Chile or wherever.
More like a childlike sense of adventure than reckless death wish.
Looks like a happy little titty kitty.
This shit was gold. Best episode in a long time.
I didn't watch the video and just realised they brought the cat into Belarus. This is a pretty serious offence as even to take a cat on a train inside the country you need medical documentation and special passport document from a vet. It would be a real shame if someone reported him.
Hmm. Thats pretty fucked. A lot of women fake being raped though, you gotta remember that.
Fair enough, but this guy's entire channel is about "loooool, Look at how poor these fucking savage goyims are! Isn't that just NUTS?!"
And he's also giving me mossad vibes.
Yeah, being filled with that much hatred towards other people is definitely a psychotic characteristic. It seems his YouTube is just a front for making money.
2010 smuggles in niggers and other shitkins
2020 smuggles in cats.
I am ok with this.
Too much of a moralizer. There is a reason they don't let you bring animals and meat to other countries without proper authorization, disease, especially now.
So a job, yes. I think he's just some retired mossad operative who used to travel a lot and he decided to start vlogging once he retired. He also probably has jewish connections at YouTube to help promote him.
But he's a very mean and transparently phony guy. I've downloaded every single video on his channel and I'll make a thread on /wsg/ dumping his worst moments, in case any drama channels or internet historians want to sink their teeth into him. I'll commence the dump once I'm done clipping everything some time next week.
>Ohne ein gültiges Zeugnis darf ihr Haustier nicht in die EU einreisen
Is there a billboard applying to people as well?
She's fucking hot what's her name
I lost interest in that kikes channel when I realised he was exploiting poor eastern european goyims, basically bragging about fucking shiksas, and obviously feeling superior to the people he would encounter. He's really charismatic and outgoing in these places because he's a jew and he believes he's above the gentiles he interacts with.
It is clear he is a sociopath, but i feel like he is not a generic stupid one as you make him sound. He has become successful, survived surreal situations, and pulls women admittedly out of his league because he intelligently goes to where he is made to be more desirable. He is well versed in many cultures and understands multiple languages. This man is a dangerous man.
Im sure theres thousands of cats in danger in europe already. They're just doing it for the views
Cats are the niggers of domestic pets.
Too bad he’s bald and looks like a traveling pedophile
better that than a nigger, though cats do not really have it bad anywhere except in chinkland
Do it! That would be awesome.
report them
The kitten is being kept Illegally in Minsk. If anyone is worried about its safety you can make an anonymous report to this police department email: [email protected] . The email must be written in Russian or at least translated to Russian. I'd do it myself but the police are a bit over the top and would probably find out who I am and get me to come and sign documents or some such.
I will, but I'm busy this week and that'll take a long time.
How do we know that they didn't just fake the whole thing? They might have actually done the paperworks right and just played this up for the video.
Either way, it'd be worth starting a police report to find that out. They landed in Brussels, it'd have to be reported by someone who lives there.
that's for the popo to find out mate, you care now?
Of course I care. Anything to get this piece of shit in legal trouble I'm for. He's an exploitative misery tourist and a very likely rapist. Not to mention probably jewish spy.
report this shit to the authorities and have both of them arrested and that diseased creature euthanized.
I think they also smuggled the kitten into Belarus. Either by train or air. Either way to do it legally would have took them up to a month and in Balds post under the video he mentions that only now is the kitten getting vacinated. So yeah, maybe the whole thing is faked.
let's get to it then boys shall we
based, even cats hate socialism
Belavia flies direct from Brussles and is one of the main airlines that allow animal transport into Belarus as it's basically government owned.
>The transportation of live animals as cargo, luggage, carry-on.... IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
This shit just encapsulates everything that is wrong with the West.
An over emotional thot can't help but to transport a disease ridden street cat across half the globe so it can have a "better life" in her home country.
Keep in mind this chick is from Eastern Europe, feel free to imagine how even more childish those cunts are over here.
Women and their feels are truly the downfall of civilisation itself.