Gays / homos / fags exposed! Oh wait

Gays obviously have more partners than straights because they aren't limited by women. But the retarded 500-1000 partners claim is so lame and debunked at this stage you look like a moron to repost it. A 1978 study of San Fran sex club attendees and prostitutes? and another study of men who were found in gay bathhouses and porn shops? I-didn't-listen-in-statistics-class.exe

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Cope homo.

no one gives a fuck, gay cunt

In other news San Francisco is once again opening it’s long closed and infamously celebrated “bath” houses...

In other news most gay men don’t attend bathhouses or live in San Fran but okay sweetie.

Cope. Gay faggots have tons of sexual partners. That's where the moniker gay comes from dummy

why dont you post a study that proves that other study wrong, gay cunt? you wont because you cant.

cOpE. Lol 2014 study of 25,000 people showed gay men had a median of 22 lifetime sexual partners. Sure, there are probably the 20% who have 80% of the sex. Pareto principle.

>we aren't THAT disgusting
You're still nasty af, you greasy faggots.

Despite being less than 2% of the population homosexuals are 40% of child molesters
Despite being less than 2% of the population homosexuals are 70% of HIV transmissions
What is bugchasing?

Australian study in 2014 of 25,000 respondents showed gay men had a median of 22 sexual partners in lifetime. A 1981 study just 3 years after the 1978 one found the median had 20 in North America. How about you learn statistics, cunt.

I assume you're talking about Bell & Weinberg's surveys? Care to source a critique of them?

>average faggot has had 22 dicks in his ass
22 would be a whore number

22 is pretty damn slutish.

>Average of 22
That's hilariously high still, you're not helping yourself

Lol bug chasing? You know that’s so freaking niche. Also the child molestor claim is completely debunked since the 80’s but okay, cling onto your badly compiled data!

>Not linking to study
>Not realizing 20 partners is obscene

> statistics
> posts nothing about the sampling method or power
Dear oh dear...

If only they'd let us collect the current data...

If it's 'debunked' why are the story times led by kid diddlers?

>I've never lived in San Francisco
I lived there for several years.
Poofters are rampant sex maniacs and they're starting to get back to pre-GRIDS levels of partners with the recent advent of the PrEP pill and hook-up apps like Grinder.
You should go there and see the pride parade and Folsom Street weekends.

post the fucking study cunt, anyone can type bullshit like your doing, let me show you

>100% of gays are retarded dumb cunts who are aids infested degenerates

see? thats me posting a study like your doing

fucking gays cant even back up their claims

>22 is sluttish
>22 is still high
Yes, but it’s about 4% of 500 so let’s be real, it’s minuscule compared to homophobes original claims.

your typing numbers like it means anything, when it means jack shit, gay cunt

post some links to studies to back up your claims poof


There are plenty of studies. The Australian survey of sex is the 25,000 one with a median of 22. The mean was 96 but that was stretched up by the 20% of sluts. About 35% had more than 50 partners so the mean being 96 is misleading. Hence median is the true average. Xoxo I sourced it for you.

It's popular enough to be a problem. Fags should go back to the closet and stop basing their entire identity around being a fucking sexual degenerate.

>There are plenty of studies

then post them, go on gay cunt

>I lived in San Fran they’re all WHORES ON PREP OMFG
You know it’s actually quite a minority of gay men on prep? It’s taken mostly by the promiscuous ones and HIV transmission has fallen 70% in UK for example

>gays base their identity around being a sexual degenerate!
Really? Most of the gay men I know are timid and reserved. Sorry you seem to see a bunch of hoes at pride and think that’s most of us. It isn’t. We aren’t a monolith.

post the studies gay cunt

you're still a degenerate. your aberrant behavior will always be shunned.

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what is the difference

Who cares how many dicks their suck? We should follow the example of our Arab muslims and throw them off the highest buildings.

This is plainly embarrassing user. Won't post the criticism of what i assume is the Bell and Weinberg research, though you seem to not even be sure of that, won't post the source of your own claimed studies, criticize other's statistics whilst giving terrible reports yourself.

I reckon you're some midwit on a discord who just got paragraphs to copy paste that he doesn't understand.

It should be and gays have too many sexual partners generally, due to ease of access, but it’s not hundreds usually

>This is plainly embarrassing user. Won't post the criticism of what i assume is the Bell and Weinberg research, though you seem to not even be sure of that, won't post the source of your own claimed studies, criticize other's statistics whilst giving terrible reports yourself.
Erm, I did find criticism on a few professors sites but it didn’t need critiquing because it never set out to be representative of ALL gay men. Bell and Weinberg literally prefaced their book saying it wasn’t representative.

Deflecting you homoaids

It's not morality, it's basic fact. If you've had 20 partners you're incapable of making lasting bonds

I'm coming out as gay now where are my 22 partners uwu

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>if you have 20 partners you can’t have a lasting bond
True for women but men are biologically predisposed to promiscuity. That’s why men cheat more than women lol.

post the studies faggot

>ignores any post that request you post the research you are getting your facts from

post the studies gay cunt


Bullshit. It just slower curve for men. At 20 partners you are about as broken as women at 14

I literally did you moron scroll up to the comment. It’s from your own country

Yes their book was intended as a challenge to negative attitudes about gays and still reported terrible behaviours nonetheless. Anyway it did have some issues but once again i don't think you actually know and you still won't provide a single study, critique or even opinion piece.

Nope. For women pair bonding drops off after 1 partner, for men it's around 2-3. Men aren't designed to be promiscuous, we're designed for harems.

>child molestor

Nice. Real classy. Here's some reality about pedophilia:

Evidently he's asking for a link to the study/article.

Aids is only around still because of gay niggers


>Number of partners, median (age bracket 35-39) 67

Gay men have about 5 times more partners than straight men on average.

>Australian study in 2014 of 25,000 respondents showed gay men had a median of 22 sexual partners in lifetime. A 1981 study just 3 years after the 1978 one found the median had 20 in North America. How about you learn statistics, cunt.

that one? you mean the one where you didnt post a link, nor even the name of it?

fuck off cunt and back up your claims

I have a feeling you would dislike gays just as much if they were all monogamous.

Guys I'm from a parallel universe where we have this app called Grindr where faggots find each other for casual hook-ups.

Sounds like someone's a little bit mad that their asshole has completely prolapsed for the 4th times this week

>number of partners 35-39: 67
That’s sampled from the gay ghettos in America. Read the methods. Again, learn statistics. Funnily enough the older gay men showed lower number. Hmm.

Yeah anal doesnt cause Prolapse but okay. It’s a freaking muscle. I’ve seen women do like double fisting up there and it goes back tight.

i have a feeling your a troll faggot who thinks hes doing anything other than giving gays a bad name by shitposting how you are

back up your claims or fuck off cunt

>That’s sampled from the gay ghettos in America

no it isnt, why dont you prove it is if you claim it faggot

you wont because your just some shitposting gay cunt giving your kind a bad name

>puts on meme flag

yea this cunts a shill, have fun gay cunt

>prove it is if you claim it faggot
Literally read the methods? It says they phoned neighbours with a concentration of gay men. The Castro and village in NY lmao. Let’s just ignore the boring gays who live in middle America in quiet towns? Okay then

Women cheat more, retard.

Angry australian strikes again. You know gay people aren’t all that bad pumpkin.

It's weird though, the gay guys and girls I know are so.... non-sexual. All they talk about how gay they are but they never interact with either sex at all in a sexual manner. It may be the left's strange puritan anti-sexuality rearing its head.

>"Please help me AIDs as completely decimated my body pls pls pls helpppp it hurts"
Fucking hell cunt, calm down. Just lay off the cock a little, okay?

>the gay guys and girls I know are so.... non-sexual
Finally someone with some actual interaction with gay men. Lol indeed.

OP, just post links to the studies you're referring to so you can BTFO the people in your thread already.

You honestly sound obsessed and sexually frustrated. I don’t claim all homophobes are gay but honestly you need to chill.

No but they do have a lot else wrong as well: drug use, paedophilia, mental health issues, obviously the direct physical consequences, political disposition. The promiscuity is certainly a major part so without it i would see gays as less societally destructive but still not desirable. I also believe there are generally decent gays.

post it for us to read gay cunt

you wont, just like you wont post the studies your getting your numbers from

fuck up cunt and post the studies your getting your numbers from faggot

post the studies, faggot

he wont, becuase he cant

post the studies gay cunt

Lmao left on a memeflag from some other thread there? Dumb discord faggot.

No, you need to prove your claims faggot

>If u hate gay ur gay lol
Oh no, I've been utterly destroyed. How will I ever recover.
Oh wait, the recovery will be rather quick because I'm not an AIDs-ridden faggot. May your white blood cells die, ZOOMer.

homos themselves admit they are more sexually open than normal people, and they are proud of it

Here ya go fools

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That number probably doubled with all the dating apps and global acceptance of their behaviour.

Obviously gay men have more partners because they are men with no women. Your logic is that they do it because they’re perverted. Plz tell me some straight men wouldn’t have dozens of partners if girls let them? Lmao.

No, CDC collects accurate data now which is actually representative. The number of partners seems to be between 22 and 50 ish on average based on what I’ve seen and what some guy just linked.

The fates of fags and lesbians is unimportant to the nation as a whole. They do not procreate in most cases, so their genes have no future and aren‘t relevant. We just need to keep their degeneracy at an appropriate minimum to not disturb the public in general, but if they want to AIDS themselves to death in private, there‘s no reason for the state to intervene.

>gays produce nO vALuE fOr SoCiety
Economic output? Seemingly a more prominent portion of them are very creative and create wealth / music.

Holy shit, OP

Just post the fucking links. Are you underageb&? There's no reason to be this much of a retard.

What do they provide society?
>Raping children

Homosexuality is genetically related with a whole bunch of mental illnesses and risky behaviour. Unfortunately it's also related with higher fertility and more partners, so the causal genes self-perpetuate amongst straights.

Attached: Gay mental health.png (585x787, 205.89K)

that says more about women than men

I’m on my phone cunt. Stfu. Go look at the actual raw data and median is 22. 38% had more than 50 just as I said. But the average having hundreds just isn’t true.

I doubt it's a minority when there's been freakin' billboards all over the place and ads on the sides of buses advertising it for several years.
There are even billboards and ads on the sides of buses and trams in SF advertising poofter hookup apps.
It's modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

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>Ha bigot we actually only have dozens of partners bigot not hundreds
>STD rates? Shut the fuck up bigot!

>Men aren't designed to be promiscuous

Hello Ray Comfort

Yes but that study was on older generations and didn’t isolate homosexuality. They just looked at ANYONE who had a same sex experience so it includes risk taking straight guys who get curious and thus the genetic pattern of risk taking is there. Maybe it’s true but just need to point that out.

lol bruh I don’t think it’s bigoted to point out STD rates. That’s just biology of the anus.

I'm phone-posting too, you should try to lurk more before making shit threads with no substance.

Then its okay to say you faggots are naturally disgusting.

Nothing is stopping you from collecting data.

the only thing more pathetic than a straight beta virgin would be a gay guy that can't get fucked.
99.99% of /pol is male, we all know exactly how far below our dating standard a hump, and dump would go.
the term fuck pig exists due to this phenomenon, a fuck piggy is a person you're okay with fucking as long as no living person finds out about them.
there has to be a gay equivalent, and since faggots are still dudes.
I imagine a gay fuck pig gets more dick than not only a female fuck pig, but also more than your average 5 out of 10 girl.
what I'm saying is that OP is such an insecure faggot that he can't get fucked by a group of people that will throw their dick into just about anything under the right circumstances.
Futher more, fuck your gay sexclub bullshit, every public bathroom is a potential gay sexclub.
I'd say op should eat a dick, but that would require op having to find a willing dick.
which, somehow he can't manage in a gay world that rains down a never ending torrent of cock.

An ad for a hookup site? Umm like ads for brothels and prositutes in western countries that it’s legal. R u dumb?

Lmao dude I’ve had sex with guys before but I’m not desperate for it. Usually the thots are the ugly insecure gay men.

I think you're being a little exclusionary, faggot.

Everyone has AIDS.

It doesn't really matter how many sex partners they have. Even just one is bad and the punishment should be castration or execution.