>Question 1 - why do American cops dress in basically paramilitary fatigues and Weapons vests
Question 1 - why do American cops dress in basically paramilitary fatigues and Weapons vests
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>Question 2 - do American cops often plant under covers with groups in order to “find a gun” and give reasonable suspicion to search premises?
Because they're essentially militarized. Have been since the 90's. Expat from NJ here.
Makes me feel safer to see a cop like that. I know they won't fuck around.
what a cuck
>I'd rather another man protect me and my family
That's americans for you. Safety fags.
Mass third world immigration means you are no longer policing your own people but occupying hostile foreign populations trying to enforce your rules on them. And 20 years of the war on terror created an entire generation of vets who then went to serve in law enforcement and brought their training and habits with them
Because everything about our law enforcement is supposed to be scary. Did you know that police lights (to pull you over) flash at a frequency that causes anxiety and panic in humans?
Because they can't put military on the streets so their next best thing is giving cops military gear and basically militarizing them.
True, as the underlying cause. Need that diversity and enrichment...
1. They just do it cause its the current trend. Some departments are working toward removing the tactical look and going back to the old formal look
2. Only in high gang areas and that is rare.
left over stuff from the Iraq war was cheap for a while
If you live in a low trust society, you are going to have low trust protocols in place. America is a diverse, consumerist, culturally challenged hellscape. Heavy police presence required
Hes just going to airsoft you nellie.
Thank the race riots. They basically scared white America into throwing millions of dollars at police stations after it was shown how fast things could go to shit.
It's actually the only thing holding the whole place together.
Pig civvys LARPing as wanna-be military. Thet're all guys and balls until someone is actually shooting back that knows what the fuck they're doing.
Not to mention the kikes training them into the "Us against THEM" mentaility that makes them thing every other citizen is an enemy.... when in fact they are the tools of the kikes and they are actually the enemy.
I DO like it when niggers are getting fucked up by the pigs because 99% of the time the apes did something to deserve it.
Its a multiracial society, you have to do it in those, see the gear they had 1965 when US was 90% white
That looks like paintball.
Our border patrol peeps look like delta force. Gotta keep an eye on the scum trying to get in from the east.
>’allo allo allo guvnuh. you been a naughty boy avent ya m8y? Woi don’t you pop into me little bobby car ‘ere an we take a ride down the station for a little chat then ay?
>oooooooh yes sir wohevah you say sir
And life went on for everybody
It just occurred to me, Police are fashion police, they look for a fashion than arrest.
He’s a rat/cop
> government imports millions of immigrants from the east with Merkel tier open borders policy
because it looks cool
Cops shouldnt make you fear. You need to feel protected. In ukraine for example cops only have
rubber bullets, dont have body armor, always smile and you can actually talk to the without beeing arrested for no reason.
Because they are soliders for Israel it’s called ZOG zionist occupational government. America is a colony of Israel and police are their centurions.
The police are a paramilitary force. Dumb fuck.
>>Question 1 - why do American cops dress in basically paramilitary fatigues and Weapons vests
UK police are the same now
Sounds like a group of fags to me.
Because the laws they enforce are unjust and we shoot them.
Then they complain when people flee.
Because we have feral niggers and Hispanic drug cartels to deal with.
Because they need to deal with armies of niggers.
A pack of 30-50
Oh don't you worry, they will rape you with a bottle if you piss them enough
>Makes me feel safer to see a cop like that. I know they won't fuck around.
The jew kike government gave a gorilla a gun and a badge and that makes you feel safe? What the fuck is wrong with you?
because as our national borders dissolve and we import the third world to ourselves become a third world shithole, "policing" requires what amounts to an occupying military force the likes of what you see in Baghdad or Kabul.
>why do American cops dress in basically paramilitary fatigues and Weapons vests
How else are the kike jews going to make sure no one gets any big ideas like the 1930's Germany.
The military industrial complex has both parties on a leash.
So we end up with a bloated military with too much gear, and a bloated military manufacturing complex making too much...we end up with a surplus.
Meanwhile the pigs are bored of getting called to domestic disputes to pry apart drunk couples or sitting around writing speeding tickets.
They also need to justify their departments budget each year.
Et voila, the perfect recipe. The military and gang dump the extra gear on the cops, the cops get to pretend they didn't wash out of the military and they use up their budget for the year.
Question 1:
Every American does or has had to dressed like that. It's a school uniform.
Question 2:
The only law enforcement agencies that can really afford to do that are federal so it's not common but does happen.
This, and hides the fat. But cops are looking at everyone as someone they might get shot by, which inherently means everyone is someone they might have to shoot. It is engrained into their minds with training, not having that gear would be being ill prepared. They want a full load out strapped to their body at all times because they're trained for the moment they have to use it.
Not my area of expertise so spitballing but I'd imagine if you catch one bad guy, you can offer him a deal and he'll help you catch the other bad guys, no honor among thieves type thing. So he brings along the undercover cop to bust the other criminals. Which may involve working through some kind of criminal organization.
We have niggers in America.
That's some specialized unit of the metropolitan police though.
Because they're egomaniacal pathetic sociopaths
Kikebook dot cum /IAmLilFlex/videos/833319377033956/?vh=e
You've never heard of Al Capone, Babyface Nelson, Jesse James, Machinegun Kelly, Lucky Luciano, John Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, etc.. etc.. etc.. going back more than a century?
These guys were armed to the teeth while wearing three piece suits. And the cops were cops, they wore their uniforms not military fatigues.
They have to because of low (mental) capacity assault niggers.
Yeah it happened nearly two years ago and I've also seen it on the jewtoob and I'm in the same metro area it took place in.
they are at war with criminals
In the US the general public has 1000x the firepower as any of our police forces literally. We carry guns in addition to police. For you cucked fags in your cucked countries to say we're cucked is absurd.
Because of diversity.
tell me, who do you think is more likely to rob you and kill you over the $40 in your wallet?
>john dillinger (adjusted for inflation)
>ladarious ty'ronicus
which neighborhood would you avoid at all cost?
>the one where al capone lives
>MLK street in a large city?
Police are dressed as soldiers because the average person is the enemy.
Doesn't mean shit if you're afraid to use them. And parading around townhall with your rifle is not what I mean. Besides, even if you were to, the military would bytfo anyway because they can kill more. Fight a tank, helicopter, fighter jet with a gun and I'll give you 3 guesses who wins.
we have niggers.
but it really wasnt this bad until after 9/11.
because of spics and niggers
european cops dress like this OP is the normal nigger and protection suit the one I posted is the muslim protection chainmail
White girl here. I NEED to date a black cop!