What's your least favourite country/goverment after israel?

also why

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PS I porbably have a merchant for it if you want

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Hard to decide if it's America's, Britain's or Fr*nce's.

all sub saharan african countries and india, i think we all know the resasons

The Maleccas know, shut it down!


I actually like israel, not only are israeli posters on here funny and cool, but all the jews should go live there since theyre not fit for our multiracial societies.

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because president is fucking spineless jew puppeted by biggest jew in Ukraine and serving jew interests, and most disgusting that I cannot blame jews for that because 73% of population were morons who elected him

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yeah but that's too easy

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I also have (several) french ones

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Honestly, I hate Shabbo's Goys more than Jews, I mean I am studying Hebrew and a convert is considered the same as an outsider as it shares the same word.

everything south of greece.

Least favourite country and government after Israel?
Their puppet state, the USA.

Just proves they have been trying to be Ultra-Jewish ever since the Merovingian times. They'll never hack it and will be BLACKED in return for their efforts.

Israel. Gas yourself kike.

it's not THAT one sided. I'd say we're more of USA's tail
sometimes the dog wags the tail
and sometimes the tail wags the dog

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based polish merchant

My own government, i didn't choose them i hope they all get cancer and die, our president is as well retarded faggot without charisma or brain

I think the Americans are just the International Jew's Pibble just in case the Old World no longer wants to be a wagie. t. Basically an honorary Ultra-Orthodox NEET who just studies every day.

I have no idea why they're so common

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what's pibble

It's the term for Pitbulls given by female dogpilled filth and appropriated by Yas Forums, the proper authorities.

Israel comes 2nd. I hate my own government, first and foremost.

because we treated jews (arguably too) well

Do you have gay marriage yet ?

China, America, Wahhabi Arabia, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Pakistan in that order.

France, the second israƫl.


Yeah keep seething, bolschevik. Your life will end in an oven, you know that right?

what are you talking about
I hate communists

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well I have this one

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does this count

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Imagine voting for that other tard who was basically a 90s oligarch who dint do ANYTHING in his presidential election but open borders to eu.

of course, not that most people care, most are against gays adopting children.

My main problem is about insane taxes and the bureaucratic apparatus atm. Fucking ((ex))commies.

yeah, countries, which sent jews, no questions asked, for extermination have no problems with Israel and Poland which suffered a lot for not joining Axis, is painted as enemy of Israle and target of their demands. It's comical in a way.

I like how you assume that everyone already hates you cunts the most, it's a self-reflection not often seen in jews, well done mate, we'll gas you last.

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I'm saving that

The morale of this Jewish book is, either "If you can't beat them, be them" or "Have absolutely nothing positive to offer them and they'll respect you for it".


Also "No good deed goes unpunished".

Kikel, why salty for polaks?
Good, servant goyim they are

Pale nigroe detected

he didn't sue combat veterans who were defending your faggot ass
he didn't surrender our front lines to russian pigs
he wasn't threatened like a schoolgirl by orange man, cause orange man knew he wasn't a pussy
and he wasn't incompetent servile jew cuck who sunk our industry and economy in first 10 months of reign

You still don't get it. The more you try to court them while still being a separate entity increases the likelihood of your ass being really fucked.

from an anglo... you were the center of international jewry for centuries before it was the us

Technically not true. The Franks were the first nation in Europe to promote the Jewish trades such as the Antwerp jewelry industry.

"sunk or economy"
nibba have you seen hobos on streets and bread costing 40 grivans in 2015. May i remind you which president was back then?

>not sub saharan

Turkey, because they're slightly less objectionable than you are...not by much though

yeah, I guess so. Only white people and mind that - not all of them (certainly not anglos, kek) cultivate the concept of gratitude.
On individual level, there are some Jews who are and were grateful and even admonish their peers for outrageous claims about Poles, but I'm talking about broader aspect, of course.

Argentina, easily.

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Really, Anglos are just like any other White person in that respect. I personally am grateful but at the same time am aware of those who aren't or are on a very temporary basis when it suits them.

Cant think of one but can i get a greek jew anyways?


>also why
its larger Israel basically
its the dominant world power that enforces feminism, cuckoldry, gerontocracy, interracial shit, wage slavery and mass immigration throughout all world. No country has ever done so much damage to the traditional way of life as the US. US pushed and pushes "progressivism" as noone else has ever been able to, and it shuts the mouths of those who oppose it, through the force of arms when necessary.
Every single problem in this world, everything we hate here on Yas Forums - you can blame it on the US entirely, and you would be right.

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you are both niggers

I like you too.