>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
>shit edition kek. We need to start bringing up to German anons they will have a mid-life crisis as they age, and how everyone on the planet could survive their crisis. Also a good secret for women here, to never sign a prenup with a guy before his midlife crisis. It's a wonder any of us are even alive at this point. LOL.
Landon Carter
where is taids did she finally offed herself?
Aaron Baker
>1488 peasant edition is this based or is this based? neuer Bauernaufstand am nächsten Donnerstag in Dresden
Already have your crisis? What all did you do within a year? Leave your wife and family, buy 20 motorcycles, took out loans for your prostitutes to go to Florida? Etc? My favorite part of man's mid-life crisis, is that we are all supposed to sit back, and watch, not allowed to say anything LOL.
kek, no, he's actually pretty based in Yas Forums terms, keeps it low profile though. I actually tried that before, but now he's getting authoritarian and trying me to strong arm into giving up my freedom after having violated several boundaries. I even like him still, but he's just becoming like that abusive ex that does not want to take a no for a no and does nether accept the consequences of that kind of behavior.
The couple of German threads in the last week were qualitatively good. Just the English kraut threads vary greatly in quality. Just too many subhumans and shills creeping around.
The thing is, i think the only way he would leave me alone is if i would really contact some alphabet soup, but i nether want to talk with BfV nor BKA, i just want to be left alone. Also, i don't think that it is fair, that after someone else has abused his power i would stand there as the traitor, because i am very loyal in general, to the people i like and to the cause (to my democratic version that won't let you strong arm people into stuff you like only because you are tripping on power) and i myself have done good work so far. It is just mean, but who i'm telling this, right now people don't seem to really care, idk. guess i will do some stuff and check in for replies later.
Ayden Cox
cant blame them Id love to get paid to shitpost here this.
I predicted almost two weeks ago, that we will be the next big infection center, and looks like i was right. The incompetence is astonishing here. And maybe not even the will is there.
i thought the same earlier in february >And maybe not even the will is there. of course not, those pesky Germans are standing in the way of the Zionists utopia anyway
Globalisierung ist eine gigantische Umverteilung zu Ungunsten der Menschen in Europa und den USA. Die Profiteure sind nicht wir, sondern komplexe Industrie - und Finanzkonzerne. Dieses Empfinden treibt die Menschen um, mit den entsprechenden Konsequenzen.
Correct. You don't enter their frame of mind/argument. Trump has demonstrated how you can get away with about anything by deflection and changing the tables. Entschuldiger sind Versager.
Genau deshalb wurde die EU ja auch gegründet. Selbst Kalergi schrieb, dass die EU als Plutokratie gegründet wurde, aber man das so nie nach außen darstellen dürfte. In jedem zweiten Satz wird dir von Politikschwengeln DEMOKRATIE um die Birne gehauen, weil eben keiner realisieren darf, dass es keine ist. Ist ja mittlerweile ein erbärmlicher Fetisch geworden.
Where's the second one, roach? google.com/search?q=site:https://boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/+afd+kraut&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV-9GpzIPoAhUODOwKHXiFDqwQpwV6BAgLEB0&biw=819&bih=1167
> Dich nicht als Erbe von kinderlosen Rentnern ausgeben Wird es nie schaffen
Robert Johnson
the current numbers refer to an initial infection. nobody knows how a second or third infection will affect the immune system of zoomers+ and wamyn in the coming seasonal visits of coronachan. this fugly beauty rides a pale horse.
Brandon Myers
Is there any explanation already for the high letality in italy?
107 dead vs. 276 recovered (383 total), thats a letality around 28%. Do they just test the most heavily sick?
Cameron Anderson
do you mean reinfection by another type? There are currently two main coronavirus branches (L- and S-type)
Kevin Myers
Off, natürlich S-type, unter dem machen wirs nicht
Joseph Martin
>Do they just test the most heavily sick? sounds like it, also Italy is the most elderly country in Europe naja Kerstin hat es geschafft mein Leben aus den Angeln zu heben, natürlich schaff ich es nicht ^^
Joseph Russell
> Corona killed all pizzerino posters (mutts included), show your face and press 'F' to pay respect