Do we like stonetoss?

Do we like stonetoss?

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Why is that Nazi speaking English?

It is cringe now

Yes us.
Was he really redpanel?

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I like it but a lot of its jokes are only things Yas Forumsacks would get, and thus the point of the comic (to redpill normies) is lost.

Stone toss is brotier. Maybe he smoked too much weed in highschool or something, but hes still brotier.

idk my normie friends get most of them

Some of his stuff is good but "le two genders attack helicopter XD" is only funny to boomers now. Since boomers don't know who stonetoss is he should focus on the more esoteric comics that appeal to zoomies

Because he's talking to an English-speaking soldier

stonetoss is 10% funny because of the comics and 90% funny because of salty redditors

You'd be surprised. The thing about stonetoss is his comics are made in a way even normies get it. Most people do in fact believe there are only 2 genders. Hence the joke.

Like all natsoc cucks he views the constitution as means to an end and would rather have culture than his own weapon, property and speech

because he lost the war

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Every comic of his is a strawman.

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I can't even tell what it is you're trying to say through the brainwashing. I have to choose between rights and culture because muh constitution? This is the goodest goy-post I've seen in a while.

>You have to choose a side between christians and Jews

This. sage.

Hes /ourguy/

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>criticizing an argument your opponents make frequently is attacking a strawman

He's alright but he's also an American. Unfortunately that makes him retarded despite having a certain mastery over Yas Forums memes.

I think he seems pretty based and effective.

10IQ take, hes depicting how people who will so willing insult Christianity recoil when you say something bad about Judaism

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The strawman fallacy is a fallacy when used incorrectly. Strawman is supposed to be bad when used in a one on one conversation because it derails it. It's completely normal when used in a comic because the poster isn't targetting any single person and literally anything he posts would be strawman simply because it's a monologue.

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Stonetoss = incel ledditors
Ben Garrison = chad Yas Forumsacks


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everybody keeps saying that nazis are against transgenderism and if I was against transgenderism then that would make me a nazi.
so I guess I'm a nazi. sheeeeeeit.

idk, do you? fking npc go join moddit or faceberg.


retard alert

have you tried not being a fucking faggot for five minutes

Huh? Sorry dude.

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Nothing will ever top this.
Fuck Livestyle Cyclists.

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God is there anything more cringeworthy than PC insults from SJWs?

There is no "we" here, retard.

This logic sure worked for Gillette huh?

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He banned a bunch of people when they criticized him. So there's that.

As somebody who had to live and clean up after a mentally ill tranny for a year, I find it pretty ironic and hilarious that they'd call anybody a chud.

Thats what your pushing for, stonetoss

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Got me good

>>You have to choose a side between christians and Jews

this is the people I'm sharing a board with, sub 40 IQ niggers

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What a monkey brain you have there. Shame! Shame!

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He's good at poking fun. Which, of course, causes libtards to sperg out and accuse him of being a nazi because that includes poking fun at libtards and that's not allowed.

>buying cars from XYZ corporation to pwn the conservatards

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That clown makes a perfect nigger. The original guy must have included his own beauty biases when designing it to look ugly and stupid.

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Kek nice edit

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Not the message, schlomo.

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Stop thinking so collectively, but yeah, I like him pretty good.

i dont give a flippin HECK whether u "wee's" like stonetoss
but i sure as HECK do.

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stonetoss is pretty great. The left is so far gone at this point though that they often don't understand what's being mocked. This comic, for example, is one they struggle with.

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Its always been cringe normalfag

Comic is perfect with jus the top two panels desu, the bottom two are literally redundant.

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Final panel should have Yes.

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pretty sure he is one of the fags to browse Yas Forums
what a faggot

north germans if from middle or upper class sometimes had british relatives etc through marriage,

I don't follow him, but every time I see his comics being posted I think he's based.

Probably some contrarian cucks here are going to say otherwise but I don't care.

Hey, still feeling salty about your old coot loosing? Why dont you move to north korea or cuba, where communism thrives?

Kek. What can whitoids even do anymore?

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is this by him? becuase i KEKED fuclking hard

If you don't have a white population you cannot have a libertarian population. The two are inseparable.

Yes. It unironically did

People who lack a real sense of humor call everything that's actually funny cringe.

>Billions in losses.
So they weren't trying to make money?

This one actually came true