Why the FUCK do pajeets think this is acceptable?
Why the FUCK do pajeets think this is acceptable?
Based pajeet, seethe more virgin
they ate too much poop
Why am I not surprised? Go back to India you poo
>that fear in her eyes
absolutely based
because everything pajet is stuck with back home is buttugly pagan girls
Damn, he must be curious what a white girl's hair feels like. How come I'm not equally curious what an Indian girl's hair feels like?
Pajeets make me kek everytime
the sheer horror in some women's faces
Because you feel your wife's hair every night
There's several pajeets in my engineering course, they're all rich and in designer head to toe while obnoxiously flaunting their money. 100% of non pajeet women are repulsed by them.
Bollywood teached them that they'll score the beauty when they behave like pathetic romantic white knights. When they realise it does not work they switch to the bad boy approach online and demand "bob" vegana" or even "make rape" from women.
Pajeet and blond hair is quite similar. East Asians have thicker hair. He's stroking her because he thinks she's beautiful. I don't really get why everybody instantly assumes it's sexual. He probably just thinks she looks like an angel or something. With that said, I'm also not assuming he won't put his dick inside her if he was given the chance, it's a Pajeet after all, but this girl is not even in her puberty.
thanks yoshi
If I were a girl I'd take advantage of them. Until sex at least. It would depend on a few factors if I would have sex or not.
because you are a faggot, pussy-love knows no boundaries
also you are a virgin
there's plenty of rich guys who will shower hot girls with gifts, without going into butthurt-murderer mode
Is there a more cringe race than Poojeets?
>I don't really get why everybody instantly assumes it's sexual. He probably just thinks she looks like an angel or something.
pajeets can'r control themselves around white women
because pedophilic degeneracy isn't the norm ad gifting a flower to a little girl is just nice.
it is definitely the norm with streetshitters
these subhumans rape babies
It's a well known fact. It's not like it's such a positive thing, cause their hair is naturally always straight. Just like a nigger's hair is always disgusting afro mess. Niggers have the thinnest hair btw.
Europeans are in the middle qua thickness and we naturally have many forms of hair, from curls to straight, which again proves that we are superior people.
All those poos and arabcels are like this. They are obsessed with whitening their race kek. They cant stand their own women!
what a pretty deer
Yeah but I don't want to be mean to my own people when pajeets exist too. Or, to put it this way: I'm not going to lead a white guy on and dump him whenever I want. With a Pajeet I would have no remorse if I did.
Sure. I said something about that too.
Man I wish I had the confidence of a pajeet. Imagine being ugly, shitting on the street, smelling terrible yet still having the balls to chat up aryan qts.
why are they like this? not even niggers or spics are this bad
Because they don't get beaten enough.
stop larping as a chick you mentally ill muzzie
girls want to puke from incels like streetshitters
You would go in thinking you have a chance though and are afraid to get rejected. A Pajeet knows he'll get rejected.
good old mitm
Jesus christ the neurotic behavior that they think is normal is unreal
I clearly said 'if I were a girl', mongoloid. You never thought about what you would do or how you would behave if you were the opposite sex? Guys don't get free drinks offered to them when they go out, girls do. That's an example of how a girl lives a completely different life where it's easy to take advantage of horny losers.
he smeared her hair with holy poo. It brings luck and shit odor.
kek like bunch of fucking meerkats...
It's not Pajeet's fault she dresses like a little slut.
yes an average girl would definitely not even accept a drink from a streetshitter, you delusional sandnigger
The sub at the beginning translate to
- "We should find a place to sleep tonight".
- "Here!"
TWD - Season 3
One of the texts was him cropping a picture of her eyes and just saying
“Beitoful eyes”
what breaking bad episode is this from?
Wtf is your problem? I don't actually want to reply to you anymore but it was just an example. I clearly said what -I- would do and that is take advantage of rich pajeets. Most girls aren't that mean, but I wouldn't mind living on a Pajeet's money for a while and buying expensive things for myself.
Says the victim.
why are poos constantly aroused? is that a sign of strenght or weakness?
Because they don't give a fuck.
Hey boy
the pajets admire the white race as if they were gods
Have some respect
He just wanted to give her some flowers
they think white people give good luck or something
Who would bring their young daughter to shit-land is the more potent question.
Hey sweetie, wanna go to the rape capital of the world this summer!?
you have no fucking experience with chicks but for some reason post about what they would do
when actual golddiggers avoid these subhumans and you try to talk to me about "most girls" I'm just gonna laugh and call you a virgin
I'd say built up frustration.
Allah ahu Akbar
Fucking gross
Pajeet is the lowest form of life I've encountered.
They have bred till the point of starvation, and simply have nothing to loose.
We cannot let these people and their culture into white countries.
Even the "Educated" indians still hold hindu superstitions, a backwards culture and will open the doors for the rest.
1.3 BILLION people, who would all flee india to anywhere they could
it's just a rose vendor giving a rose to child hoping he is seen as nice so someone buys roses from him
I got mad at some one day because i was dating a girl and like 4 of them came interrupting me in 20 minutes
fking pajeet
OK, you're retarded. You don't know what the word I means. That's my last reply because you're a simpleton with an asshole attitude. Get rekt, moron.
Story behind this?
This, this kind of short made prostitutes inconfortable 70years ago
India net emigration rate is pretty low, very few of them would want to move to another country (on a percentage basis)
cop looks exactly like cleveland from family guy
Back in the day, on vacation in Normandy, there was always a photographer bothering people in restaurants taking their picture, which you could buy the next day. Really annoying way of making money.
i guessed so at first. but if you look even at their sculpture style, well, it's basically pornography. it must be genetic.
My ex was into this shit. She would have a stressful day at work and needed to lie down with rocks on her body for a while after work hahahahahaha. What a fucking loon. She insisted on drinking my cum every single time too though. I mean, every single time. Makes my cock hard just thinking about that semen demon
I've seen them whip their dick out when they see a white woman. It was hilarious.
This. It's sad that western whites have been conditioned to view almost every interaction between a man and a young girl as sinister, even with sexual undertones. The devil rules this planet.
Lmao they are like raccoons waiting to be feed. But they want to rape instead.
>dont mind me I just want to stroke your hair
>its not sexual why are you being weird about it
Yeah she sees a subhuman and her natural instincts have not yet been wiped out by SJW programming at school
It's the numbers though. A country like The Netherlands could fill in all positions in companies on a higher level with just pajeets, simply because the small percentage of educated poos is an extremely large number of people.
Shorts and a vest = slut
What a fucking faggot. Only a paki would think like that.
True, but the point is that those are only the percentage who would want to permanently relocate, most would want to stay where they are. I was replying to the other guy when he said 1.3 billion would all move if they could.
absolutely based and redpilled
Fuck off paki
You don't go up and touch kids, even wogs kids you wouldn't.
ficki ficki
remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
>very few would move to another country
No that's just a straight up lie.
Every indian city has a bunch of green card lotteries where they sell fake US green cards like lottery tickets.
India has reached the point where food and water are running short supply and mismanagement could quickly destabilize the country.
Imagine if there was a famine, or a pandemic
There are already about 2 million indians in the UK alone
Most White people from 50 years ago would think like that. It is only since the (((sexual revolution))) that such things are meant to have been normalised.
just so you all know
Pajeet and most of asia only watches porn of white people.
The only time they see white women is in porn.
I'll let that sink in for you
Could perhaps be, but Indian society today is so conservative and based on family that even without being a genetically horny animal, it's easy to get frustrated because you're not able to have casual sex.
Been like that for years lad. In 1995 I saw a young kid crying next to his bike. Don't know if he'd fallen off or what had happened. Pal of mine with me in the car, 'dude I'm going to see if that kid's okay', "user are you fucking stupid, do you know how it'd look, two of us picking up a kid, think Jamie Bulger mate". He had a point, I drove away, but felt bad.
I wouldn't be surprised if their cuisine contributed to them being horny 24/7. They are eating fuckton of spices which in some combination probably have aphrodisiac effect. Also, those spices make their sweat smell just terrible.
I'm not condoning his behavior, just saying it isn't sexual per se.
hi girl I name Puneet Sharma i think you have very beutiful hairs and vagen i miss you plaese come india i wait you very hot
me adres allapuzha, poorama st 35 post 248-309
come i lonely and clean 100%
You are a useful idiot. A serf.
There's literally nothing wrong with this
You are a filthy wog, and you should do the decent thing
>kid is half naked and half black
>finding a loving foreign boyfriend
Even 1% of a large population like India's is a lot of people.
Food and water are plentiful in India, the country is a bureaucratic mess and so the food is not distributed properly. It is currently food self-sufficient
>Map shows how many times over country could give 2000 calories to each man and 1500 calories to each child/woman
Yeah that's obviously not the case, certainly if you're more well off. I personally wouldn't want to live there if I were a Pajeet though, probably. It's awful in about every way imaginable. The only thing that would keep me there is the familiarity.
In india there's little separation between patrionism and sexual predation
The wealth divide in india is so great that wealthy indians often "look after" the young and poor- in the same way the romans used to.
honestly this guy would was probably being videowed by his family and a million of his cousins would jerk off to this
2 million vs 1.5 billion.
>Why the FUCK do pajeets think this is acceptable?
The same reason why gorillas throw their own shit at others. They are not human, and they don't even act human.
I thank it's because are women act like whores, and they think it's easy to get a white woman.
Are whites any different? They're all traveling to Thailand to fuck underage girls. You guys are just as disgusting as poos in the loo.
Amazing race. The next scene they're getting groped in a stinky sweaty train car.
But what if all you have ever experienced in your life are the living conditions in India? How could you know there is something better?
spotted the pedo
Ironic that you call me a wog when you are the one stuck in a medieval witch hunt mentality. You'd be better suited to an African village, burning people alive because of some hushed whispers about them being a rapist.
yeah, possibly
what im actually interested in is why in the world they would cover a temple with pornographic statues. and why is their sculpture so sensual compared to ours. what is the thinking process? is it connected why their hyper-arousal? and why is that? and does it make them more human or less human? it surely make them more animal.
Only white men grope
damn I miss that show
Finnish tourists visit London 2014.
goddamn roastie
are you sure you should have the timitz so close to that braxton?
How do shitskin subhumans even compete?
Well, you can read in my first post that I don't exclude the possibility of him being a pervert, but I think it's too easy to assume he had sexual feelings for that child at that moment.