Trump says Corona virus is no excuse to skip work!

>Trump continued by discarding his own administration's advice to stay home if you're feeling sick: "If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better, and then when you do have a death, like you've had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, I believe you had one in New York." No deaths have been reported in New

We need to get that GDP higher guys. Just walk it off, looking at you lazy zoomers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>don't buy masks!
>just go to work!
>Less than 1%!
Can you see now Yas Forums? He's in on the population reduction. Your God Emperor is and always has been one of them.

The CCP must be inflating their numbers to make the corona virus seem WORSE than it is, not better!

>“Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number,” the President told the conservative cable network’s Sean Hannity. “Now, this is just my hunch, and, but based on a lot of conversation with a lot of people who do this, because a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people, so you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu, and, or virus, so you just can’t do that,” Trump said, clearly trying to minimize the danger and the numbers of people infected.

This was on Hannity earlier

Cull out the weaklings

nothing wrong with population reduction. Survival of the fittest suggest those not foolish enough to believe this shit will be the ones to live.

>anti china
eat shit you filthy oriental cunt. Go fuck a goat for shekels on the silk road.

Why is everything in that headline in quotes? It's almost like they just made shit up and pretended Trump said it.

I trust in the God Emperor 100%

No need to use conspiracy to explain that Trump has boasted so much about his economy that he's shitting himself that this is affecting it and wishes it would somehow go away on its own

It's from his phonecall with Hannity earlier. Transcribing speech to written word would be a lot longer and meandering with off the cuff remarks especially since Trump tends to do that and wouldn't fit in a headline.


you forgot to mention he touched his face even though he said he didnt, no shekels for you

>china quarantines an entire city, mass cullings of pets police with automatic wepaons and hazmat suits running around enforceing curfew and dragging off the "infected"
>Trump praises china for their reaction to the virus
>also trump: dude its no big deal go back to work!

Back to work

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Honestly? This is hilarious.

He's so fucking piss scared of having to face Joe that he'll say anything to stop this shit from tanking the stock market.

He doesn't have a single accomplishment once Mr. Market goes down.

Dick this shit.

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Trump's claims are partially backed up by WHO observations though: The death rate is partially inflated by the Wuhan disaster and subsequent infections do indeed have a much lower death rate approaching 1% because of better knowledge and procedures.

its all goyims are good for

slave and die

literally all you are, in their insane talmudic vision

I love how this is a common response to everything Trump says now. Shills hoping migatards wont fact check.


Yeah, the fittest being the ones smart enough to not take Trump's advice

because people listen to Trump for virus advice, fucking idiot.

Trump's claims are directly at odds with the WHO's stated 3.4% mortality rate. Their numbers are based on a study of the available data and Trump's is based on "a hunch."

I could kinda buy that,l. It is ridiculous to see people constantly say to not trust CCP number just to turn around and say totally trust their science. Take it all very seriously still.

May need to be castrated (testicles) to get back to work

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He's a professional cloudwatcher, don't be judgemental.

>can you prove him wrong?
>are you really trying to say that everyone that has it has been tested and recorded?
Are you retarded?
>Corona virus is not new
Its fucking printed on a can of Lysol and bottles of Chlorox as something those products are confirmed to kill. Being a low information hysteric is not anyone's fault but your own.
>Also he said its his "hunch" with all the information he has from a team of the best dr's and scientists around the world.
All pandemics peak in February and this one did as well. Sorry but your just gonna have to deal with it faggot.

Kek, he wants to lose next elections so bad

>My hunch is that most infected were asymptomatic
There is nothing wrong with killing off boomers.

>Their numbers are based on a study of the available data and Trump's is based on "a hunch."

Incorrect, the WHO itself has pointed out that the high mortality rate of 3.4% is inflated by the initial Wuhan disaster and that current mortality rates are much lower, closer to 1%, because of better knowledge and care:

>As of 20February,2114of the 55,924laboratory confirmed cases have died (crude fatality ratio[CFR2]3.8%)(note: at least some of whom were identified using a case definition that included pulmonary disease). The overall CFRvaries by locationand intensity of transmission (i.e. 5.8%in Wuhanvs.0.7%in other areas in China). In China, the overall CFR was higher in the early stages of the outbreak (17.3% for cases with symptom onset from 1-10 January) and has reduced over timeto 0.7% for patients with symptom onset after 1 February(Figure 4). The Joint Mission noted that the standard of care has evolved over thecourse of the outbreak.

It is true. We don't know the actual occurrence rates because it is difficult to test for. Most people who get the flu never see a doctor, especially in the US where a hospital bill is enough to scare away any otherwise healthy person. The only ones going to the hospital are already on death's door.

>better knowledge and procedures
Get drunk, complain about your hangover the next day and shut down an airport

>shut down an airport

Well, sort of proving my point here, that's how you should respond to this sort of virus

Confirmed cases are not all cases. Try using what little brain you have left.

now that was embarrassingly try-hard

Nobody on /pol works. So no.

>a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people, so you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu
Just a mild flu!
Don't bother seeking medical attention, you'll get better very rapidly!

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Well thanks to coronavirus, I have no work. Gotta find another job. But yeah dude its just the flu.

So work will free your flu?

So what's your argument? WHO declares very plainly that the mortality rate has been decreasing over time; you have access to the secret UN-confirmed cases or something?

“So we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that just get better, by, you know, sitting around and even going to work – some of ’em go to work – but they get better,” Trump claimed, which is dangerous, given how highly-contagious COVID-19 is.

“And then when you do have a death, like you’ve had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, you had one in New York, you know, all of a sudden it seems like three or four percent, which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of one percent.”

“But then again they don’t know about the easy cases, the easy cases don’t go to the hospital, they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases, so I think that number is very high. Personally I would say the number is way under 1%.

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The real danger is in human-to=human mutation of the virus. This is how the Spanish Flu killed so many, although it started out as a normal flu

>like you had one in California, you had one in New York
Trump has no chance in those states. He says "go back to work" he's referring to communists

We're just arguing about the "real" mortality rate, supposing you had magical knowledge of every human alive with the virus, how many of them died? It's almost certainly less than the 3.4% simply because majority of people with the virus are capable of resolving it on their own so they don't bother reporting it, and the people who are already struggling will be more likely to report.

He doesn't actually understand how a virus works.

we're literally asked to call a hotline and more likely than not to self quaruntine rather than go into a hospital.

>Tell people to go to work
>States a fact
>Liberals get triggered

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64 mil dead for Spanish flu

it costs us $3k for the test. most of us burgers are going to suck it up unless it gets really bad.

I was just sick the last few days and now I’m better. Literally had all of the symptoms of COVID. Sucks that I won’t be able to know for sure whether I just fought it off cause then I don’t have to be worried about catching it again

The 3.4 was calculated with the data of the diamond princess
The previous smaller number was calculated with the chinese data

>insane talmudic vision
and Israel claims to already have a vaccine?
Surprise, surprise


>South Korea 35 Deaths 88 Recovered
>Italy 107 deaths 276 Recovered
>USA 11 deaths 9 Recovered
>Iran 92 deaths 552 recovered

if those numbers hold it's armageddon

Normal flu has already killed 10000 in US this year.
Corona has been lively in WA State for 2 months already with 9 deaths

There's still thousands of cases in progress.

The time-to-death (~1 week) is faster than the time-to-recovery (~2-8 weeks), so you're going to have all your deaths up front at first.


What are the survival rates in non-shithole countries though?

For comparison: Spanish flu killed in one day. Here today, gone later today.

*with 9 people who have been tested for corona

Very unlikely especially with a new virus strain such as this. Once my body experiences the infection it has little to no chance of getting at me again. Unless I get aids or something

Trump is being low energy, lying out of fear for loud voter minority (so not ethnical minority) lashback is currently higher then concern for the nation, which is exactly how the Dems destroyed themselves in 2016, by pandering to loud voting minorities

I've been a Trump supporter from the start.
But he's going full fucking retard here.
Coronavirus is going to explode in the US in a few weeks and the economy is going to crash hard regardless
The smart thing would be to get out in front of it instead of downplaying it

That makes it less infectious, the quicker a virus kills the quicker it burns out
Also the problem is that early death cases will be the weak and everyone who doesn't die after that does so through medical treatment and not being weak
Numbers of countries with bad access healthcare and infrastructure will give a good idea of death rates without proper medical care, people might still die after the first week then

I think he's right.

There is more than one strain going around dipshit

CDC dropped the ball (they can act independently from what I understand) and they're rushing to make a million kits a week now for testing I've read in my countries news

it's 4D checkers. now all the NPCs will freak out about corona

Fuck you I didn’t know that why the fuck

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no. reinfection comes within a week. it invades nerve cells & regrows away from the immune system.

then it destroys the brainstem

I'm thinking Seattle probably already has a bunch of people infected. And no way in hell Vegas doesn't, loads of Chinese in the city.

he's right you know