Do you think that men volluntarially or not are getting left behind by women in society?

It seems as if men are not going after women and that chivalry has died. With all of the rape allegations and crazy women you see on a daily basis it makes it easy to somewhat understand why but there must be another explanation. What do you think?

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They don't like us

Around 80% of men are unwanted by women.

i don't know but i hope this changes in my life time. I don't want to die childless and alone.
Anytime I do tell a girl I like her it means she disappears from my life. I'm a nice person and no threat to anyone i'm just awkward and weird I guess and people don't like things that make them uncomfortable.

Would make sense I see it as women want to be with men to get something they already do not have; like money, attention (from friends/ lover), or due to jealousy

Same boat women dont like nice men they want someone that will treat them like shit it seems. Then gets upset that all their relationships were toxic...

It's unironically Men Being Sent Their Own Way.
Most men are runoff. No resource will be wasted on the extras.

also theres this idea among white women nowadays that being with a man or having children is slavery and being single is "freedom" and fun, please god let this thinking go away someday.
I don't want to control anyone or tell them what to do. All I want is someone I can sleep with and hold at night and feel like everything is alright. Someone who i can hug and hold their hand and go off to work feeling good knowing ill see them again when i get off.



Thats how they made us. We are conditioned to be like this.

When a woman can pretty much do what men can do there is then no need for men. I feel like I know more lesbians and crazies than normies. Now that they are doing better in school and men being prescribed ADHD medicine to be normal in elementary school b/c they cant sit still. What does that teach our young men?

>I'm a nice person
There's your problem

Women, lawyers and politicians. If the same basic problem as trade/trump but it has not been formally addressed yet. A bunch of shit laws got on the books, and society/men have adapted.

Women are awful.

Sad but true...

If a girl is a bitch, just forget she was ever born.

Automatons are inbound.
Purposely or not women picked a bad time to start the me too movement and that crazy believe all women.
In an already isolationist world they doubled down, now they are truly fucked but it will take them another 20 or so years to realize that their generation will be ignored to the end.

>i don't know but i hope this changes in my life time. I don't want to die childless and alone.
You could take a month vacation to Ukraine or Poland and be up to your ears in waifu material cuties. >Most men are runoff.
I plowed dozens of bitches from freshman year into my late 20's, but after getting backstabbed in all of my later relationships, I chose to move to Eastern Europe where I was the exact opposite of runoff. >please god let this thinking go away someday.
If you have not noticed, women are most certainly starting to panic. They put on a poker face, but they are sweating. The kids, specifically girls, coming up now are acutely aware that marriage is not likely for them at any time in the future. They are seeing their mothers, aunts, and grandmothers starting to buckle under the pressure to appear strong & independent.

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It's men's job to lead women, not the other way around. Men are leaving women behind by not reigning them in, and by giving them the power to do the bullshit they do.

Oh they both leave each other behind everything about their society is jiked and kiked.
The Shitvax tm, (((all good psychiatry))), 5goy radiation, nigger rap, the whole culture is gone as the faketanics.

Welcome to Clown World faggot! Enjoy your stay

I mean I have had my fair share of retarded women
>Girl is interested in me
>Think she is cute
>Knows most of my friends (common bond)
>Lives close to me in college and back at home home
>Gets mad that I am still talking to my ex
>She is still talking to hers though (double standard)
>She cuts things off
>Finds me at party months later
>Hooks up with me to try to get back at a friend
>She is actually dating someone
>I tell that person that she cheated on him with me
>They continue to date

I just do not fucking understand

Even in the case that women are abandoning men or vice versa or whatever, stuff like nationalism is rising, which could potentially see traditionalism rise, as the left become more radicalized

Any resources on how to pull this off? Also how late is too late?

Did you renounce US citizenship?

>men are not going after women
Wrong! Women are not going after most men. Why? Most women feel entitled to some guy out of their league - just because he fucked them one time he was horny. Men are willing to fuck down but women are not, so women go "hmm if he's willing to bang me then that must mean I'm hot shit and actually on his level!"

Sexual liberation/feminism/women's rights is the answer.

Women have been taught by jews, feminists, colleges and government officials that men are evil and want to rape and kill you

Contemporary western women do not behave feminine. They took on the sassy personality that homosexual men long ago took for themselves. Men don't want some sassy homo for a lover. Men don't hangout with sassy homos thus they have no interest in pursuing a relationship with one just because it now has a pussy. Women got baited into abandoning their woman hood to act gay. Globalhomo.

For i have spoken

Chivalry is not dead. Most men just don't respect most women. Yeah, they may respect their rights (their ACTUAL rights), but they don't respect their behavior. Idiots believe that all women deserve the utmost respect simply for existing. Lots of women will act like total selfish pieces of shit and expect to be respected by all for their shitty undisciplined behavior. When "equality" became a thing, all bets were off. Either you earned respect through your actions, or you did jack shit and no one cared about you or your vagina. Men need to tell women what they respect about them and what they don't have any respect for. Women need to do vice versa.

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No. Women in the west in general are crazy, don't know how to be happy and when they finally find something good reject it because the contrast shows how broken inside they really are.

I've only had somewhat decent relationships with women born outside the west. Trust me when I say it's not my first choice but I'm sick of crazy.

>source. My life. Past gf's and current female friends.

This, I'm done with any woman who treats me poorly. I treat them like edgy children that get gobby in video games- pay them no attention, tell them to fuck off and if they punch you knock them the fuck out.

this is true. Picking up women is like one of the biggest chores imaginable. It's like having a second job that you don't get paid for. Yeah we all do it to get by but many of us have found prostitution to be simpler. It's not like the prostitutes have a good attitude either. Especially here in America. But at least it's a transactional relationship.

Women are only damaging themselves in the long run. This is why they shouldn't be given any rights to make decisions. Fathers should make decisions for their daughters until they are married, from then on it's the husband's job.

I am currently in college and am confronted by women who either think that they are better than you OR those that are uber feminazi retards. I have had a class where they said that white men were p much useless and women were the best. This theme is carried out over and over again. Someone I know (not a friend of) was telling me that she was feeling degraded and upset that a MAN came over to her and her friend while working out and told them that the workout that they were doing was incorrect and would make you injury prone. This pissed her off so much that she ranted to me for a good 10 minutes about this bs and how disrespectful it is for a man to help her. I knew her freshman year and she was not like this at all. I swear to god colleges just fuck up women's brains.

I lost my job, home and sanity due to the lies and abuse of my last relationship. Thinking back on all my relationships, it was more problems than not and i was mostly held back from pursuing spiritual and intellectual interests, like i could only go as fast as I could drag the ball and chain on my foot.

After 15 years of this it begs the question if doing it all again with yet another woman is even worth it. It starts to not even become something to debate, it just ultimately does not benefit me to commit to a relationship. Women have absolutely nothing to offer me but their vagina.

Maybe something is fundamentally wrong with me, and it's a self fulfilling prophecy. I just don't care either way.

My goals are clear and appear attainable, but those same goals while having a woman at my side seem like a roller coaster of bullshit just to get to the same destination.

If I for some wild reason meet a beautiful thin woman that wants to be with me, I'll probably date her, but it just doesn't ever seem to have been worth it

I imagine this will be a self correcting issue. Empty egg carton. The unfortunate part is that it damages the overall society. I can't imagine this kind of behavior, but it would appear very prevalent in Western women in general. This dogmatism and fanaticism is an indication that they're already burning out from overdosing on propaganda.

>chivalry has died

>Any resources on how to pull this off? Also how late is too late?
Well, 14 years in the military, combat deployment, full pension, and my old man died leaving me a $83k life insurance policy. I lived in the Czech Republic for a year (fucking hated it) then lived in Ukraine for a year (loved it). I got on the plane at 33, met a 23 year old girl in Ukraine, married her, went back to America in 2005. Been here since. The minimum bar would be getting a TESL certificate, bring your overhead to an absolute minimum (put all your shit in storage, or your parents, place, live in your car for a while, save cash) then get on a plane to Poland or Ukraine and start talking to all the local university HR departments. With an English TSFL cert you are likely to be hired on the spot. Might even get housing provided if you bother to learn a little of the local language. I saw guys in their 50's getting girls in their 20's, so the "too late" point is pretty much dependent on finances. Bear in mind, what American women find a negative in men, foreign girls see as a net positive. e.g. Oh, hes older, that means more mature, stable, and prosperous

90% of men have a superpower, invisibility

I'm pretty sure the men are just left behind

but that's not bad provided you can deal with it and do your thing alone

While I don't approve of you acting like a foreign predator to our women because it will long term produce anti Polish sentiment in women you are right that majority of women here are polar opposite of western women. We have Erasmus girls in my university from the West and I can tell they're very uncomfortable

Pre-marital sex is the cheapest and most degrading form of prostitution.

Thanks for the hope pill. I should be able to scrounge up 500k when I start this journey and hopefully that makes up for being in my late 30s

I actually wanted to get one or two investment properties in Eastern Europe. Any recommendation? I mean for cities? Or neighborhoods?

Or you could just hire a prostitute??

This entire fucking universe is fucked to hell.

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Also it is highly degenerate to not learn the nation's language.

agree, luckily Poland is not far from Germany and their women are soooo much better. Dzien dobry schoene Frau!

Fuck off you will bring your faggotry.

>While I don't approve of you acting like a foreign predator to our women
I declined offers from women in Ukraine, because I was looking for a wife, not a whore. And I will agree that any Western woman in Asia or Eastern Europe will be shocked to her core at how utterly outclassed she is. The women there get a taste of the invisibility that men live with all their lives.

It's as simple as this. I've traveled the world and met many women of different cultures. The women of Westernized America have been destroyed by this lack of culture and the media brainwashing them about men on a daily basis. Combined with the social media.

I don't get off on having sex with people I don't care about, I've already had it a bunch so there's no more mystery. I just want to get someone who has a sound strong mind and comes from a good culture.

I go after women all the time. It's still going fine for me.

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Maybe watch less pornography, and stop actively seeking out deviant behaviors online.

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Im joining the Foreign Legion. Fuck women. Send me to Mali or Guyanna or I dont care.

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You can thank the boomers for that.
They still control most voting power in my country and mine and they're the ones still telling these 20 something slut millennial woman they're perfect no mater how much of a whore they are.
It's the conversation I hear EVERY time I go through a shopping mall.

"Its ok honey you only slept with 50 men and your not THAT fat".
Fuck boomers.

and yours*

How many of yall are conservative vs liberal. I kind of see that as a indication as to what "side" people tend to pick on the subject matter.

Oh, is this an MGTOW thread? Nevermind then. Carry on.

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>I actually wanted to get one or two investment properties in Eastern Europe. Any recommendation? I mean for cities? Or neighborhoods?
Nigger if you got $500k burning a hole in your pocket, why the fuck are you here? I lived like a king for two years on a fifth of that. Buying a property in Europe without a strong family or friend to keep a close eye on it would end up badly. I loved Ukraine, but with the current political climate, I would have to advice against it due to the nation becoming a puppet of America and an enemy of Russia. If not for that factor, Ukraine would be close to ideal. Russia and Russians see themselves as too "cosmopolitan", and Czechs are the absolute scum of the earth, for a number of reasons. I think Poland would be a great choice at this point in time. Personally, I always chose to avoid cities that are oversaturated with Americans. That's why I chose to live in Brno, not Prague, and Kherson, not Kiev. As far as being in your 30's as too late, that is some bullshit. If you are not trolling, which you probably are, 30's is considered the prime of a man to EE girls.

You sound exactly like me. I'm not giving up cause I'm thirsty.

I like Lviv

Nobody on /pol has ever had a gf or had sex. So no. Stop posting this shit.

That’s because women thrive on drama. Never forget that