I once read a post that said Germany was an Occupied country because they don't have a constitution and that the UN install at war with the Axis countries. Is this true? Is the world still so affected from wwII, even now and the newer generations are not being taught this? What else has fallen off the table into obscurity, in this huge timely negotiation of countries??
Is Germany an Occupied country?
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We are de facto occupied, yes.
Weimar problems require Weimar solutions
Yes and so is Japan. Every problem they have is because you're forcing them those problems.
Does anyone care? Does it get taught anywhere in your schools? I know it doesn't get taught here at all. How can we end it?
It's what they deserve for being Nazi filth, and it serves as a lesson for other fags.
>Does anyone care? Does it get taught anywhere in your schools?
No, and it won't. The US is an empire and their military bases are the key to world domination.
It's starting I think. Germans want more and more to take their defense in their hand.
>Does it get taught anywhere in your schools?
Are they allowed to be taught they are occupied?
British military occupation will end this year, but US occupation will go on forever
Post-WW2 peace was thousands time harsher than Versailles (with Germany split up in two parts for decades and militarily occupied forever) and this is what ensured they could never chimp out again.
WW2 happened because Versailles was too lenient.
Since 1945.
i also noticed this. they as a country are getting more and more obsessed with their military defence. i must mean something.
You're occupied too, aren't you? You have Mutt bases in your country and are not allowed to kick them out. The incident in 1998 says so...
>British military occupation will end this year, but US occupation will go on forever
It will go on until the American empire collapses
The hour is neigh on that
After that happens there are a few possibilities, all good for Europe on a whole imo
If America has a clean balkanization with the European descended people of the US keeping the large bulk of the US with access to both coasts, they may possibly use their military resources to help nationalists come to power in Europe
If America has a bloody balkanization process the nationalists will win, but the clean up will force burgers into isolationism
Either way Europe wins
Without a military arm to enforce zog, and the backbone (us dollar) of zog's financial system burned to the ground the zog govts of western Europe will come down quicker than the wall fell
This. America is Weimar kike cancer.
but italians don't give a fuck. rather, they welcome and even worship the mutts on average.
Don’t post again. I’m warning you
Our occupation of Germany isn't doing us much good, frankly, nor you. It's strategic importance has waned, and we've dumped a lot of money for good will, yet also pulled some geopolitical trickery.
Kikes mark you as goyim cattle slave from birth with a semitic penis mutilation ritual.
You have a more mild occupation going on so you barely notice it, probably that's the reason. Switching sides helped I guess.
>Our occupation of Germany isn't doing us much good, frankly, nor you. It's strategic importance has waned, and we've dumped a lot of money for good will, yet also pulled some geopolitical trickery.
sure thing
you couldn't handle a Euro-Russian federation
it would simply blow your geopoliical importance out of the water
no more need for dollarinos, no more artifically inflated living standards
the sole thing an American can look up to is earning slightly more than your average European
Italian bases are too important for the Navy. The Navy keeps trade together via the global hegemony. No way the department of defense would give up on that.
The collapse of our empire means the collapse the global financial system. That would wreck the world economy for the shirt term.
Places like Africa would be doomed to famine, for a while.
Yes, there are US military bases and soldiers occupying Germany right now. Their constitution was written by Americans and their education system was created by Americans. America even forced them to accept migrants mainly from turkey after ww2.
I doubt that. The two largest airforces in the world are the American airforce and American navy. In raw tonnage, the USN could beat most of the world combined, let alone accounting for technology.
>The collapse of our empire means the collapse the global financial system.
Very true, but after that world would re-establish itself. Since USA is too strong for anyone to defeat them either economically or militarily all anyone can do is wait for US to implode. It's already happening though, it's a long process going on for several decades already but is speeding up. You will lose hegemony this decade. It has to be said, Trump fucked up, big time. Instead of joining forces with "allies" he alienated them (us) so now everyone sees you as the enemy. You could have easily extended your hegemony for another decade, if not two.
But I'm not complaining, faster USA dies, better for everyone, including you. Only Jews lose here.
>Places like Africa would be doomed to famine, for a while.
This is bad how? Sure we'll get massive amounts of niggers pouring on our borders, but that will only make right wing stronger in Europe.
The reasons for world war 2 were never resolved and people generally do not know this, hence normies
Btw, China could be the only one with the balls (and means) to actually cause collapse of global financial system. Through trade. They are so involved in everyone's industry through import/export that them shutting down everything will cause serious shitstorm.
If their lockdown continues for only a month, the damage will be irreversable and a downward spiral is inevitable. Global trade will take a massive hit and USD will tank like crazy since literally everything in the world is being traded with dollars. No trade - USD worthless.
We may have the happening of our time going on in front of our eyes and Yas Forums is seeing it months before everyone else.
everywhere is occupied by USA, its propaganda tentacles saturate everything, every living mind. if you let them. compared to that USA physical occupation through military bases is nothing
Ja, genau. USA ist eine scheisse land, Kraut Bruder! Wie gehts? Alles gut im Deutschland heute?
Keep dreaming europoor. Those who bet against America are those who left behind.
Muhammad took Germany without a shoot being fired. Prove me wrong, pro tip you cant!
That's what 75 years of Amerikike propaganda does to someone.
America is the perfect Jewish experiment
An army of rootless people, none of which does the nation belong to any particular race or group. They are perfectly interchangeable cogs with no hope of ever obtaining higher platitudes. They're nothing more than disposable human meat shields for their Jewish overlords - a permanent underclass of gentiles.
Considering that the nation does not belong to any one particular group or race (outside of Jews), each person's contribution to it is effectively nullified after his lifetime ends, as at any given time their children or grandchildren can be vilified or ethnically replaced by another group. In essence, the good goy army fights for nothing but an immediate ration so that he can survive to fight tomorrow. Once his utility as an able bodied meat shield is at an end, he is discarded with minimal healthcare and the inability to afford his medical expenses as he reaches further into old age, working his minimum wage job until the day he dies.
The American "dream"
Yes, Atlanticists can be found in every political party and direction. NATO is the official extortion racket to give cover for this. Some years ago the top adviser to the social democrat chancellor Willy Brandt, Egon Bahr, verified the conspiracy theory of the "Kanzlerakte" (chancellor file). Every chancellor has to sign this document upon entering office granting the Allied powers authority to suspend articles of the Basic Law, the provisional constitution set up by an Allied picked council.
In the 1990s Italian courts made the existence of stay behind underground armies created by NATO public. But because of the ramping up to the Iraq war the media was hesitant to pick up this topic in fear of smearing the image of NATO. Various terrorist acts and planned coups in Italy were attributed to this network called Gladio, which was operative over the whole of Europe, especially in France. The joke about the Franco regime and why there was no underground activity at his reign in Spain is that Gladio basically was the government there.
The first chancellor of the BRD didn't really trust the Germans which is why he was sympathetic to Germany's political integration to the forerunners of the EU. But to the dismay of Charles de Gaulle he also wanted to keep the door open to the British.
Ironically it was Thatcher that paved the final way to the EU as we now know it. First by entering into the common market, then by subjecting Britain to European courts (not EU courts) and then by conniving with Mitterrand to allow German unification under the condition of introducing the Euro.
And don't forget about the Stalin notes!
Or because it was too harsh
They managed to ignore both of the good outcomes, either total domination of Germany, or forgiveness and leniency, and settled for the worst of both worlds
>muh written codified constitution
God damn Yanks.
It's littered with US military bases and still has imposed limits on military and things like that, are not allowed to own nukes
So yeah, obviously occupied. All of Western Europe are US satellite states since WWII desu
No constitution but a document made by allies.
No amerimutt brainwashing was done well made.
Ami go home!
Stalin notes? What is about it?
Enjoy your downfall and life with niggers nigger.
They could win a war, but you need to project power to generate wealth.
I think it was about Stalin wanting German reunification and declaring it a neutral country or something like that
would be better than what we have now
in short: yes
no free peoples, no sovereignity (basic law article 146)
>This Basic Law, which shall apply to the entire German people after the completion of the unity and freedom of Germany, shall cease to be valid on the day when a Constitution freely chosen by the German people comes into force.
occupation, costs of occupation (basic law article 120)
>(1) The Federal Government shall bear the expenses for occupation costs and other internal and external costs resulting from the war in accordance with the detailed provisions of federal laws. Insofar as these burdens resulting from the war were regulated by federal laws until 1 October 1969, the Federal Government and the Länder shall bear the expenses in proportion to each other in accordance with these federal laws.
the "chancellor's file", removal of all sovereignity of political leaders
>Willy Brandt spoke "letter of submission" and initially refused to sign it in indignation: "After all, he was elected Chancellor and bound by his oath of office. The ambassadors (of the Allies) could hardly depose him! Then he had to be taught that Adenauer had already signed these letters and then Erhard and then Kiesinger. This is how Egon Bahr described it in 2009 in "Die Zeit", making the existence of the so-called "Chancellor's File" public for the first time.
For everybody who doesn't believe it.
There are hundreds of american NGOs and GOs in Germany shilling for american imperialism.
Pretty much every Party is filled with american sleepers which would sell us out for american Interest.
But its not only Politics, they're in Media, Culture, Military and Public Services.
there's also:
>per international law, the German Empire still exists and the Federal Republic is a puppet state
>German media is controlled by the US American "National Security Council"
>Germany is still considered an enemy state and can be invaded at all times with no reason, thanks to the UN enemy state clause
>no peace treaty means we're legally still in world war 2
National Socialism was a fight for freedom against slavery, it lost.
that is why they don't want you to know the truth about National Socialism, WW2 and the holohoax.
to keep us enslaved. If the masses learned the truth they would chose Freedom, the true Nation State over enslavement to a system that uses them as cattle.
oh good for a moment i thought it was about FAKE JEWISH TERRORIST BANKING
as long as you have a fake jewish banking ruling you are accoupied
america is occupied as well, after the jews stole all the gold from the american people
kennedy knew
just like hitler
We still have 50 k troops in Germany what do you think user.
Yes, it is the real reason why the anti-NS propaganda continues
then hopefully corona chan destabilizes things so much that social order goes out the window and the government cannot maintain control.
You need to REVOLT if this happens, now is your chance. Hopefully there are loyalists to the REAL German people and they use that time to stage a coup and take their country back and turn it into a National Socialist country even if they don't do so overtly by name.
this is your chance, your LAST chance to save Germany and your volk.
A leaf telling Americans they are cucked. Ironic.
There is problem though with this vision. In the 1980s nobody could imagine the fall of the Soviet Union and yet we witnessed an almost ideal outcome with a peaceful surrender and the secession of various states from it. But what made this possible was Gorbatchev basically telling everybody that they're not going to enforce their rule anymore, wanting a more humane socialism and stuff like this. But who's going to head the US through such a crisis? Who wants to be the last president? Lincoln went to war to stop secession.
This all seems to hinge on the idea that the US dollar will collapse before any other currency. But how realistic is that? The EU is just as much in debt and has no backing for its currency. In the 2008 financial crisis the dollar made gains in the beginning of the meltdown. That's because it is the fall back solution for everybody out there. I think this could be a long drawn out fall into decline.
A united Germany in the borders of 1945 would have basically gotten the same deal as Austria. Demilitarization, no membership in NATO or the Warsaw Pact and neutrality.
That would have meant a neutral block of Switzerland, Austria and Germany between the Western and the Eastern powers through which to trade and immediate problems. But the first chancellor of the BDR wasn't eager to have the Prussians back in a German state.
Paul Sethe, the publisher of a conservative newspaper close to the chancellor's party had to leave the paper for criticizing Adenauer's dismissiveness of Stalin's proposals.
Picture related is Adenauer on the left and his grandson on the right, after having been roughed up by a few of the "New Germans".
we would need America fightig itself in a civil war first for that to be successful
and it would have to be a quick, violent campaign, carefully planned
do your best to shill both American political sides against each other friend
corona chan be our savior.
Yeah man. For a long time boomers actually believed if we left they would all turn back into nazis again. At this point I dont see that shit happening they are far too anti racist. Not sure why we are still there now desu. Maybe we will be there forever, should just make it officially a state
there's a fuckton of laws against the own population burned into our 'constitution'.
this constitution is sold from school onwards as the good shit but eventually it just renders the nation powerless in many many aspects that are not politically corrext. the system flushes the most weak people in government to the top. they designed it after ww2 in a absolute bulletproof way to prevent something like the third reich again and there's literaly no way to change that, this country is permanently disabled. its trickle down effect is that it slowly kills off the ethnic german population.
we know. we are in an occupied land as well. we are just the slaves on the plantation. We want freedom from ZOG
America is the enemy, but not all American people user. I hope the krauts know that and a lot of us wish Hilter and National Socialism had won that war.
It was more about you being a Jewish military and banking colony. We border you which isn't helping things.
>Maybe we will be there forever, should just make it officially a state
That reminds me of Steve Sailer quipping about being okay if Israel wasn't just made a state but the United States a colony of it... as long as they'll get the same border protection!
well it is the Frankfurt school that wanted and help create this division. but at this point, I want balkanization but it has to be ethno national or these new states will just get browned.
but yes we need and want a civil war in America.
the two ideological sides will never come together
"a house divided cannot stand"
we want our own white homelands, not this multi cultie SJW, commie trans horseshit.
I hope to god those anti fa faggots get the war they deserve. Canada needs a revolution too, they are being browned to genocide too.
>should just make it officially a state
it belongs to your jewish masters, they have other plans already