How long before stores run out of stock from china not manufacturing?
How long before stores run out of stock from china not manufacturing?
Not gonna happen. Just the flu bro
>How long before stores run out of stock from china not manufacturing?
Who fucking cares? All of our decent food is grown/produced in North America as is our oil and gas. Let the chinks rot, we can live without lead contaminated trinkets and toothpaste.
Because that's when the real panic will set in and stock market will start dropping.
Bumping for interest, I figured the global need for just ONE kind of product like smartphones is too intense for the world to supply without China. I wonder what will happen
>I figured the global need for just ONE kind of product like smartphones is too intense for the world to supply without China
lol wut? All the large electronic manufactures have guaranteed backup plans. Besides the fact that the world will not end if the next i-fag or samsung model is delayed, if the for some reason all of china was off limits it would take 3-6 month to establish assembly plants elsewhere. The chincks and gook are not running the huge CPU/RAM chip etc factories, they just assemble. If only China was hit by an asteroid tomorrow it would be nothing, except for the speculators on jew street.
Literally never. How long do you think it takes a cargo ship to reach the West? Weeks for you, a month for us. There's still trillions of tons of cargo puttering about in the sea. A small interruption won't even be noticed.
Oh no I can’t buy worthless garbage anymore. What will happen to the plastic islands in the ocean?
I hope this shit crashes so hard.
calm down goys
me too, it seems completely irrational that the markets are pumping again.
>guns/ammo, food, water is all domestic
I'm good Bruce
>it seems completely irrational that the markets are pumping again
Why? Consumer confidence is still way up, unemployment is low, the Trump trade tariffs are working and the jews at the FED do not show any sign of fucking with the borrowing rate too much. Why wouldn't the markets be doing OK?
You know how many hilgly trained technicians it takes to build an iPhone and maintain a production line ... its in the 1000s? Are those Chinese going to just move to Mexico?
Fuck it, we deserve it
>You know how many hilgly trained technicians it takes to build an iPhone and maintain a production line
Yeah, none. They get a day training then thrown into the sweet-lodge. The only people with skills are the quality control monitors and maintenance staff and and on-site production manager who usually is an engineer.
t. Industrial eng who worked for Texas Interments
We had Mexicans trained and good to go in under a day.
In the US we'll run out in about 2 months(4-5 with proper rationing)
If the virus disappeared today we'd still have a shortage until Chinese manufacturing started up again plus at least 1 month shipping overseas
>we'll run out
of what? shitty plastic shit?
There is a large amount of food produced and imported from China, even here in California we receive so much from there since most US agriculture has been converted to corr, basedbean, and luxury crops(almond, avocado, etc...)
Not only that but simple stuff like toilet paper, soap, detergent, and so much more is not produced stateside anymore.
It's not the end of the world, but it's not going to be pleasant once our stores start running dry in the upcoming months, only to be made worse by people panic buying in bulk.
We will always have corn.
thank you
Because the entire economy is broken and we can't afford all the government we've created?
I know you're going to say some bullshit about how great Trump economy is, and maybe some anecdotal evidence about your own business doing well. Okay so is mine. Better than ever. Doesn't mean that we can afford all the government that has been created. It's an absolute disaster staring us right in the face and there's no escape. Growth will collapse.
China has a monpoly on rare earth minerals that no other country has, the magnets used in iPhones and a bunch of other devices is only available in china
About six weeks. Many things only come from China. Since Trump closed down travel and shipping there are many people in logistics trying to get alternative products or parts from other regions. Problem is, more and more places are getting shut down due to the virus.
Six weeks until there is a noticeable drying up of shit you think you should be able to buy at the store like a microwave or a calculator or a set of tongs and spoons or wheel chair batteries or fishing rods or nylon fishing line.
btw we barely import any food from China, at all
tea plus hoisin sauce and shit like that, and we already have domestic businesses who make all of it and will expand their manufacturing and prices soon
get your fermented black beans while you can lol
>less 5g
>less things for niggers to spend their welfare money "flexing on
>general stronger communites.
why would stopping new cell phone production be a bad thing exactly
>It's an absolute disaster staring us right in the face and there's no escape
I agree with that statement, but I assume yourself, as I have, have hedged your bets. Market wise, shit has been on a knifes-edge since 1998 (yeah I'm an old fuck at 43). I have no idea how professional brokers stay sane, or just not completely crooked.
>Wheel chair batteries
Checks out.
It's going to happen to you too user. But worse. Your Tesco's sausage rolls with donkey meat or whatever the hell you fags eat might be made in Britain and Bulgaria, but the packaging which moves it from place to place and likely the tyres the lorry is riding on as well as it's spinnigig coolblower and rubber strip power transferdoodles are all from China.
Maersk last week announced the cancellation voyages of 50 container ships from China.
Each ship holds 150,000+ tons of cargo.
50 x 150,000 = 7.5 Million tons of product.
That's just one company, from one country, and it's just beginning.
It's moved into S Korea and is spreading.
Yes we have food and oil.
What about all the other consumer products?
Where do you think all the car and truck parts come from now?
Who do you think makes the switches, valves, computer boards that keep the water and sewer company operating. The power grid functioning?
The Pharmaceuticals? Ect. Ect.
Simpletons like you are woefully unprepared for what's coming.
It's fucking based. We have enough shit circulating through Goodwills to last us a generation at this point.
Some things will never be manufactured ever again. Say goodbye to your Huawei 5G networks, Eurotards lol. Back to the days of a server costing ten thousand dollars, Google! LOL
I personally think WWIII has already started and we're just sort of getting a glimpse of it now, but the normies are too distracted still.
They will come around. I'm hoarding tp.
You ass holes dont remember the strikes at the ports in California a few years ago? That halted FAR more product from coming into the states than this has. China has already announced production has restarted and people are going back to work. The happening is literally over.
Not soon enough
>You won't see normies lose their shit because they can't consoom anymore.
T. Increasingly nervous man who hasn't stocked up on rice
>China has already announced production has restarted and people are going back to work.
They're lying and we can tell, and Trump hasn't reopened the borders with China and he won't until the virus ends, sometime in 2022.
Explain what you mean by hedge your bets?
>what you mean by hedge your bets?
A combo of buying index stocks with tangible goods such as silver, gold and platinum. Also if you own land keep it at all costs. I have 185 acres of rural property that I will never let loose and there is no way it will ever devalue. It helps that there are 400 maple trees on the property and I love making syrup every year. Buy property outside of the city to hedge your bets, it will always have value, unlike some condo downtown.
i ordered one of everything from amazon and will be reselling it when everything is out of stock. only retards give their money to kikes on the stockmarket
>they're lying and we can tell
The only somewhat decent evidence we got are the nasa photos showing less pollution. However, unless all the business community (state side) is lying as well about the restart then your wrong. We'll know for sure if next week or the one after nasa releases another picture showing no pollution levels again.
The very structure of our countries solve this. Think about it user I know you can figure it out.
Wrong new video from la docks shows the place is nearly empty. It begins soon this next week or two the shelves will dry up.
already happening at the grocery store. toilet paper and hand wash gone, all made in china
Any retail fag can tell you shortages of that nature in the early days of a conceived crisis are 100% all created by less than 10 people in a community buying all of it for themselves. Many times these people will drive to all the stores in their area and buy everything up and then turn around and start yelling to everyone else at the empty shelves as proof of their self fulfilling prophecy.
Im aware of that but the shelves are still empty with no known restocking date. The shit will hit the fan when medicines made in china are nowhere to be found and people start dying.
Been waiting four months for my latex gear and buttplugs to arive :/
>How long before stores run out of stock from china not manufacturing?
Nothing I own is made in China. China is only cheap garbage.
actually the last ship from china to the us is set to dock on the 6th. After that there are not even any scheduled in the next month. Enjoy being unprepared faggot
A couple of weeks till it hits manufacturing, a couple of weeks more until it will be seen on the shelves.
It won't hit all sectors though, preppers buying food are retarded, a farmer will still have to sell his pig, virus or no virus. Either that or crows will eat it.
Ships that sailed before Chink lockdown are still en route, hence a couple of weeks.
>manufactures have guaranteed backup plans
There is no possible way anyone can replace workforce so big in a couple of months.
There WILL be shortages + prices will skyrocket.
>There WILL be shortages + prices will skyrocket
Shortages of what? Bullshit consumer trinkets? As I said North America can feed it's self and power it's self without retarded chink toys. People will bitch, but it would not be the end of the world...and after 6 months the next newest i-fag product would be rolling out of somewhere.
> can replace workforce so big in a couple of months
Also check out the numbers, it's only ~250K people, Wallmart and Amazon could cover that in forced overtime easy.
>Are those Chinese just going to move to Africa?
ftfy and yes.
Texas Internments sounds like a fucking based company to work for.
North America collapses without consumerism retard. Well it's not exactly collapse, but big recession. Enough for major indexes to tank.
When your country has a hard time keeping two items on the shelves you know you need to brace for impact. Toilet paper and ammo.
And when/if stocks start falling hard that will set a chain reaction of it's own.
>Well it's not exactly collapse
Exactly, shit over here with not collapse, just piss people off enough to harden the fuck up and stop dreaming of a socialist paradise full of love and unicorns.
China cargo flows rapidly return to pre-coronavirus levels ( Freightwaves reports Link below ) that cargo volumes and ship calls have rapidly rebounded at Chinese ports, indicating that movements are rapidly returning back to normal. It adds (personal note: I second this point) that it remains to be seen in the coming weeks and months whether volumes will drop again if there are manufacturing disruptions or reduced demand in consumer markets or potentially they may increase if China pursues a stimulus program. Dry bulk has mostly recovered, energy has fully recovered and container imports into China may be higher than they were before the Chinese New Year. CargoMetrics continues to analyse import and export flows into other countries including South Korea, Italy and Iran and so far is not seeing anything unusual. Whilst this is good news, the CEO of Sea-Intelligence cautioned that the ripple effects of the virus are far from over pointing to capacity crunch problems and equipment availability (i.e. empty containers) for backhaul cargoes from the US and Europe heading back to Asia. For some backhaul shippers, it may be difficult to move their products at all in the coming months regardless of the price they're willing to pay.
>Texas Instruments sounds like a fucking based company to work for
It was user, unfortunately it is a shell of it's former glory.
kek, what a dumbfuck. Those are the times when people START dreaming of socialism.
Hopefully everyone will start producing their own shit instead. Fuck China.
CNN advises that Hasbro (the maker of the toy) has said its supply chain is being disrupted. Whilst production of baby Yoda toys specifically haven't been affected yet, that may change if normality hasn't returned by June and July with Hasbro warning that multiple toys will experience shortages. Currently the company's biggest issue is sourcing raw materials which are almost exclusively made in China. The COO added that in the coming years they will move about 50% of their supply chain out of China.
As long as my 10 tall boys I drink daily are in stock and my Tito's Vodka still keeps being made in Texas, I don't care.