1 in 4 Pregnancies in Britain are Aborted
I was listening to LBC debate on it a couple of months ago and this SOUF FC woman phoned in to say she had 6 abortions and had used a different clinic every time.
How come people are not dying of ADIS?
Probably Muhammadan rape babies
Why is this a bad thing? Just think of all those Muslim women getting abortions. We should be celebrating this.
rape babies?
That's because 1 in 4 persons in Britain have relations with immigrants
that's so fucked up
New law should be women have a get clitorectomey without anesthesia if they want an abortion.
Muslims arent the ones getting abortions, literally WHAT muslim would?
This could be good or it could be bad...
Not new. I've known this for 6 years, others longer I'm sure.
This is why I laugh at the burgers with an American centric view that abortions are great cause it culls niggers. Not in Europe they don't. It's euro women getting them, as well as poisoning water supplies with birth control and whatever else fucking hormon pills they take.
Fact, the UK would still be above replacement if abortions were outlawed.
Tell me you don't dream that they'd just have the kids and raise them and society would survive if they were prevented from aborting them.
Then that mean abortions are meant for a certain demographic of British people, no way. No way would the demographic that has been bombarded by left wing propaganda for 40 years be the ones most likely to get abortions. No way would that demographic be the native population of England.
Ever wonder how Gregg's sossage roles are made?
Not with todays lot no. But when abortion and birth control was first launched? Yeah.
Our women are getting abortions, doing drugs, and getting fucked by ngakoue. I'm ready to die any day now fuck this shit.
>Our women are getting abortions, doing drugs, and getting fucked by ngakoue. I'm ready to die any day now fuck this shit.
Then do something about it, pussy
>i'm ready to die
No, you aren't.
Yes I actually am. Im saving up money for a suicide trip.
If i set it off will you join in?
Mutts law
>have like 10+ different methods of contraception
>murder your child anyway
cause 1 in 4 brits is a potatoe
Most of them are intelligent White women who choose to pursue a career over motherhood, retarded Whites are still having a fair amount of kids.
>If i set it off will you join in?
No. I have a wife and child on the way, and a relatively good job. I vote extreme right wing parties whenever I can. I prepare myself for the inevitable collapse of this rotten society for my family's sake. This is my duty.
What is yours? Will you kill yourself like a coward? Will you seek quick revenge and take some of the evil with you before you go? Or will you try and turn your life around? Take the long road of being a father in such a society, preparing your children for their grim future against the media, the school system, the politicians?
It is your decision. I can only advise you to make your life count in some way.
this quote really hammers in the black pill
we're creating a hellworld of biblical proportions and virtually everything they did was to prevent it
and the one that isn't is a muslim shitskin.
corona chan better fuck shit up hard and you brits better fucking KILL!!! get primal! get tribal and fucking go to war for your survival!!!
its now or never!
they tend to if it's female, like chinks they have a preference for males!
>intelligent White women
>tfw too intelligent to procreate
What you say is kind of true, though. It takes a certain aptitude to quickly recognize trends and adjust oneself to them. The trend-setters in this society capitalize on that. Women are born herd animals, you repeat something often enough and they believe it. They are the main victims of marketing campaigns, because they are so susceptible to them.
Don't forget it's kikes and other media weasels who put this seed of self-destruction in our women. You have to shield them against it and show them the truth as a father, brother and husband.
And the ones that cannot be taught, cannot be corrected in their ways, they will destroy themselves. See it as natural selection.
In like 1970? Maybe a few could be shamed into it and just resent the kid and ruin it (which is what actually happens). The rest just encounter "crib death" as the euphemism goes. Or they just drown 'em in the tub.
There is, and has never been, and can never be such a thing as forcing motherhood.
from what ive found there was over 800 000 conceptions, so that means about 200 000 kids "terminated" each year, well slightly less for each previous year, since it was 24% aborted this year, 22 last ect.
>NOOOOOO we cant hold women accountable for their actions, because their ((( herd animals )))
Every country that has major abortions is punished
Look at blessed Poland, no abortions no crime no gypsies etc.
Moloch demands sacrifice.
Relatively speaking of course.
I’m not taking this kind of advice from a fucking American of all people, whites are a minority in your country
ok but how do you want me to do this now if they have rights and shit? there is only one real solution right now.
I bet it's also the 1/4 that's white.
Good thing the British bombed all those German women and children during the war. They certainly seem to hate white people.
Americans read Breitbart which is a Jewish owned publication that constantly report migrant crime in Europe to distract Americans from their own problems.
Well, the air raids on German cities were an Anglo-American joint venture.
To be fair it was your idea.
We do hate white people. Why do you think we love America so much.
At least do something before you go faggot.
>kikebart, a Jewish owned, israeli-american publication that reports on migrant crime, committed by people they uprooted and forced into Europe
Yeah fuck America and fuck Israel
Roosevelt was pretty eager to join in the war. Despite being 'neutral', America was sending both the UK and the USSR weapons through the Lend Lease Act and was ordering his ships to fire upon any German naval vessels in the Atlantic. He was also scaring Americans into how Germany would invade America if they didn't act soon. he even showed a map allegedly captured from Germany outlining the German plans to invade and partition Latin America, this map was forged.
Germany targeted cities first.
Liar. Hitler only waited until England had bombed Germany to attack London. He didn't want war with with British. Only after Rothschild Churchill took over
How many avoided chavs and chavlettes would that make per year?
and now we all know why they were doing what thy did
It is not the chavs doing the aborting, but the intelligent people.
Hey, at least those aborted britcucks won't be speaking german
that ass was built for .....
Britain targeted industrial and military targets until Germany attacked London houses and theatrical buildings
amazing! you still have 25% white in the women of childbearing age!
>not the fetusrinos! Not the heckin babyroos!
Like bong women wouldn't want to fuck a Med, you crazy.
Go get arrested for having a buter knife Britfag!