Official Libertarian Thread - /libt/ general

Liberty is the future. Capitalism yields jobs, innovation, wealth, and prosperity.

Freer the Market, Freer the People.
Capitalism is the only economic system of consent.

Advocated freedoms include:

Economic freedom without government regulation
Freedom to own firearms
Full decriminalization of all drugs
Abolishing the minimum wage
Free speech
Free trade
and more...

>inb4 gArY jOhnSon
Fuck Gary Johnson. We're here to discuss real libertarianism

Communists and racists not welcome here

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Why do you think murdering babies should be legal?

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libertarians get the rope too

Why do you think a tresspasser has a right to stay in your body against your will? Should using force to defend your home against an invader be illegal?

>open borders
where is the picture of the white dude surrounded by nogs with "at least I have the constitution!" at the bottom?

The fuck you talking about retard

Are you stupid?

>open borders
libertarian official position. NatSoc is the only option to unfuck the mess the jews made of this nation

>would shoot a baby if it crawled into his house accidentally

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If a baby was trespassing my house? I would simply carry it out. In the case of pregnancy, you can't evict it by merely carrying it out

Not a trespasser, an invitee. You don't get to kick out an invitee if doing so would result in his/her death.

Lobertarians are a joke that will never stop being pathetic. Your movement was never alive and everyone knows you're retarded.

>invites baby into womb
>kills it

A free market only works with an intelligent and well educated society, not with 40% of the population being below room temperature IQ.

First of all, many times pregnancy isn't premeditated. Second of all, you can change your mind. And the instant you change your mind, the baby is a trespasser.

So if you invite a person to your house once, he has a right to stay in your home forever? You, as the owner of the house, can't change your mind?

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>thinks inviting a baby to a womb is like inviting a person to his house
lolbertarians kek
If you get too close to one, your brain start shrinking. Avoid at all costs.

>First of all, many times pregnancy isn't premeditated.
>doesn't understand that sex creates babies, so when having sex, you are inviting a baby to womb

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why do you want people genetically inclined to baby killing to be allowed to let their genes infest the gene pool?

>thinks wickedness is genetically transferred

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the intimidate effects of libertarian ism would be the mass culling of the people reliant on the state to provide and make decisions for them but long term it will pay off

>he doesn't realize that wickedness is just a stand in for unfit genetics

It's essentially the same. In either case, a person is trespassing onto your property, so you have the right to use force to evict that trespasser if necessary

Not every libertarian agrees with abortion. Most paleolibertarians don't

The Fed. R. and Min. Wage were created to enslave you. Guess what fake tribe wrote the plans for both?

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>pro-"free trade" (doormat trade policy)
>pro-open borders

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The OP pic is explicitly pro-abortion.

You explicitly granted consent to the "trespasser," moron.

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I've always felt that way but whores want to cock block for a fantasy that never passes. Then they make their bastards, literal bastards. There is a reason why FATHERLESS male children are called BASTARDS.

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What the fuck are you talking about? Pregnancy usually isn't premeditated and even if you initially wanted to get pregnant, you as the owner of your own body have the right to change your mind and evict the baby

>invites baby to dungeon it can't get out of for 9 months
>gets mad and calls it a trespasser and kills it before 9 months.

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The very fact the the woman is getting an abortion means that the baby is uninvited, retard

Yeah that's why I wanted to clarify
>invite someone to my house
>shoot them as soon as they walk in
>"the fact that I shot them meant they weren't invited, officer
You're a fucking retard

This analogy is retarded. You as a homeowner have the right to evict anybody from your property. To deny this is literate communism. In your situation, using force to evict the person is excessive because you can let them know that they're no longer wanted and if they remain on your property, then you can proceed with force. In the face of pregnancy, a baby cannot be evicted in such a way, the pregnant woman has no choice but to abort it

are you trolling lolspergs? because that's pretty good

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So let me get this straight.

If I drag a fucking cripple in my house, then demand that HE leave, and if he's not physically able to, I can forcefully either kill him or throw him out and leave him to die in the street.

You're definitely a shit poster or a retard. Not sure which one is worse.

libertarianism is a philosophy of weakness and would lead to moral decay, collapse, and/or all out invasion within a couple generations.
even the jew disease took longer than that.
you're just as nutty as the marxists

>pro immigration pro open borders
glownigger "libertarian" party

You can drag him out of the house, retard. These analogies make no sense. Are you people pretending to be dumb?

That's my point, you fucking idiot. You invite an obviously physically dependent person into your home, then forcefully kick them out without any way of surviving on their own. It's even worse when it comes to pregnancy because the child didn't consen to the invitation. You degenerate fuckers just created him without consideration and then forcefully kill him because "MUH BODY, MUH CONVENIENCE"

Again, you're a fucking moron and if this is your brand of libertarianism, enjoy being a laughingstock.

"President Trump: 'Take The Guns Away'"

"Trump says he supports "red flag laws" as means of gun control"

"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"

"Judge gives green light to Trump ban on gun 'bump stocks'"

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>Pro open borders
I'm not a Koch brother.
>Pro open borders
Only for Black people

I'm just libertarian leaning. Fuck gun grabbers. fuck globalist mega-corps, and fuck baby killers.

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I think (hope) he's making fun of the retards who actually believe this

I am a Libertarian and I do NOT believe that shit.

First and foremost, the responsibility of government is to protect the people.
Close the border
strong military
and abortion is murder
End the drug War

Abortion violates the NAP

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Vermont Libertarian = Bernie commie homo.

Vermont is actually the San Francisco of the east coast. It's filled with homeless heroin homos who molest children.

We need to nuke that disgusting state.

Noooooooooooooo not the fetusinos! Not my hecking babyroos!
Shut the fuck up. If it can't survive without its host, it has no right to stay against hosts will.

>Pro free trade
>Pro immigration
>Pro open borders
This shit has been compromised by the green party with subversives.

So can we get an actual libertarian general that isn't compromised by trolls or Bernie libertarians?

Still voting Trump because any actual Libertarian realizes Trump is far less restrictive on the market than the Democrats.

Libertarians are fucking retarded. Get the fuck out


>Open borders and on demand abortion
Hard pass

Why do you think an innocent human being should be murdered because you can't be bothered to take responsibility for your actions.
If you don't want to get pregnant, then don't have sex.

>If a baby was trespassing my house? I would simply carry it out
Autism - the ideology

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Fuck off. Get rid of welfare THEN remove borders. If you don't, you just increase the parasite class that will not vote for you.

Very simple it’s called individual rights. And you must always understand there’s no such thing as an individual inside of another individual so in your scenario of abortion only one person has individual rights.

you forget to add
>easily controlled by jews

They are. And some of them are divide and conquer faggots

> Implying it isn't a feature of ALL governments, except the most immoral ones (Mao and Stalin weren't jews).

> Implying our crony capitalism and degenerate culture isn't a late stage jewish infection.

AnCap is the only way to get rid of those who abuse powers. Power to the people means undiluted individualism.


> Whites are niggers with a lighter complexion
Fuck off nigger-lover

>pro free trade
>pro immigration
>pro open borders
Deal breaker. You are no different from Democrats