Press F for NZ

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We have volcanoes

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No need, she's gonna be out next election in no time.
Eyes on your own shitshow yank.

How is she wrong?

It is the year 2020 and you still think elections matter?

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>eyes on your own shitshow
Now you know how I feel every time a bong, hobbit, frog, leaf, or poo voices their opinions on MY country's politics.

we're a country of fucking farmers, we need less people and smaller city's.

Somebody has to pay for the endless waves of brown people, and I guess that'll be the white people working themselves into early opioid-induced graves.

b-b-but what about all those billionaire bunkers?


Can anyone explain it to me what she means?

I hope you're right. I hope. One more Liebour/NZ Last government and this country is sunk.

Based, now impose racial cleansing and subsequent racial hygiene and we're talking. Will it be the women that end this basedboy clown world?

retards on Yas Forums says this shit all the time

Also free Tarrant


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I presume we're predicting a depression because of China and the shitty way we've managed our economy and infrastructure.

Hard to say at this point, in my pozzed city she has more support now than she did at the last election

While the rural electorate voting bloc will provide national a large swathe of seats and possibly ACT party votes (younger generations don't like Soimon), the lower socio-economic, polynesian electorates and union areas (excl West Coast-Tasman) are still safe Labour, plus the extended Green party vote from pozzed zoomers and stoners may quite easily pass them over the line. Shane Jones will probably pick up Northland, and it's in his best interest to be in government to be re-elected so i'd say it will stay status quo. ACT is the real wild card, a lot of NZF and centrist labour voters felt disenfranchised by the semiauto ban, but Labour-Green still has some serious trump cards in their hand

As far as we're aware he could be dead, there was a stabbing at his prison today

She's right. A lot of GDP growth just comes from stuffing countries with more people. No more I say.


but we've been saying this all along, the pyramid scheme of perpetual growth is all that keeps our GDPs up in the west, and we fuel it with immigration. stopping this trend is essential

Did she block immigration though? Doubt it.

I always said kiwis can’t count

lol those petrol taxes are never going away guys

This meme needs to die

Well yeah, arithmetic is where jews get ya.

Some countries aren’t the USA, they actually need careful planning to keep up a thing called working standards instead of becoming Big El Salvador

Quite true yes


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Cool it with the anti-Semitism, NZ.

I mean we're far from carefully planned, like a quarter of our GDP comes out of the housing market and 15% from agriculture, considering how shittily run our dairy exports are conducted we get fuck all as a nation out of it.

Any Kiwi worth his salt should get his ass on an Air New Zealand plane and get his ass over here
We have freedom and all the guns you want
The libshits and Maori can enjoy the scraps

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Underrated meme.

Stop. Aussies I can deal with, but kiwis are kind of faggots

LOL what are you even talking about why would we want to do that?

The dairy firm near my hometown was recently brought out by a Chinese company, OIO did nothing to stop it. Since then, wholesale milk prices from that company have dropped quite a bit

then never mind they should suffer

Once you go multiculti you better have a good economy, because once the jobs go the orcs come out.

Not worth it, my tax would be 8-15% higher, have to pay health insurance and deductibles, and cost of living is higher

They genuinely should suffer. It is good motivation for prompting midwits to action.

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So this means less immigrants

Who would want to live with a bunch of mutts?

New Zealand is a slave nation, your economy is mostly foreign owned and your government enters into trade agreements which makes it impossible to claw that ownership back ...

RIP Brenton. Ya boys been shanked by a Maori in the exercise yard

I hope you burn in hell cunt

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Yeah, well aware.

Rest of the world is replacing their own population in favor of economic growth perhaps this isnt so bad.

Not block, but reduce. Immigration is a huge cashflow for our govt as our immigration is primarily short-term visas or permanent residency for high-skill individuals, in which each person that moves here is a huge cash injection into a vast swathe of industries, govt doesn't wanna give up the easy cashflow

Fuck all of you, fucking anglo sacks of shit


yeah cant wait for that other smarmy little cunt to get in lmao

They're all built on top of the world's most stressed out fault line....

What's the best way? Id love to leave this socialist shit hole. I thought you have to be African or sneak across the border though...

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I'll pass. You have too many genders and nigs

This is the big-brained answer. It's just a politician getting out in front of something, similar to how they do with a sex or corruption scandal that they know is about to drop and can't be squelched.

dont worry we will just raise the minimum wage again and we will all be rich

I agree with that statement. Politicians chasing the endless growth meme has lead to decade after decade of insane mass migration which has overwhelmed infrastructure, driven down the value of unskilled labor and ultimately chipped away at one of the things that makes NZ a great place to live - low population density.

Money isn't everything.

I wanna throatfuck her until her disgusting manjaws fall off

There’s always Centrelink

Lads was just at the supermarket, sitting by the checkouts was a bunch of old Chinese guys. Just sitting there chatting and laughing.

Weird af.

Maoris would actually be better than pakeha.

Never met one i liked.


Nah, they're complete shit.

This. They are the Canada of Oceania.

Did any of you niggers actually read the article? She didn't mean she was reducing immigration. Quite the opposite.

Im so sick of faggots being against bearing arms here. Why should nan have to risk islanders breaking in and killing her while the useless cops take 40 min to get there?
Why should we accept a power relationship with the government where they have 10,000 armed goons ready to follow orders in the police force and another 10,000 in the military all armed to the teeth to make sure we keep paying for socialism and our own replacement!
>Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun
We dont need them to kill people we need them to defend ourselves and our rights as free citizens. Otherwise we are just tax slaves to cindy and co.

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Your politics affects everyone you dumb faggot, big difference

They just successfully corona'd the place and are rubbing it in

ok but do you have large groups of like tongans and shit that stand around outside your flat blasting nigger music and cackling like hyenas at night?? I didnt think so

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God I love Aussie humor

Wow how weird old men talking. What a faggot. There are real Chinese spies in NZ. Plebs wont meet them except to serve their fillet of fish.

Fucking hobbits

New ZEALAND is rightful Dutch clay

well if they tried shit here we would shoot them
because self defense is legal here



>in charge of anything
Astaghfirullah. May Allah guide you kuffar away from such stupidity.



Lmao you just doxed yourself hard. I knew instantly where it is.

Yes, but we just call them Mexicans.

I know exactly where it is too but so what

Spoken like someone from a country that doesn’t matter. MATTER MORE CANADA

is that Jonah from Tonga

Go meet up.

but we're all your vassal states.

Post a pic from your window too if you think it doesn't matter

That was a pic from my window. What are you going to do? Come here and act like a faggot?