No matter how much you beg, capitalism will die.
No matter how much you beg, capitalism will die
great, why you post the pig instead of the kike though (((discord tranny)))?
Take your insulin injections you MIGA booner retard
Take your HRT, you insufferable crossdressing faggot. Give your disappointed parents a break and KYS
They're still coping from Bernie's Super Tuesday results.
The shilling has become deafeningly silent.
Somebody should make immigrants Jews and have it be a never-ending cycle
Take your tism meds you senile old nigger. All those years of boot likin' made your mouth dry
Why do you work so hard to defend your neoliberal overlords?
a single capitalism life span has outlived every communist one that ever existed
Seems unlikely m8
What are you on about? Can you present facts without these schizo info graphs about >MUUUUHHHHH JOOOOZ
holy shit this place is r/TD 2. Shit what else are you going to throw at me r/pol?
Of course capitalism will die because so much idiots vote for "free Gibbs". And when this happens. You retards will starve and wish that capitalism didn't died while "your saviours" who promised you free Gibbs and "Freedom from chains of capitalism" will eat expensive food, and laugh at your dumb ass when they put sign under order to send your lazy ass to gulag.
Maybe you think "At least these fat guys with top hats and suits suffer" but trust me they already moved somewhere else before shit happened because if they are smart enough to be wealthy, they are smart enough to move away when communism is coming.
Race is real.
Ethnic groups act according to tribalism.
The only people on the entire Earth who don't are (you) leftist whites, and you'll be outnumbered by tribal niggers if you don't pull your head out of your ass.
>that image
That's capitalism you dumbass.
Oh I see.....
Where did I say I love niggers? You mutts and other western tards are going to drown out the rest of the world with shitskin floods. All thanks to capitalism
Every single leftist party demands more open borders than the right.
Why do you want to live in a brutal communist shithole so badly?
Where did your parents fuck up so badly?
Democrats aren't communists you dipfuck. The democratic and republican parties was created by capitalist jews to deceive you.
Ye ye another "that's not a real communism" will be.
In Poland you can ask every old Pole about how communism "was awesome", you will see it wasn't Laing on sofa and free Gibbs, it was basically empty shops, long queues for literally everything. And shitty ham from can in these times was like luxury pork chop.
You're some spoiled rich kid, aren't you?
There are no classes in communism.
If you posted equal misery, it would make more sense
Yeah your parents were probably failures and now you are too
Your country was always a shithole and still is and will remain that way. You subhumans can't execute anything because your all so low iq
Capitalism will die, but the result will be corporatism. Communism has already tried and failed to supplant capitalism. Socialist states always revert back to capitalism, or get out-competed. It's time to think of something better and stop relying on hundred-year old dusty tomes. Hate me all you want but deep down you know I'm right.
>uniornically from reddit
>In Poland you can ask every old Pole about how communism "was awesome", you will see it wasn't Laing on sofa and free Gibbs, it was basically empty shops, long queues for literally everything. And shitty ham from can in these times was like luxury pork chop.
And members of the Party had access to Western goods at the same time. Their kids were called "banana kids" because their parents could afford them, among other things, bananas and other exotic fruits unaccessible to the common man at the time. This term is still used to describe a kid of the elite.
Why? Let me guess 'material flaws in capitalism will only become more apparent as time passes and this will inevitably lead to revolution'
Capitalism may be the big bad, but it's also all powerful. Believe it or not history/reality doesn't follow a narrative like books or movies where eventually the big bad ends and a new era is ushered in. Rather it's more like an unstoppable complex system that devours all opposition through feedback mechanisms, even revolutions are ultimately done to increase the existence of capital. Capitalism is simply the manifestation of organisation coupled with prime drives. It's like an artificial intelligence. For example human biology evolved in a reality where food is a scarce resource as a result humans do not have a built in mechanism to self regulate fat levels, so once humans became organised enough to produce surplus food, obesity levels skyrocketed. Counteracting these actions may be conscious efforts to limit food intake but those are offset by capitalisms need for you to consume even more so it advertises you even more food.
This cycle continues until you die of a heart attack. Similarly global capitalism will continue until the entire planet dies from environmental destruction. Capitalism is like a cancer, it is a self perpetuating cycle in a body that has no natural mechanisms for its defeat. Karl Marx extrapolated that eventually things reach a breaking point and revolution happens but there is no actual evidence for this, every revolution has been orchestrated by other capitalist powers. The beast cannot die.
Holy shit you're a dumbass.
>actual leftists are allowed into power in capitalist states
laissez-faire has always been the best bet until jews fuck it up
kill yourself faggot
You're not fooling anyone r_dditor. Join your fellow 41%ers
capitalism will never die you retards, just as natural selection will never die. Its a law you have to obey in order to be succesfull, nothing more.
If you interfere with it, you will fail, just as every non capitalist state failed miserably in poverty.
MIGAtards think taxes are communism unironically.
Why people who want to establish communism and say communism is so awesome won't move to North Korea what is literally a communist country.
I've never visited reddit before but I did peak at r/The_Retard and it's very simular here. I'm actually from bunkerchan.
i bet you unironiaclly get excited for your tax return
It's never real communism, is it?
>I've never visited reddit before but I did peak at r/The_Retard
You're not fooling anybody nigger bitch
Leftypol raid?
It died in 2008
where do you see these communist-run capitalist states? are you off your medication?
Hell yes, I love money. And I'm also mad my labor is not only stolen by my bosses, but stolen by the government and funneled into private corporations pockets.
I wouldn't mind. Country looks very clean and organized. Unlike your shithole and the rest of the west lol
>no niggers
>no ZOG (a Yas Forumstard's wet dream)
>everything is clean
>traditional ideals
This sounds like Yas Forums heaven.
you fucking silly niggers and your fairy tale dreams of "workers uniting under the cherry trees once all property is shared."
>Hell yes, I love money.
You are a fucking RETARD
>reddit spaces
Heheh n-no u
You realize one can be anti capitalist and anti communist? Not everyone who fights you is a migatard cuckervative, in fact you have more in common with Magatards than they do with some us commie fuck
Spacing after greentext isnt reddit spacing you fucking retard
Juche is pretty based, the best Korea meme isn't entirely ironic. Yas Forums also loved Baathist states too, but they made the MIGAtards tourists seethe.
Don't play dumb, your neoliberal m8's have taken over the left in the west
Societies are sometimes ruled by undesirable elements dying out in exchange for temporal power.
I can smell the underage off your posts. Let me guess; you have a kekistani flag and a WW1 imperial german flags hanging in your room
This world was made for war, but I’d rather live in peace!
>why getting your money back after we stole it from you is bad
i dont even know what the fuck you're talking about with this stupid shit and adding fucking r/ infront of all your gay ass favorite places
>your neoliberals
this must be b8, you arent actually this retarded
>implying international banking is “capitalism”
Very likely and very possible.
>Socialist states
LOL you typed all that just to be laughed at
>not reeeeel capitalism
>allowing them to steal your money in the first place
and don't start with all your delusional anarchist little kid fantasies
>all property is shared
Oh come on now stop lying to yourself. You know exactly what I'm talking about
Marxist yippies, turned yuppies. Neolibs
Different branch of the commie shit tree
>Capitalism will die, but the result will be corporatism
We're already there lad.
I'm not begging kill it already
neoliberals are literally the ideological opposite of marxists, you dumb fucking nigger holy shit
He's Irish. He definitely is
same in serbia
Yeah i'd be mad too if i was allied with fags like them.
Shut up, chang
I agree with you even as I bury your body in a mass grave.
>Marxist nonsense claimed to free labor, yet it degraded the work of its members and saw it as a curse and disgrace. It can hardly be our goal to abolish labor, but rather to give new meaning and content. The worker in a capitalist state — and that is his deepest misfortune — is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker.
>He has become a machine. A number, a cog in the machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces. Labor is for him only a way to survive, not a path to higher blessings, not a joy, not something in which to take pride, or satisfaction, or encouragement, or a way to build character.
>We are a workers’ party because we see in the coming battle between finance and labor the beginning and the end of the structure of the twentieth century. We are on the side of labor and against finance. Money is the measuring rod of liberalism, work and accomplishment that of the socialist state. The liberal asks: What are you? The socialist asks: Who are you? Worlds lie between.