Cleaning your room and washing your penis for this

>cleaning your room and washing your penis for this

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I don't understand why no addresses how easily women are manipulated, into caring about what the world thinks. She is actually pretty even if the surface texture is not perfect. I don't find men being as judgmental as women nor are they as easily manipulated by consumerism.

reading her statement makes me feel retarded
i dont know if i've ever seen anything that incoherent. yeah you have bad skin ok i can see that

>I’d fuck her, therefore I am morally superior to women

This is actually a worthy body image positivity issue though. She never had an ability to control that.

Oh course the texture is going to look like shit when you light it like that.

shut the fuck and post feet whore

Her skin texture sucks, sure. She's relatively young, her features are attractive.
How about she shut the fuck up, get off social media, find a man, have kids?
No, ok, more pics for likes while the west dies i guess.

this is probably the result of that kardashian caked-on makeup look that's fashionable right now. that shit will probably heal if she stops with the makeup and leaves her skin alone

only a woman would consider "achieving perfection" as a skin-deep concept


kek. Based.

This kills the acne scar

Attached: 71Ql2yAk0xL._SL1500_.jpg (1487x1500, 97.9K)

Make-up is pretty bad for your skin over decades of use

Stoopid cunt never picked up a Busted newsletter from the convenience store I see. Lots of photos of terrible skin are taken everyday and put of display sometimes even proudly.

Attached: 35ee26b2eeabefde69e03dd31d5c1082.jpg (400x480, 14.96K)

She's a 5 because of her skin and is hoping to bag a 8+.
Maybe she should look for people within her league then?

Attached: sensible gorilla.jpg (262x200, 13.65K)

Needs to get me one of those

I'm a dude cunt.

She just needs to have better hygiene and stop drinking soda so damn much.

Women generally don't have to do that

Why does it kill the scar?

yup, skin can heal itself using this.

She could have killed the jews that put poison in her food and living environment.

You really picked the wrong image
I'm pretty sure over 80% of Yas Forums has ice-pick scars

Attached: 1563901836305.webm (408x720, 2.55M)

...What is this and what the fuck does it do? It looks painful as all hell. Whats the objective just scar the fuck out of your face some more until its just one big flat crater?

Keeping the priority straight. I like it

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>>I’d fuck her, therefore I am morally superior to women
that's not what I am saying, its not a moral issue. Its one of self worth, women are easily manipulated to judge themselves constantly. While men face the same shit but don't fall so easily for it. Why is it not addressed on how to make women more resilient against the consumerist trap, instead its this bullshit inclusiveness. Women need to accept themselves not make everyone accept them.

If the competition starts getting stiff for dick, then crater faces will start having to settle for crater faces.
Heres some info

Perforates the scar tissue and prompts the body to grow new, elastic skin tissue in an effort to heal the perforations

It's great for acne scars but doing it at home without proper sanitation for the tool and the amount of poor quality cheaper ones makes it not worth the risk of ruining your skin more. Great to get professionally done though.

I walk around a lot and see hundred of women per day. I have literally never seen skin like that on a woman. (On a dude, yeah. My high school best friend's face looks like that. Pimple infestation.)


Yes, but when they do that its usually for their own self gratification & they must let everyone know, like this attention whore is doing. They're simply incapable of truly not giving a fuck like men are. Its like the 40 year old unmarried roastie who constantly reminds everyone she made the right decision, she's powerful, yadda, while simultaneously expelling her crazy on everyone around her all day every day, while men usually keep into themselves & fuck off from society.


Its well known in economics that women are the main drivers of consumption

Anyone know if this works on discoloured skin due to acne? I have a small amount on my cheeks, it looks pink/red it doesn't bother me too much but if I could heal my face I would.

Yeah, I've been tossing up whether or not to do it for my stretch marks. So hard to properly store and sanitise them when it's so easy to throw shit in the bathroom cabinet

she's hot. i like the idea that other men would reject her and i would have her eternally grateful dick sucking lips all to myself

Juggernaut theory

she cakes make up on every part of her face except the one place she needs it most.

From what ive read it apparently helps with hyperpigmentation

>Juggernaut theory
she's not ugly though. just needs to put on make up which all women do anyway

I have prurigo nodularis
Nobody is celebrating my skin

which ones are good quality?
And you can just use alcohol to sanitize it

>They're simply incapable of truly not giving a fuck like men are
I hope this isn't true, I have daughters and while they are not old enough to be dealing with this shit. Teaching them to love themselves and fuck off toward society is a concern. Especially since peer and consumerist influence is difficult to overcome.

it's genetic mostly and it is preventable with proper treatment.

She's not wrong. It's just the insanity of social media that is bringing out the worst in women. They cant help but be extremely susceptible to what other people think. They are just inherently more social

I think it's especially revealing that even a deformed woman cannot resist the compulsion to camera whore.

still looks ugly

Attached: 1583393661607.jpg (640x946, 76.38K)

Attached: giphy (38).gif (354x163, 2.78M)

I too like mentally damaged and insecure women. They just lay their and cry while you along the dick.

Didn't feel like replying to the poster who said it's not her fault.
Anyway, people who's skin look like this is usually because they pop all their pimples and they scar. On top of covering their popped riddled face with makeup, it never truly heals.

Definitely. She uses improper grammar and a semicolon for no reason. Barely coheres other than that she's proud and trying to feel less insecure. Women often are obsessed with feeling validated and accepted, this isn't unique to women, but it is amplified to an extreme degree.

She has bad skin but oh well, she looks ok otherwise. The problem is that she feels one way or another based on what she sees in FUCKING ADVERTISING.

I think she did. Maybe she didn't use SPF 15 every day which is not outside her control, but it's more likely she used plenty of makeup to cover up blemishes and damaged her skin even more in the process.

No one is making you date women with acne scars lmao

Also cleaning your room and washing your penis are just basic parts of a functional life, you don't get rewarded with sex with attractive physically flawless women just for not being a smelly disgusting slob and generally putting the minimum basic level of effort into life.

>Expose skin
>Wear light makeup, eyeliner and lipstick.

Of course men aren’t becauae men were made by God as logical beings. Women are emotional beings easily manipulated by half truths and emotionally manipulation (garden of eden anyone?)

But you should.

Acne issues

I have acne scars but I’m a man and it literally has never prevented me from getting laid. I feel bad for women though, must fucking suck to have that shit on her face.

what's going on in Italy? Corona Virus, now crater face. Reminds me of the chick running for President of USA.