>350 million people
>oldest constitutional rights in the world
>despite being the youngest first-world nation
>most advanced military (we have lasers and railguns)
>owners of the only 11 nuke-powered carriers in the world
Someone try to stop us
350 million people
We will surpass you soon enough you filthy American scum
Not nitpicking, but NZ and us are younger.
>>despite being the youngest first-world nation
how fucking retarded are americans? Australia is, not the united obese of fatmericans
You guys hardly count for anything. They took your guns because of a retard.
>implying every other country isn't a first world country
>First World
Nice try faggot, how are those "refugees" and arrests for airsoft guns?
1982 get on our level.
>muh guns1!!!11!11
is that all you got? you faggots will never use them for anything other than recreation
no one implied that you dumb fucking american
You still put the Queen on your money? Not a real sovereign nation.
HDI cunt, you can only dream of being on our level
why would i want to lower myself to your level? nah im happy here being better than you, american
that all you got? you put NIGGERS on your money HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
literal NIGGERS
Fuck ya OP I love this country.
>1.4 billion people
>no rights, can literally do whatever they want to their people
>extremely nationalistic, will do/believe whatever their gov tells them
>can easily catch up in military numbers within 2 decades
>nuke powered carries make no sense
just facts bro
aussie cunt, keep chinkin out though!
dont the energy requirements for railguns make them basically useless?
that all you can say? try again, american
Lmfao yeah i totally want to be on the level of some dipshit Abo. Aussie must be short for Autist
America is rotting. So many shitskins since the 1965 immigration bullshit. It's not worth fighting for
>is going to be a brutally oppressed minority in 30 years even if trump serves another 12 years as president
Reminder that you lost the emu war... kek
your on the level of niggers and spics, you are abo tier. we shit all over you, and you know it
i love it when americans think banter is real. just goes to show how desperate you are when you bring that shit up
try again, jamal
>just lost 1.1 trillion dollars in trade in less than a month
>empty cities
>has to play currency games just to have a chance at staying equal to America
>completely dropped to their knees and sucked The Big Don of America in the trade war
>hated and distrusted by everyone in the world
>only liked by Africans for their money
>the men can't compete against the BWC/BBC
>compensates by making stupid posts on 4chins
>makes cuckporn posts daily to distract self from impotency and irrelevancy
>is numbah four and knows it is true
Just facts, bro
You may wish you Degenerate Communist Fuck bucket. =)
>Crumbling infrastructure, potholels, bridges completely unstable
>Huge obesity problem to the point the army cant find ANY suitable recruits
>High crime
>No safety net whatsoever
>Biggest population of homeless people
>People shitting on the street like india, throwing shit at eachother in your biggest cities
>HUGE drug problems, most people are addicts
Sorry i couldn't hear you over the fact your entire country was a penal colony. Not to mention so fucking inferior you lost to fucking Emu's in two different wars.. IF those were American Emus.. you can guarantee they would be breakfast, Lunch and Dinner sponsors for Spamu Made with 100% real Emu Meat.
HAHAHAHAHAHHA americans litterally to fucking dumb to understand banter and take it for fact
you had entire states dedicated as penal colonies, did you know that? just like we had states dedicated as penal colonies as well
you really should educate yourself if you want to be on par with us AUSTRALIANS, tyrone
>"You're Spic and Nigger tier"
Lol looks like i struck an Abo nerve. Atleast our spics and nogs are smart enough to hate the fags and like guns. Tell me again about the time you guys lost a war to literal birds.
hahahhahahah keep projecting
i cant hear you over how much better AUSTRALIA is compared to you obese literal niggers
hows it feel to be a mutt, you shit skin? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
>lasers and railguns
3/4ths of your land is nothing but a sand box.. Seriously Australia is just the reject White nation everyone lets join the table because they felt bad after Britain stopped being a dick to everyone.
that all you got?
ohh gof its fucking hilarious when americans get desperate
keep going tyrone, you shitskins are fucking hilarious
America is literally playing on Easy Mode. If it hadn't become a hyperpower one would ask questions as to why not.
Why would i want to reduce myself to Australian poverty rates.. Atleast as an american when i am poor i am still richer the most people in other countries. you literally give away your country to those shithole countries to make a profit.. Don't even try putting america into the same category you Kangaroo fucker. Also your an idiot. THe closest thing american's ever had to Penal States was before Americas foundation and the Indian reserves.. but to be fair.. they lost the war soo.. We still have better control over our natives then you do.
jesus christ. tell you what, shit skin, if you prove your white ill take you seriously
ohh god the fucking mental gymnastics your pulling HAHAHHA
please, continue jamal. please for the love of god keep going. this shit is HILARIOUS
>Someone try to stop us
why would jew stop you when they direct the course you obediently go, golemutt?
Why do you pussyfoot around stone age North Koreans? Iranians? Why does Israel have it's fist up your ass, working your mouth like a puppet? How did the inbred goat-fuckers of Afghanistan and rice niggers dressed for bedtime best you? Russia took half of Georgia and Ukraine from you and nothing happened.
There's obviously more to this superpower nonsense than you're aware of.
Hardly even trying i am about 3 18 oz glasses of Kessler and cokes in you Aussie Virgin faggot.. I know you need to be humilated to blow that fecking pinkie sized thing between your legs you call a cock while your under the foot of a real country.. Don't worry Aussieland.. We only keep your around so we can send our degenerates over.. and guess what.. you take them with a smile.
HAHAHAHHA oh god just keep posting PLEASE
fucking hell you really are pathetic
hows it feel to not be white, jamal?
>>despite being the youngest first-world nation
Canada is younger than the USA tho
What makes you think i ain't paler then your momma's ass where you daddy should have shot you? Pretty sure last time i checked i lacked the Melanin required to be of the coloration your trying to put over me your stupid jew fucker..
Even niggers are better, but really it's on the world as a whole for not joining forces to exterminate them.
>no one implied that you dumb fucking american
The OP implied it, you gas-huffing chug.
Never thought I'd see the day a southern cross got out-bantered by Uncle Manuel.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA fucking hell what a nigger post
have fun being a nigger
yea nah id rather take an abo over a nigger ANY DAY
abos are to stupid to pull off the shit you have with your nigger infestation, jamal
no, he didnt, americna
learn to read. i know its asking a lot considering your education standards, but at least try
you lost to sand and rice niggers
Oldest constitutional rights in the world is San Marino
With all that power you must push Israel around a lot.
>you lost to sand and rice niggers
At least Sand and Rice Niggers have thumbs you wasted byproduct of Incest. God.. how do you function your so fucking dim? I feel bad for your family for sharing their same name with you..
you forgot
>goyim slave of the jews
keep trying, shitskin
Please Observe i have left this Cumbrained fool only able to respond with the same comment over and over again. This is a classic troll technique to see if one can string out a extra reply off a trolled individual. Still as i said before you retarded aussie bastard. My skin color is the same as the fucking creamer you add to your coffee in the morning. Course only a peabrained aussie like you who can't even kill a damn bird would think their equal to even a black american.. God knows you needed the Disability to win a argument. Too bad all you got was a drunk German descended asshole.
yeah but back in reality our loss was a meme, yours was real. It's okay though, you only lost because your nation is under control of marxist kikes who love to send you to die for profits
hey shit skin, if you can prove me wrong, you would have already
fact is, you cant handle when your superiors call you out
have fun with that, jamal