Biden tops betting odds again
Biden retakes national lead
FiveThirtyEight Forecast
Biden tops betting odds again
Biden retakes national lead
FiveThirtyEight Forecast
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at least it's not /ptg/
How much do you guys think Biden will beat Trump by? This is my prediction.
Hey at least the next president isn't gonna be a fucking nigger or woman right?
Take out Michigan and Wisconsin because NAFTA
Nice old pic OP. Biden looks like a fucking corpse now
get ready for another trump under a blue flag
tell you what boy that's some serious case of MALARKEY you got goin' on there.
now lemme have ya email so i can send you a newsletter little boy or else im gonna have to challenge you to a push up contest, i'll tell you what.
Biden will lose no doubt, but the memes are funny
At least 6 grillion more than that faggot
This, although I think Biden would be arguably worse for the stock market/economy.
Nigger truckers came out, I tell ya
They know the incumbant pres is going to win. Biden's a lamb for the slaughter, what's their motive? Looks like he had some extra help in many of those states last night.
Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin by the skin of his teeth. After four years is his initial fanbase losing steam and growing distain of him by political moderates, there’s no way Biden doesn’t easily win them.
About tree fiddy
I'll uhh.. I'll get rid of all that malarkey, thats what i'll do. uhh... I'll take it out back and put it in the trash! yeah... NO MALARKY. pro-malarkey's will be thrown in the trash! yeah!
thank you Germany for being a pleasant guest for my run for senate!
Does anyone actually think bidens gonna win
He has a decent chance yes
The case for biden is simple. Niggers love biden. Trump loves niggers. Biden Fucks his grand daughter. Trump wishes he could fuck his daughter. Biden is fit and could do several push ups. Trump can't do one.
whats the point of this thread? haha
kek, needs JUST edit
yeah. it's fun to post about Biden, no matter what he does he'll never be disliked like Hillary was
against Trump? 0% chance. Trump is going to anally annihilate him
To meme him into the election and then watch Biden assault the English Language for months on end.
I honestly, no bullshit, think Biden is gonna get rekt in the end, a big portion of that is because biden is like a regular every day candidate who says crazy shit that the average persons gonna be like "holy shit I feel bad for him he says/does the craziest shit he doesnt even realize it", meanwhile trump says stupid shit that people are either rustled by or think it's funny he said some wild crazy shit and support him even more when backlash comes.
I dont think Biden stands a chance, especially with how butthurt the burnouts are gonna be if Bernie is rolled by his own party again lmao
Listen, i know it seems like a joke. But this is real. At first i just thought Biden's obvious dementia was funny. But now i see the deep strategic genius behind it.
He's seeing beyond the Jewish question. While everybody is bitching about Jews, who's doing all the killing and raping and voting for Bernie?
I'll tell you who. Commie lgbt(((Q))).
Who can stop this 3rd wave nufemme blight? Not us. Not the alt right. Everybody's onto us. We need a sleeper. We need a harmless old Democrat doofus who obviously understands the traditional and natural enjoyment of smelling real American females and lolis. A man so steeped in hiding his power level that he can rile the wills of unruly niggers to the civilized side of a conflict.
Biden is a PATRIOT who had to stand by idly while a Kenyan homo moved a tranny into the Whitehouse and then a literal pedophile witch stole his turn for the nomination. Decades of being a gud ole boy to earn his chance down the drain. Who wouldn't then devote his golden years to bumbling his way into a position to crush the homos after living through such humiliation?
>Joe, go give speech to boomers
>Joe, go pretend you like shotguns to rural retards
>Joe, meet this qt, lol he's sniffing her get a pic
Punished Joe is real.
Not malarkey.
I'm ridin with Biden now.
Bernie, it's over.
I see the DNC meme machine has now started to focus on Biden instead. lel
>Biden is a PATRIOT
stopped reading there faggot
Babblin Joe is gonna drool and mumble on stage while Trump berates him. It will be glorious.
god I hope a debate is happening no matter what
Biden strikes me as a crusty old republican who's been brow beaten into being a democrat by his wife
Joe Biden is unironically the thinking man's candidate at this point.
He might not be the greatest possible POTUS and I won't pretend that he would, but face facts, he'd bring a kind of honesty to the whole proceeding. We already know he's been a solid VP so that goes a long way.
No doubt that he'd be better than the dumpster fire of Trump.
Joe Biden would:
>1. Restore the American hegemony and allies lost by Trump
>2. Take a tough stance on crime
>3. Keep the economy steady
Fact is we're heading for a massive recession, and even without the corona virus it would have happened anyway. Trump has ran up a giant bill, such as Republicans usually do...
>with how butthurt the burnouts are gonna be if Bernie is rolled by his own party again
They still hate Trump more, whereas half of registered democrats will not elect a communist. As much as Berniefags will hate to lose, Biden is the only real chance the party has
Do you think Bidens heart and shriveled brain can even handle Donald Trump in a debate and the endless tweets he will be throwing his way?
No-one can defeat Biden's stand, Corn Pop.
So far i am almost convinced to vote for Biden instead of Trump. Trump has done nothing in terms of internet Censorship and to the voters he fucked over when he was campaign Trump fighting for White Nationalism or America First as he likes to call it. Biden might be bad, but what is the real difference between the two anyways and why is it that Biden would be worse than Trump right now. Especially if he manages to have a decent Vice President if he dies.
Thanks for helping me decide to vote for Trump again Bidetards. I'm gonna relish it even more this time.
I dont think so, burnouts hate their own party establishment dems more than trump by far
Same, that shits gonna be retarded funny
Trump is like this when he isn't amped up to the limit on amphetamines, user
Not healthy for a man of his size.
lol man, you dont get paid enough to throw your integrity as a human being down the toilet. Why dont you get a real job where they dont make you lie and bullshit?
I mean look at 2016 and how pissed as fuck they were, a bunch of them even switched parties and voted green or some bullshit just to spite the establishment dems
>He might not be the greatest possible POTUS and I won't pretend that he would, but face facts, he'd bring a kind of honesty to the whole proceeding. We already know he's been a solid VP so that goes a long way.
hes a senile pedo and extortionist fuck you.
Now look here Roger Dodger, here's the score:
Joe sixpack is going to win the same states Hilldog won, but this time it's ruh roh for Trumpo cause he's gonna win Pennsylvania, Michigan, South Carolina and Florida, you hear?
Now go fetch some aviators and vanilka icecream cause no malarky is coming to Washington
I am being honest.
Biden needs a very strong VP though no matter what. And talk of him hiring Clinton is not a good sign.
Again, Biden is far from ideal, but it's clear that Trump's entire administration is a meme at this point. I think it's retarded that people are going on about Biden being 'senile' when you have a million videos of Trump acting demented as well.
If you're so sure then you should call the cops on him. Must be breaking news or something though, Trump doesn't seem to think so.
Trump is not doing that well either and is slightly off recently, even if he is better at speaking than Biden. It's better to have the status quo for someone admitting Jews push agenda's than someone who is Isreal first and cares more about the pandering to Hispanic, blacks, female votes. If anything Trump is much worse than Biden for that alone. Imagine voting for someone who was all about Rust Belt workers or caring about whites fading away, and you leave that behind to shill for Sheldon Adelson a neocon Jew.
>Restore the American hegemony
China is the greatest threat to American Hegemony. Does Biden have the balls to fuck the global economy to get tough on China?
There is no alternative to Trump.
here you go bro, another reply, another 3 cents
>There is no alternative to Trump.
Yes there is. It's called Biden.
>China is the greatest threat to American Hegemony. Does Biden have the balls to fuck the global economy to get tough on China?
What about Trump "it's just a flu bro" "no dont worry all of the Boomer billionaires outsourced to China and coronavirus buttfucked all the business's in the ass". I highly doubt Boomers will learn their lesson.
He has two wives and loves lolli's. He also did lines of cocaine and banged hookers. Sounds pretty based to me.
>Joe Biden is unironically the thinking man's candidate at this point.
Trump was a nice meme while it lasted, but the country is losing money left and right now. Gotta have a boring prez for 8 years now, before the next meme candidate can come in.
no, this is just a shit posting thread with a few retards shitting up the place for fun because they have nothing going on in life.
Why do they poll the same against trump then?