How the fuck can illegals in USA get a driving license and join a university?
It makes no fucking sense they have no ID or passport
Do they just write their name on a piece of paper? Wtf
How the fuck can illegals in USA get a driving license and join a university?
Started with California, spread from there
Californian here, just registered for community college and there was a “I don’t have a social security number” option. Same option was there when I was applying for my drivers license. They know that illegals will be using these systems and have already accommodated them.
can you get a state ID without a birth certificate or ss#? if so, why doesn't everyone just get second identities as a back up?
safe harboring
fear of racism accusations
Never tried, but would probably get denied as it’s pretty obvious I’m not Mexican.
My uncle had his identity stolen and it was used by at least 3 illegals. He was wondering why he was getting bills from the US, turns out his details were stolen and used to create fake ID's for mexicans.
I was wondering this myself. What on earth is going on in burgerland??
None of us want this but it gets through anyway.
Ikr, at least we arrest illegals from time to time.
>grow mustache
>wear shitty clothes
>rub yourself with Folgers
>Name: Juan Valdez
>pretty obvious
>preeetay awbveeeouss
>lemme tell you...
Any reason I can't just smear on a little shoe polish or get a tan, waltz into CA, and get free collage?
It's not the European Hispanics that hop borders
If you call a white Nazi/Racist/Homophobe/Misogynist/insertnamehere the white will panic and do whatever you tell it to do. The most frequently cucked of all races.
Actually, they’re making people get “Real ID” now in order to fly on commercial flights. I did have to present my birth certificate for that. Just checked the DMV website and you can still get a non Real ID California drivers license though, which doesn’t require a social security number.
Wait... there are European Hispanics? Whoa! So who are the other Hispanics, when Hispanic is a person from Spain (Hispania)?
Pic related. Americans have imaginary made-up races, because according to the Jew.S.A. both these girls are the same race.
Keep in mind that the DMV was not given extra funding to prepare for this, the governments in those sanctuary states just decided that they can drive without changing anything else. So all the American kids who need to get their license this year have to wait 3-4 hours for their permit test. Or anyone else who needs to go there. This is all because illegals are getting into car accidents in epidemic proportions,and instead of admitting that they're causing problems and cooperating with ICE, they just make them take road tests.
I was just thinking this. What's to stop people from just making new identities out of thin air?
fpbp /thread
Illegals can practice law in California. That's fucked up.
This. liberals basically bend over backwards for these fucks.
Shut the fuck up you fucking racist piece of shit. My girlfriend is a Mexican citizen and she has every right to go to school in the USA. The only reason it's even considered illegal is because a bunch of white shitheads came over and STOLE THE LAND. End. Of. Story.
same but with terroni from napoli
The white man has the right and the duty to enact Manifest Destiny upon lesser races.
The idea is to bring them out of the shadows.
For example, if they have a drivers license, they will probably get insurance, making the roads safer for all of us.
The average mutt has no passport
Ireland just legalized abortions, give it 10 years itll be the same where you live
>my mexican gf
enjoy her post 20yo wall
dude the same shit will be happening in canada soon now that Tredeau lost the popular vote
By dabbing and shitting on cringy gringoids JAJAJAJA
Deporting them would make us safe faster. The "idea" is to not have to report on illegal car crashes which makes stupid liberal politicians look stupider. Now instead of reporting that an illegal scumbag caused the crash they can just write "NY man".
Some states have some retarded immigration laws. They aren't license to drive, but here you go, a card with your pic and info, don't forget to take it with you if you drive!
So why don't people sign up to university with fake name and not pay the student loan?
I don't get it
If you're not a immigrant than you probably get IRS'd
This boggles my mind. You can't even rent a property here in so-called cuck bongistan without proving you have leave to remain in the country.
This is a good point. Getting a fake ID for underage boozing should be oh.exploitable here.
Because we don’t shoot them
Weak b8
Not bait, but whatever.
That only impacts white Americans from doing their fucking business. You can be brown and waltz right into anywhere and need no ID for anything. Although at least in my state for now you need a photo ID to vote. Which I'm sure is "supression".
Then you know she has no "rights" here. She has undeserved privileges stolen for her by politicians who want more unquestioning voters imported for themselves. At best. And she stole the place of an American in that school. Bare minimum, she should have to fist fight him for the spot she took and all financial aid.
She didn't 'steal' anything. She has every right to get an education in the states. Don't be salty that your life is meaningless and there are people out there actually trying to do something to make the world a better place.
Now any Mexican can mark "indigenous" on the new census and get free college and healthcare with the BIA, hawaiins and Soamoans are also now Native Americans.
My meaning in life will likely be to reject her job application. Assuming you don't knock her up then watch her run off with your kid onto the next guys' dicks as she spends your child support on cigarettes.
No Mexican has a "right" here. Period.
Genius gonna see if this works I’ll report back
come and take it back :)
This is all Solutrean Land Paco. We just got our land back thats all.
Sanctuary cities. I live in Vegas, we keep setting records for Hispanic graduates, and the colleges support "dreamers". They give illegals drivers licenses because they were always driving away after hitting people, now they can get insurance. Insurance rates are pretty awful here for anything that isn't 20 years old. Same for registration.
That's some fantasy you're living in. Is this a personal experience you're familiar with?
Rejecting invaders' job applications? No, it's called a "weekday" for me.
Do they imagine these fucks are going to pay for insurance or something?
Americans dont have internal passport. Only "social security" wich can be easly compromised.
You don't decide what rights others have. I do. She has the right to have her head mounted on a pike at the US-Mexico border with your castrated balls in her hand.
These two are the same race in America.
Nah, but now they can drive their anchor baby's car.
This. Euros forget that some of us travel further for work in a week than you do in your "international travels". Staying in Europe, I could visit 3 countries in the time it takes me to commute to work in the next state for my job. Some imagine the U.S. as being just an especially big country. No. It's more like your entire Europe combined. And everything involving ID is different in every goddamn state in the union. Social security is theoretically what ties it all together. If illegals are able to dance around that, well, it's over. It's Mad Max tier apocalypse.
kek AOCs face
Because it takes more than a driver's license to get a loan. Social Security numbers are our primary financial ID's wheras a driver's license is basically just a photo ID. You don't need a birth certificate or SS# for a license, just an address.
a big cage is still a cage
>>Because it takes more than a driver's license to get a loan.
but if you sign up as Juan Juarez you can apply for free college, no? ese