/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1593

Screener at LAX airport tests positive

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 95,234 ► Died: 3,285

01:29: First case in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States.
01:18: 145 new cases in South Korea.
23:44: 3 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States. Two are close contacts of a previous case, one is still under investigation.
23:43: 1 new presumptive confirmed case in Fort Bend County, Texas, United States. Patient recently traveled abroad.
22:28: First case in Slovenia. Patient traveled from Morocco via Italy.
21:01: 3 new cases in Ecuador.
21:00: 1 new case in Chile. Patient visited several countries in Europe, including Italy.
22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
20:54: 4 new cases in Ireland.

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>Dead: 3,286
lol, still only 3,286.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,286? Four days? Five days?

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uh oh we’re mutating again

I work at LAX for the TSA. Should be fun.

I thought were supposed to be dead by now.

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Friendly reminder that America created Corona-chan.

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pls be london

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everyone has been so conditioned for instant results and feedback. perfect for a slow-burn viral pandemic

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>81 yr old man who just returned from thailand

More memes

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Imagine if all the politically-organized-bioweapon theories were false and it was really just one lazy Chink who left the lab door open.
That would be the stupidest mistake in all of human history.


how do i profit off this? i want to capitalize off the coming pandemic. bio med stocks ?

im just here because normies have stolen all my toilet paper

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Everybody who replies to this comment dies of corona-chan.

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4 of my closest 5 relatives are in thailand right now and have been for a month

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Where to cop figures?

>Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread
What the fuck. Either they already have it and are now really fucking spreading it or they don't and they just get infected and spread it anyways
Please explain this to me

Wtf am I looking at and why does it make my pp hard

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10 dead in 3 days in King county WA

who has that projected infected table for the USA? the one that said 30 million by end of month

was that real?

how will we shape the society after all the outgoing people dies in few months and we the people who don't even leave our houses will be the only ones to survive.

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Anons, check www.marinetraffic.com, I've taken a peep at the chingchong ports and there are quite a lot of carvo vessels and tankers idling near ports.
Supply chain failure soon?

yeah man seriously I feel fi---

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Based and niggerpilled

So they couldn’t work out with the virus in Italy and South Korea travellers would be returning with the virus??? BTW, the numbers out of Singapore are complete bullshit, it’s the largest transport hub in Asia and they’re crawling with infected, however because they’re Chinks, they deliberately do not report the data so as to save face and keep Singapore airport open.

go back nigger

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What's the real likelihood of power outages?
Not even Wuhan is having blackouts.

great, more reason for me to not go outside anymore

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This feels a bit overly british.

Boomer coomer

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The Italians are working on a Million Cigarette March to choke this sucker away!

I'm sure it's fine, why worry about it.


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State mandated gfs

pepe abides

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I have asthma and generally can’t breathe well.. how fucked am I?

they're sending them to israel.

Theres a cvg 1591 still going but here we are in 1593

Wheres the infected count? We got 3 confirmed cases so far, +1 highly suspicious being tested on my region

Why the fuck did you stop linking the previous thread? I need that to catch up on Corona-Chan images. Based Argentina user save me, lazy amerifat burgers OUT


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How many are in canada and where are they

Probably fucked, I'm most likely fucked too due to years of smoking

Israel already has 100 or so infected. Go to the mudslimes instead.
Would you rather be subverted or be murdered, raped, have your kids raped and forced to eat your corpse then raped again but to death this time.
At least we are subtle about it

Idk maybe they're trying to free up the COs to have them police other areas?

Very fucked, an older boy told me.

The Chinks are collective in nature and are easily compelled to risk their lives for the CCP, you’re not going to keep the power running in the highly individualistic and multi-cultural societies of the English speaking world and North-Western Europe unless they call the military in.

Just for you fellow coomer

im in the same boat my doctor said im at "higher risk" denmark is full on "just a flu bro" so im as god as dead

I think that was someone splitting argentina anons threads.

Please, the one that UNC made was twice as transmissible and three times as deadly. This is Chinese level garbage, as usual.


Literally every case from air travelers. Just stop the fucking flights already.

I have a year's supply of potassium permanganate, so I'm fine with telling Yas Forums about it.
Buy durable jerry cans and potassium permanganate, forget bottled water.

says the country with trump heights kek

You would know, wouldnt you, Balfourberg?

It's not even british culturally here, QLD is more Floridaman type of shit outside of the city and the further north you go, you end up in the boong infested desert
t. youtube.com/watch?v=V6g78XgCQjU

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Just end mě man

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its here

Me too. I haven't had an attack in years but got sick and it caused it to flare up for the past few months

Holy shit, bless you fellow coomer

wuhan have sweetest fattest bats make body and soul healthy eat bat soup gwailo

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whats your guys' take on how LA is trying to deal with this? at least LA has declared this an emergency unlike other places who consider this "just a flu bro"

>denmark is full on "just a flu bro"
This is a good thing. Buy your shit before stores get raided.
Irrelevent if you stay at home and have purified air.

Workers have already refused to show up at an aged care facility because of Corona fears. I believe it but the military is coming in way before power cuts.

>tfw my gf confirmed to me that the UQ chinks who came back infected traveled from Dubai to Queensland

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>Supply chain failure soon?
they haven’t been shipping since february but the logistical death needs 60 days before it becomes visible for consumers

My throat is a wee bit itchy and I just coofed 3 times, am I ded?

Her head reminds me of a penis.

Get rid of SJW bullshit.

get your big berkee water filters now!

>think about doing a quick extra supply run before shit really goes south
>go to the store right the moment it opens
>grab all the shit
>go to the register
>cashier lets out a loud fucking coof and I can feel all the fucking particles literally hitting my face and eyes

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Ahh good luck bro. I’m in California and pretty sure there’s already lots of infected around me, they just don’t know it yet

F. Corona-chan is knocking on the door

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I wonder how bad it really is in Thailand

Too bad your government closed down the embassies back in October, before this all happened, but forgot about the Korean cult groups going around your country.

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I really wouldn't worry about it, Pence seemingly has it under control

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>Trump getting a Golan settlement named after him

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I'm just gonna leave a bucket outside and drink that (rain)

Just because they declared something doesn't mean they'll necessarily actually do anything, or that the behavior of the majority will significantly change. I'd say it's a smart step in the right direction, but in any case I don't feel much of value would be lost if the degenerate west coast got fucked

Yeh, agreed. Went to Woolies on Tursday night to see if the memes were real and the THOTS at check out looked perplexed, how is the Govt going to compel retail workers such as these to attend work during a quarantine??

Importing overseas students is the foundation which underpins our entire economy, they’ll never allow them to stop coming here.

mods deleted my prep thread

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I love my big berkee water filter. My family and I are safe under all hydration conditions! Thank you big berkee!

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>not using self check out
Brought it on yourself

Ok friends, I have a question: are there any official sources on how high a temperature this thing endures? I read in some post a few days ago that it dies in high temps but official sources would be better to rely on.

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Forever. The people who compile those statistics will catch it and die before they are permitted to report more.

We'll likely see the supply chain failure in stores next month. Expect the market to go to shit then.

Yesterday it was 3202...

looks like they're too cheap to fly commercial.

We’ve had three inches of rain over the last 24 hours was thinking the same thing.


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This is America, I’ll lose my jobs and fail school if I stay home. Guess I’ll die

LA can't even deal with its existing blight let alone a new one.

>Gaza and West Bank have zero cases.

Looks like restriction of movement might help them survive this.

get you some water barrels

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it dies at about 57 celsius. google it

im only asking cause im in LA ;_;
>doesn't mean they'll necessarily actually do anything
then what would have been the point in declaring an emergency and risk a panic if they plan on doing nothing?

Is South Korea running out of test kits? They were at about 800 a day not too long ago

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maybe I should delay my prep then..I dont have much money

An older boy told me that this virus makes your pp sneeze yellow yogurt

Thank you corona-chan

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If shit goes apocalyptic these things will keep you alive, people in cities will lose their fucking minds once the water supply stops.

>No self checkout

Third world country confirmed

You poor toothpaste bastard
Even if you survive this you have to interact with normalfag wagies just to buy food

Altitude user insider from previous thread here. Any more questions before I go?

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its not good when they refuse to test people who has been in area in germany with 100+ infected that feel sick and ask to be tested....

only people from italy and china are tested

Most likely

Nvm got it answered in another thread already, posting it:

>Will the coronachan outbreak burn out in the summer?
>the point when the number of infected people declines is still not in sight
>remains stable at 4 degrees Celsius and can survive for several years at 60 degrees below zero, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In higher temperatures, its resistance declines, but the temperature affects only the virus' survival time, not its ability to infect, the center says.
>SARS remains stable at 4 degrees Celsius, but will lose its activeness in three days at 37 degrees C (98.6F. Coronachan can currently live on surfaces for 9 days in optimal temperatures)
>But differences between SARS and Coronachan make it difficult to predict the resilience of the new virus
>Coronachan is far more contagious than SARS
>As temperatures rise, coronavirus floats in the air or attaches to surfaces
>once in the body, its ability to infect does not decrease
No scientific reason to believe that coronachan will stop for summer and if anything it will increase in the Southern Hemisphere during that time. We don't know how this reacts to a different season yet.

dude literally every place that opens a self checkout the self checkout becomes a normal one with a wagie-cashier in it because no one uses it

They’re trying to give people a false sense of security because they’re “taking it seriously”

Will they concede they’ve been negligent in prescribing testing procedures which are too narrow??

Why delay your prep? I'm saying next month stores will have difficulty replenishing the shelves due to the supply chain breakdown. Buy your prep now while warehouses still have inventory.

Call me fatalistic, but that's why I think there is not much point to prepping too avidly. This virus is apparently so contagious all it takes is one mistake, one slipup during one supply run and you're infected. What are the chances we all already have it anyway... I had some weird symptoms I never experienced last week but now I'm okay. I'll still take precautions, wear masks, wash my hands, avoid crowds, but it all feels meaningless right now

It dies in temps that are in excess of what your brain can withstand. Sad.

it was nice knowing you fren

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give us a quick rundown

While NEETie rests and NEETie plays
Wagie breathes virus all day

R.I.P friend.

Why am I surrounded by such shitty countries?
Fuck Shitalian and fuck frogs.
Get your shit together.
There was a big church event in France with over 2000 people in a city really close to the Swiss border where there was a mass outbreak of corona virus.
I know for a fact that a lot of these infected faggots will come work here in Siwtzerland for their job.


Still enough reason to go to war with China.
I mean, I kinda get mistakes in regular labs, their harm is usually contained, but, BSL4 labs or nuclear labs...etc, that is shit you don't fuck with.

Why is your pp so smol?

It's just going to keep getting worse until all large events get cancelled, airplanes get grounded, and places get quarantined. Until then it's going to be exponential uncontrolled growth.


Please enlighten us. It is my view that only Glorious Jeb could save us now.

If only we had voted for Jeb, we never would be in a situation this dire. Surely the Bush clan would lead us to the Virus-Free promised land

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Yeah, there are some reports that it infects the nervous system and brainstem. Any truth to them?

Lowering their density, it actually makes sense.

Reminder that the time to start wearing your mask is the moment you get the first case in your country.

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If only you knew how unprepared we really are. Think crowdsourcing

>Corona-Chan sweeps across the world
>most men become sterile because of her
>Iran's outbreak spreads to the rest of the middle east, causing the men there to also become sterile
>the only fertile men left will be all the schizos and neets
>the fate of the human race will depend on the schizos and neets
The most clown world outcome. But I would not complain about having a harem to breed.

Must be EU guidelines.

Do you guys think the women's final four is still gonna be on? pretty psyched to go to New Orleans...