Fucking with berncels

I've been making troll accounts on Reddit telling r/berniecucks to match my donations using images that I've stolen from other users as proof of donation. I'm hoping that berncucks won't be able to afford to do anything outside of living in a homeless shelter. And it will be sweeter that they were convinced to give away their minor income by a troll. No funkopops, no Netflix. Am I going too far?

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1488% based

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Fuck em. They get what they fucking deserve. Maybe next time they’ll realize pandering to shitskins and trying to fuck over the white race is
A Shitty idea

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you're an american hero.

65 delegates is like 1.5% of the total.


He can still get a plurality.

Based and REDPILLED. Why are gooks so based?

This is what I hope for but will that really be enough? Don’t they need a majority for Bernie to win? If he gets a plurality, they’ll just scoop him off to the convention and grind him up there and say “ohhh look Biden won” and totally fuck Bernie over and then Bernie will fall in love because anything but evil drumpf.

You can’t expect to win anything if you rely on youths voting.

>meme with child spelling mistakes

be best

I actually feel pity for them. There are r/politics threads with more of us than actual redditors atm. They completely fell out.

Why do idiots do this?

theres has to be two consecutive vowels for the meme

Match me on r/Sanders, bitch

Where? You can't mean the "looser" part that was clearly modeled after the coomer/bloomer/doomer/zoomer shit, unless you're retarded.

>Don’t they need a majority for Bernie to win?
Not just any majority, but a VAST majority, because of superdelegates.

He doesn't have a path forward. Remaining primary states have too many moderate Democrats.

Considering Biden and Bernie tied in Texas of all places, I think Bernie has a chance of winning the nomination. i think it all comes down to Florida. If bernie wins in florida then biden is dead in the water for sure.

He won't. Biden beat him while not campaigning in the super Tuesday states and having a field crowded with other candidates. The other candidates have dropped out and endorsed Joe, the plan is clear and the campaign is ready to fight Sanders, and they're going to unload the pain on Bernie

Nope. After his Castro remarks and Florida being full of "moderate" Jews, he's toast.

Almost like pandering to lazy people doesn't work because they are too lazy to go out and vote. Of course he won California, they legalized ballot harvesting, so they don't have to leave their homes from their drug induced stupor to even vote.

That commie will never win FL, it’s over

ok Zoomer

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Here's how Bernie can still win


lol Florida is full of people that fled Castro and communism, you think he stands a chance of winning there?! hahahahahahaha

I'm guessing you are also the user who was telling cucks or Reddit that coronavirus is a nothingburger and "just a flu bro" in order to make them less prepared for the pandemic.

>Am I going too far?
Pic related is an example of some of my work on rabbit dot com, so as you can imagine I am a huge fan and supporter of what you are doing. Trolling that locked down commie shitpile of a website is both challenging and rewarding, please never stop.

btw they just changed the rules and now users can be banned just for upvoting wrongthink.

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No, just a majority. With a majority the delegates don't even vote.

You don't understand! Brown skin means based berniebro! Those Cubans want free HRT for their trans daughters as much as your average berniebro! Bernie just needs more money from poor people with bad spending habits to make it all happen!

Yeah, Bernie's done.

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Oh it's probably a good idea if it gets this much resistance from corporate and crypto-Zionist shills.

Not voting for corporate puppets requires more effort and critical thinking than those who continue to do so. Also kys.

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His policies are nothing like Denmark's. They are pure Venezuela.

Holy fucking shit. That's so fucked up.

Just ride with Biden so the commies kill themselves. Really it's a better way. You don't want to hurt innocent dickgirls feelings, do you? Just the 99% of them that are also lunatic commies.

Want to fuck with them real bad? Ask them that if the GE is between Biden and Trump, who would they support? Force that question down their throat.
Also, talk about how much you love Biden, and how much of a better candidate he is. Remind them that Biden is inevitable and that you’re not a democrat if you don’t vote in line. Sow much hatred between them and Biden, and do such to blackpill them into realizing their movement is smoke and mirrors. Crush their spirits

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Cubans hate communists and communist sympathizers. Blacks have already shown their allegiance to Biden. And to top it all off Bloomberg is out. Bernie is a dead man walking

Not an argument


Your candidate is pure dog shit lol. He’s losing to fucking Biden. Lmao!

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Israel's days are numbered Chaim

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get fucked commie

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People don’t know how to advocate for candidates at all. I think my skill level is four plus or minus seven, and the common skill level is -2 plus or minus 4. -_-

welcome newfren

Better than establishment bugmen

When you realize that you’re actually helping fund Bernie’s campaign with reddit neet money indirectly

Rest in piss

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Boy the Bernie shills sure have gone wuiet

We’re not fascist but you’re clearly a commie

Who are these people and why should anyone care?
Ditto. Some people are just plain anti-communist.
(You) would do well to remember that^^^

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The more polite you are the higher your dispersion tolerance. If you’re playing a game where scoring too low is lethally bad, you can only get better by increasing your base skill. We’ll call base skill your Vetinari Level in politics. It’s the power to not act wrongly. I would rate Vetinari at six plus or minus one.

If you’re playing win/win games where your opponent’s victory is almost as valuable to you as your own, or win/scheme games where forcing a significant outcome is more important than which outcome it is, you want your dispersion high. Dispersion is aptly termed your Xanatos level. I would rate Xanatos at two plus or minus eight.

The potential usability of dispersion is why one of the rules of politics is to play safe despite the stakes.

>An old electorate
More like pissing away the blacks and the Colombian voters.


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What a faggot

Checked and agreed. OP is a neolib faggot.

Should be taking the opportunity to turn berncucks against niggers.

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Florida Cuba Boomers will cuck him

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>If bernie wins in florida
lol not happening.