Erdogan: "The number of refugees heading toward Europe will soon be in the millions."

>Turkey should not be in NATO. Turkey should not be considered an ally of the United States.

- Robert Spencer

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Why is this tantrum-throwing retard president of Turkey?

Why aren't you reading Jihad Watch on a daily basis, Yas Forums ?

Act of war.

This is a good thing. Europe always needs more doctors and engineers.
Czech Republic is sending money and humanitarian help to Greek police and army after our minister of the interior heard Erdogan is opening the border for another rapefugee wawe. Politicians here are really pissed at Turkey since EU paid lots of money to Erdogan to keep them in Asia. We will be sending police force to Greek border if necessary to help Greek gov. This is how unironically will happen new crusade. When should I pack my cross and CZ 75 with BREN 2 and march on Constantinople?

And? All Europe would have to do is start killing anybody who tries to cross and they would stop attempting.

Millions might be headed for Europe but even more will end up in hell.

These motherfuckers think this a joke. They think we're waiting for elections and begging some impotent puppet politicians. We'll see bitch. We'll certainly see.

Damn you guys are strapped.

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He's going down the path of Manuel Noreiga.

The secularizing spirit of Turkish nationalism - Kemalism, which was a powerful anti-Islam force - has declined in recent decades, and Islam has come back with a vengeance in Turkey.

The resurgence of Islam is a complex phenomenon, too complex for a Yas Forums thread, but suffice to say that the transfer of wealth - over 17 trillion dollars, the largest transfer of wealth in human history - to the Saudis has resulted in a huge return if the force of Islam and jihad to the world stage, when it had been in decline in recent decades.

The resurgence of Islam in the world has resulted in a decline in the secularizing spirit of Kemalism, and so now we have the new Turkish president Erdogan, who desires to be sultan of a new and restored Ottoman caliphate.
I can recommend nothing better if you want to understand this issue more than to read as much Hugh Fitzgerald as you can:


How will they cross all that glass?

Know what this means?
More Dinko
This time he'll really fire up that HIND-D(inko)

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Fucking legend

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And suddenly he dies of a heart attack

Just got to shoot down a thousand and the rest will turn tail

Does a real-life version of pic related exist?
Asking for a friend...

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It's zionist. Its articles are fine on occasion but never forget its actual purpose

You rang?

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Europe should invade while Turkey is occupied in Syria.

Thank you Czech Republic

Good opportunity to test all weapon prototypes

It's as the Bible prophesied!

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We need to create a Fellowship.

Or maybe it has to do with that that secular jews have western birth rates and Muslim turks have 11 children per day.

secular *Turks

Well, at least Europeans won't be racist.


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>the jews that own the USA and EU dont want millions more refugees into EU and canada
do I need to tell you what the freemasons and NWO is?

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Kebabs go cheap on Greek border!

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Turkey is in NATO because NATO is the goym army of the freemasons; freemasons are the idiot puppets of the Khazzars; and Khazzars are Turks and the leaders who control the Western World are still living in Turkey.

That's why US kiked TV cannot talk about the Armenian Genocide, the real kickstart of WWII.

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When the Sephardite Jews were kicked out of Spain for the slave trade and ritual murder, do you know where they moved?
They moved to Turkey.

The Turkish plane that crashed with plenty of Jewish women who flew for a bachelorette party? It made the news because these were Sephardite khazzars, a.k.a. rulers in the shadow.

Yep, the young turks marrano jews. The infographics dispel the notion that it's that crazy erdogan lone wolf mud, he and the mud invasion is less of a threat than the jews on the inside opening and keeping the gates open. .

all sephardis i met were based

young turks are 100% turkish nationalist turks albanians and caucasians

however jews along with everyone else supported genocide of armenians which shows what kind of subhuman armenians are when over 50+ ottoman ethnicities all gang up and support your genocide

Good, poke the bear you filthy roach

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Please just fucking invade Turkey

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not that long ago he said in a public speech he wants to outbread europeans. that muslims will conquer europe through birthrates. of course he wants to send millions of "refugees" here.
we should just bomb erdogan to oblivion.

Reminder to you goddamn room temperature IQ morons that in 2017 Erdogan instructed Turks in Europe to have large families to outnumber Europeans to fight injustices. Erdogan also said that Turks are the future of Europe. Merkel and the rest of the EU celebrated Erdogans claims by directly attacking their own citizens as racist for not accepting the "refugees"

"Erdogan calls on Turkish families in Europe to have five children to protect against 'injustices' "

"'You Are the Future of Europe,' Erdogan Tells Turks"

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jew orchestrators first.

>The number of refugees heading toward Europe will soon be in the millions.

lets play a game.

which cucked white country will take the most? my bets are France, Germany & Portugal

At this point there is a legit reason to do so, atleast EU should put heavy sanctions on them

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They will not put sanctions on them as Turkey is located in a strategic geographical area. This is why they have managed to play both sides (Russians and NATO)

Attempt to bring more invaders to Germany gets cucked

was definitely not expecting that from Germany. very well then.

Scandinavia (they are small so we can count them as one country)

Who else?

None of the left-wing parties want to take them in this time round because they know they will face a backlash. The previous round of refugees has done enough damage and will continue doing so long into the future

That has not been true for nearly the last decade and that will not start now. Merkel will allow the invaders to enter

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Иди нaхyй, пиздищe

Even this completely normal and sane response feels like based and redpilled in todays Europe, what we really should do is ask Greece if they need military aid and put the pressure on that roach Erdogan

Its our time to shine

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KSA sucks but they aren't causing the explosive growth of islam. The mudslime, low iq subhumans making goblin babies as fast as possible are the problem. These goblins are really low iq and accept islam (which dominates every aspect of life, especially governance) without any resistance. The only solution is to start sterilizing/culling the goblins, which is not even possible.

This was the plan all along. 50 years ago, we'd be at war now. White Europe is dead. RIP.

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Do they even have a million bullets in all of Yurope kek?

They're really bent on destroying the EU. Keep safe EU people. Don't trust these refugees even if they sound honest.