I live in Italy and work in a hospital and we've had our first few cases of Coronavirus...

I live in Italy and work in a hospital and we've had our first few cases of Coronavirus. I'm currently resting at home with a fever so I have a lot of spare time, ask me anything

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Why does my italian gf always wanna cook me food.

Does boneless pizza exist?

what do you plan to do in last days alive?

>corona-chan not saying reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at the end
could've been more based, kek

Italian or """"""southern Italian""""""""

It's in our blood dude, nothing you can do about it
Let me counter with this: does kikeless America exist?
It's almost surely not corona, I got the fever during the night shift and the nurses didn't even screen me for potential hazard, I just went home and called in sick. The worst so far was the first day with 41°C, but after that it's been pretty tolerable

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Mega dose on Vitamin C, drink whiskey, and take a very long and hot shower.

Yeah thanks man, been going hard on that vitamin C. No whiskey but homemade grappa with hot peppers.
Sadly I just can't take a shower while having a fever, makes me feel like shit

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Why do you guys pinch your hands?

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When using as an insult it represents guaging the the size of the balls of the person you are insulting
Ie your balls are so small can pinch my fingers in this gesture to hold them.

Raising body temp kills the virus off. That's why flu season happens in winter. Body knows and tries to create a high temp.

Vimercate ?

Retard it's not this

Are nurses all freaks? they seem really dtf


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That was a weird counter, pizza is generally boneless, but America hasn’t been kikeless for over a hundred years

Why aren't you coofing on rapefugees?


Diffondi l'amore.

>Quarantines are racist
Noone is actually dumb enough to believe this right?

How does it feel to know that you will be dying soon?

This was one of the italian left talking points not long ago (before the current spike in cases)

>I'm currently resting at home with a fever
Could it be...

What region?

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Can we get a F for OP.

Don't worry big guy.

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So what is it?

why do so many people want to travel to italy?
i would rather travel to russia or some shit
italy sucks
fuck you

Lucky. My Italian wife couldn't figure out how to cook herself fucking sausages just now. I've made a horrible mistake.

our government believed that

Do you want her to not cook you the best food?

>race mixing this hard

Are calabrian women all bat shit crazy

""Safe""way wageslave here. I have some unknown illness but I haven't seen the doctor yet, not because I can't afford it LOL I'm just lazy. For the past week and a half I've been cooffing on people at checkout and when I handle their deli food.I would wash my hand's but they get dry from the store's cheap soap, in fact some times I don't even wash when I've goon pee I just tuck my penis over my pants then tuck it back, a bit of pee gets on my apron that I don't take off because lol lazy, but what can you do? haha. Anyway It gives me joy to think I'll take others with me if this shit gets serious!

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>t. boomer
Fevers don't help you in any way. It's your body getting screwed up and failing to keep a proper temperature.

Southern women are very proud, southerners in general take offense easily.

Cool story, unskilled person.

post gf

Excellent, now edit Corona-chan's speech bubble

degenerate race mixers, the day of the rope will come for you

okay wait a sec
we have lot more infected but why do italians have higher deaths because of the corona virus?

I don't know, but is an interesting question.
three possibilities
1) we have way more infected people. aka, you have tested nearly all of them, while we didn't yet, just the ones with symptom or severe symptoms.
2)our virus mutated and became more lethal. or yours mutated and became less lethal
3) our population is older. (although I don't know if it's true or not)
I tend to favor the first.

> Italians are so gay they imagine another man's balls in their hand at every opportunity
Lmao Medcucks

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Post a time stamp with proof please

Where the fuck is my Steppe Wife?

why weren't they tested?
i dunno about this one
our population aging problem is pretty bad too, real bad,

Spread it.

>why weren't they tested?
because thy are too many and too widespread, simple as that. I'm talking about people with few symptoms (flu like) or no symptoms at all ofc

I know an American of Italian descent, who is a boomer, age apx 68. His father and mother immigrated here in 1920's (?), and later the grandmother too. They opened a deli in ny and a pizza shop. Father made sauce from scratch, not that canned stuff they use now.
Anyway the reason I bring this up is because, apparently the boomer Italian, lost all ability to cook like his father (and mother): home made pasta, sauce, canning tomatoes, growing tomatoes and even those dessert tubes filled with cream. His grandfather, was a wood worker, and built his house with his son, but the boomer sold it in the 80's for quick buck, and later bough a McMansion. He lost the McMansion after getting laid off from some auto parts plant.
He now lives in some shitty apartment above a laundromat collecting SS since he is eligible to collect SS. If he had followed his father, he would probably still have a nice pizza shop, and a nice 100 year old home.

Who should he blame? Himself? or the Jews?

Do you have any big regrets?

who cares?


I’m not Italian but i want to always cook for my bf. It’s what a good woman does

I care you pasta nigger.

maybe she wants you to put a ring on her finger?

i’m a virgin preper so yes many

show tits

Of course himself you stupid burger. If your parents can pass knowledge, skills, properties to you, and you trash all of them, you have no one to blame except yourself. My boomer father leave me with nothing, and i don't have nothing.

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Don't worry user. It's no worse than the flu.

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vanitas omnia vanitas

>I care you pasta nigger

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>My Italian wife couldn't figure out how to cook herself
>fucking sausages just now.
This is how it indented on my screen, I had a chuckle

lmao nigger did you assume I care about mussolini the biggest cuck of all times?

Food is sacred in Italy. Here the women really only have sex with their man, cook for their man, and argue with their man

>not stripping the chick naked


>and argue with their man
ok virgin


How about this one?
I know right? I wish I could have raped Axis girls while in the red army.

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