The world is waking up. God Bless the IRISH. HEIL IRELAND

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Other urls found in this thread:ál_Riata

Northern, potato nigger. Remember the Irish are literal cucks and died from potatoes

Next thing you will see is Connor mcgreggor wiping his ass with one preflight

>hate crime to burn Israeli flag
>knowing the police don't give a shit if yobs torched the Union Jack

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>Northern, potato nigger. Remember the Irish are literal cucks and died from potatoes

Found the jew

Lot of nerve coming from some nigger cucks that died by thousands from potatoes


Goodbye jews!

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I know that feel fren.


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Why are Irish people in Ireland based and redpilled, while Irish people in muttland never really do anything worthwhile?

Also, why is there a faggot Romanian slyly defending Jews in every thread?

The Irish save civilization AGAIN

nice try Schwartz

>irish nationalists in ulster
low grade morons

What is a Northern Ireland Nationalist?

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nice try mr long nose.

Weve been fighting the jews since day fucking 1. Norman invasion? Jew funded. Protestant schism? Jew funded.

The catholics in north ireland are descended from norse conquerers. We have been the vanguard against the jew for a 500+ years. If the brits are "white" to hell with em.

Norse Irish master race. Clans Uí Nialls descendants have stood firm for 1400 years and the spirit burns today from the irish conquered USA (look at migration today.. the great replacement happened already and the white man was usurped by the irish) if ur a white man in USA, 90% chance ur ancestors died fighting the Jew or came to America to replace the Jewish funded brits who came here. Yet you are called descendants of slave masters by the jewish media and education. They dont want the white irish american to realize.

Also: protestant irish are ZOG and should see themselves out the door

>be jew
>hate the irish

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Wtf are you talking about. The famine was due to blight and english nobles owning the land and sending the food to England.

i approve of this post

Benjamin Disraeli is mad

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>tons of muslims flooding in
>suddenly israel flags start being burned down
Gee I don't know what's the correlation between these

The terrorist known as Keith Woods probably had something to do with this.

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fuck the jews

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The sly implication in this post is that Irish people should love Jews and anti-Semitism is a Muslim phenomenon.
Maybe this poster doesn't know that the IRA and the PLO were partners. Or maybe he does know and is betting nobody will look it up.


Every white man in america should be ready to return to the motherland. We need the same birth right citizenship as israelis. Reclaim the motherland, leave EU, lift anchors and float off to middle of ocean with our emerald island

Uí Niall (O'Neil) are not now, nor never were Norse.
Amerimutts always tend to glamorise the clans to fit their own narrative. No the Uí Niall's have a mighty history, but are Gael not Norman (Normans were French Vikings btw).

t. Uí Drisceoil (O'Driscoll) - One of the first clans of Ireland. Your family were either shipped in transportation or fled like cowards while their home was ravaged by invaders. Don't be proud in your shame mutt.

Irish nationalists always aligned themselves with the pallies.
not a new thing.

Nazis can suck on my 9.67 inch Jewish penis.

Shoulda left on the tip could of been whole man.

>"hate crime"
fucken hate that made up term

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>hello rabbi
>talk about potatoes, that will trigger the irishmen
>the irish fear the potato

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Yes and the gaels are dead and their genes live on thru their conquered people. The mutts of the clans and vikings ARE the irish people. I invoke ui nialls for the fact its a symbol of the IRA. The hand of ulster. Keep crying protestant

Us norse irish are the true warriors carryin the spirit of odin and niall. Uve brought sorrow to ur ancestors as u wallow in the united kingdoms filth and bring in endless immigrants to the motherland. U best hope we spare u on the day of the potato

BASED, death to pissrael

Technically they died from no potatoes.

They aren't.

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>northern ireland nationalists
They're just Irish Nationalists. They don't like Northern Ireland.
The Union Flag is burned regularly in NI.

Reminder that almost all anti-Irish posts are from buttmad mutts. Reminder that the USA has been micked from the start, and they will never not be mad about it. Bogniggers aren't so bad.

>american history every time
The Uí Néill were not norse and quite literally never became norse. Most of the Norse in Ireland were either killed or assimilated into the Gaelic population.
>protestant Irish are ZOG
Protestant Irish invented modern Irish Nationalism.

While a lot of opinions on Yas Forums about Ireland are retarded, I've long defended them as a country that has a lot of room to get better. Ireland has:
>never had a left wing government
>had 3 nationalist uprisings in the past century, one of which only ended about 20 years ago
>is often seen as a hindrance to some larger EU projects as they are infamous for collapsing treaties unless they are amended to suit Irish interests

Their immigration really isn't out of control and while some larger cities like Dublin are certainly on a bad bath, they really aren't that far gone. Ireland is essentially at the very start of the road that my own country and other countries like france, germany, italy etc all started down decades ago. Most people who hate Ireland are just assmad about Irish diaspora in their country's history, or they're making D&C threads. The Irish are fine.
>inb4 why are you supporting TERRORISTS who killed your people
I am firmly of the opinion that throwing our lot in with the Northern Irish was a mistake, as they are a slimy and incompetent people who disguise themselves as patriots as they continue to fuck over the UK just because they're insecure about their heritage.

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Did that England have a City of London?


Another anti-Irish comment from a heavily micked nation. You're hating the wrong people.

Look at these salty Kikes.

>Hate crime to burn a kike flag but not your own country's flag.

Brits are cucked and all kikes deserve extermination.

Its a misleading article. The people involved were Irish nationalists in Northern Ireland, who make up about 50% of the population. They routinely burn British flags because of the Troubles.

You faggots are so obnoxious
You are not Irish, stop larping

Doesn't change my point at all, kike.

>missed the joke
lurk more

Death to Israel

This only happened around the 60s. Before that Jews were arming the IRA

The only reason they burn the jewish flag is because Loyalists/the British Government support Israel. Irish Nationalists in NI draw parallels between the Palestine situation and the NI situation, but mostly just burn jewish flags to annoy Loyalists.

The absolute state of brainlet Americans, really need to just simmer down when it comes to european politics.

Plenty of Jewish involvement in Irish nationalism and the IRA, if you think Irish Nationalism is in any way based you are very ignorant, they are pozzed up commies, see podcast.

Most prots don't even know what a jew is, those that do are normally very anti-semitic as Prot Northern Irishmen are probably the most based and red pilled demographic in the West e.g. Andrew Joyce, even an Irishman will tell you that.

Also most "British" Prots in NI are descendants of the Uí Niall and ruled a cross sea kingdom of Dal Riata, they are more native to Ulster than any Southern Irishman. Scots and Ulstermen are basically the same thing.ál_Riata

American Irish LARPing is toxic, Irishman and Brits are brothers and largely get along just fine, we can both certainly unite around the fact that mutts need to fuck off.

I stand with irish bros against international jewery!

Irish-ness isn't a LARP but celtic-ness is.

We need to pump those numbers up. Let me know when it's london

Fake. The "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish" thing is just a meme perpetuated by professional victim communist Fenian types.

Everytime you burn an Israeli flag they cry out in pain.

Based. God bless you Ireland.

>The Irish died on a fucking island surrounded by the richest fishing waters in the world
wtf lads why didnt they just fish that's what the chinese are doing in wuhan, are irish more retarded than chinese?

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I've always held a soft spot for the Irish and the French because they're so contrarian.
>up yours I won't do what you tell me just because you said it

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