Should foot binding be legal?

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Other urls found in this thread: animated

Is this still a thing? How about bonsai kitten?

legalize pig foot

I support any measure that brings suffering to women.

Is coffee good for you?

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who gives a shit what bugs do themselves

Why would you ruin sexy female feet like that fucking hell

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This is one of those things that even the Chinese successful banned. about this?

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Circumcision is legal so why not?

I don't see how it's any worse than mutilating your genitals.

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No that shit is nasty, female feet should never be ruined like that. Female slavery should be legal though.

What the hell is this even from? I've seen it so many times but I don't know what it comes from

or this (1/2)

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Reject Modernity
Embrace Tradition

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Jesus fucking christ dude...


Uh.. sauce

Shut the fuck up nigger


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And I support male genital mutilation bc it brings suffering to you mens

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bonsai kitten is based

Too long, fuck off

How much taller does this make you


Yes, it puts women in their place something which is barely above beast.


Fuck off commie

Jfc I thought that was a pig hoof goodnight

>Foot binding

It's literally an imperial Chinese practice that was banned in like 1912.

One of the first things the commies banned.
Goes to show though, they're not long out of the dark ages. So we need to cut them some slack.

Uh hello, based department?

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so what is the point of that? is the only pro that they can't run ?

Like, top kek! Bro. That meme was incredibly dank lol!

Can you gif something for me?

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This was pretty hot until they got to the human meat part.

I thought the chinks outlawed this during the long wang dynasty.

Why are you being such a cunt?

The chinks are a backwards people they do things even if they're illegal because of tradition or some shit. That's why we have Coronavirus.


If infant male circumcision is legal here, then so should footbinding.

Why do Americans hate foreskin so much?

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What about you?

nah, i leave making gifs to anime virgins like yourself

i coomed

fuck them, eat them, why not? they're bugs. bugmeat you can fuck.

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>primum non nocere
proceeds to do this

I mean, you can cut your pp off no problem, I don't see why not

you're never gonna fuck or eat one though

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I always wanted to know what that looked like. That high school lit book didn’t describe it well.

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and that ones well shaved and still reasonably tight. imagine it post-wall

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If women were circumcised or at least visited by the hyena we wouldnt be in this mess.



im assuming this is the hypocritical oath? they do most tranny surgeries in gook countries for bargain bin prices.

pretty fucked up

Trauma restructures the brain.

Japs are fucking wierd

Everywhere FGM happens the place is a shithole, so you'd be in a mess of some sort

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You do realise most med school graduates don't even take the hippocratic oath anymore, right?

ikr. i thought he would fuck the dead body. but instead the freak is going to eat her. disgusting.

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Uh hello, incel department?
Yeah we got a big oof right here

why do germans import muslims? yours will be next, if you had sex that is.

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Who the fuck cares? They're not white. They're not western. Let gooks and chinks do what gooks and chinks want to do. What are you, some kind of world police jew? Let them do what they want in their land.

>You will never be as bitter about your mutilated jew cock is this woman is about simply being a woman

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>why do germans import muslims?

Why do you?

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Why is interracial sex the only thing mutts think about?

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oink oink

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you were the one throwing stones, autist. do you just think about cock non stop?

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>What is the menstrual cycle?

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Hi whitey :^)

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True. animated

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because they're worried about interracial relationships and mixed people, why aren't you worried about it?

those are hispanic whites, not non-hispanic whites. more whites in america than in germ. whatever makes you feel better about your life buddy. obviously severely buttblasted about your superiors.


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This is the exact kind of shit my brother would jack off to.

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Arms and legs are not entirely arbitrary. They're vital for proper circulation and health. Especially if these women are meant to be continuously pregnant. Totally silly. It's not like we amputate the legs of cattle.

>What is the menstrual cycle?
You know all women are on birth control by age 12 these days, right?

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>shartmerican in charge of determining who's white


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Needs a 3ed nuke

>worried about interracial relationships
>fapping to inter. sex

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It's easy to tell who's opinion you can safely disregard by whether they actually fucking bother using the brown emojis instead of default yellow

how ugly are you incel? take a step into the real world. realize your country killed more whites in history than any nation, and is currently responsible for the mud invasion of every european country. but, keep talking shit about america as a defense mechanism.

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>4 year old son
Jesus, what kind of evil kike is the dad?

>mud invasion

True :^)


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