The absolute state of Trump supporters

The absolute state of Trump supporters..

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>trump supporter

You make no sense Op.

>last name Rivas
>Trump supporter
It needs to go back

this is the gayest thing I've ever seen

>not understanding that the main voter base of any party is common citiziens with 90 iq

Nice twitter thread dude.


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>I wan a millyun dollahz. gimme monieee

OP you're dumb as fuck. She is not a trump supporter you retarded fucking faggot.

actually think about this, we always say that billionaires need the wealth to invest but here this guy goes and blows a check for a million dollars for each american(which could pay for 4 years of schooling) on CAMPAIGN ADS for a presidency try that died in a month

Serious question though- what would that do to the economy? What if some bored billionaire decided to do this for shits and giggles?

> Trump supporter shares stupid liberal tweet
> Trump supporters

ITT: mathlets

Look at the page that retweeted it dumb fuck

Except its absolutely true, plus Trump gets free ads every day, you can thank CNN and FOX for that.

Yes they (theproudrepublicans) are making fun of a guy named Rivas Makita(mexican?) for not knowing math.

Do the math. 350 million X 1 million = 350 trillion

That wasn't the point. Read the tweet again and do some basic math

You know people also retweet shit to make fun of it right?

You are as dumb as the wetback that can't do math if you can't tell that he's making fun of the retard for thinking everyone should get a free million.

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$1.52 each person.

Fuck off, this person is a Bernout and you fucking know it. When was the last time you heard a Trump supporter talk about wealth redistribution in a positive light?

That's why they said it's funny you fucking retard.

Dumb fuck this bait sucks and you should die. If you have to think for more than 5 seconds about her proposed math, you should unironically have your right to vote stripped. Fuck off australoid scum.

Can anyone in this thread do math or am I just not in on the joke?

He's too retarded to see that the trump supporter is making fun of the bernout.
The absolute state of the fucking retarded dems. Hahah.

damn she seems like a huge trump supporter

he's not a Trump supporter

The person retweeting it laughing at the retard that can't count.

OP is a giantic faggot

Qtard account was making fun of the bernie tard who wrote that tweet

KYS Dumb nigger

Well at least she admits she's bad at math.

OP is a retard and doesn't know how Twitter works

sounds more like a Bernie Bros.

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Bloomberg could have given everyone in the Sates exactly $1.52 for what he spent on ads

let me break this down, op is stupid and doesn't realize that the #qanon person was making fun of the stupid bernie babe

Oh look another dumbass. OP came in here trying to own trump supporters posting a tweet about trump supports shitting in some spic who can't intomath.

This just proves how mentally and characterly limited wagies are. That quoted person is a writer for bloomberg and probably earns $100k-$200k a year lmao.

Spot the lie? 500 - 327 means he could give a million each and still have 173 million left over

I don't even know what number 327,000,000 multiplied by $1,000,000 would be, it's sure as fuck not 500 million.

Zipperhead anons plz help w/ this math.

Mekita Rivas confirmed for minority mathematician of the year?

>Yas Forums brought to a screeching halt by simple math

Nevermind its 327 trillion.

>american education

It means he could give 1 million each to 327 people you fucking sped.

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I think you might have a mild case of mental retardation.

I still can't believe this many retarded democrats are supporting Trump now either.


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All the billionaires in the world combined do not have that much money. Seriously, people seem to have no conception of the scale of things like large amounts of money. Even when the numbers are right in front of their face.

>Bad at math


There are 540 billionaires in the United States, with a combined net worth of $2.399 trillion. That is 2399 billion or 2,399,000 million dollars. There are 330 million people in the United States. Assuming all billionaired assets were liquid [they're not] you could give two millionish people a million dollars each, OR give every American about $7270. Your daily reminder that socialism is for people who don't understand arithmetic.

Please stop, you're making us look bad.


there's not even enough currency in the entire world to give us all a mil.

You are an autistic fuck

It would cost $327,200,000,000,000 (327 trillion USD, US GDP in 2019 was only 21 trillion) to give every American $1,000,000 and in doing so would destroy the economy due to everyone having more money not suddenly also making things to buy infinite.

Where’s my 1 million


OK Boomer

Assume all that money is invested. Assume an average return rate of 7% a year. Which is about what the stock market is. It would be enough to give every American a basic income of $508 every year.

Running the numbers like this makes me feel retarded. For falling for socialist propaganda years ago. Where the fuck did Yang think he was going to get $12k a year for everyone? Did no one even question this?

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*laughs in American*

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Wtf? That has nothing to do with trump, you crayon eating wombat.

no, the stupid one is qanon, for calling one of the most perfectly accurate mathematical proofs "funny," what is wrong with BWAHAHAHAH
nope, couldn't keep a straight face, I fail at bait

For $1.14B he could have given America tree fiddy.

she's not a Trump supporter tho, retard.

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$20 says she has a shitty ao3 page where she writes banguo boys, bts, and bnha fanfic in horrible broken English and thinks that makes her a writer.
Or creative.

>500 million on ads, true
>327 million in America, true
>Each of us can get 1 million?
This is mathematically incorrect, only 500 people of those 327 million would receive one million dollars