The fucking DNC is literally trying to elect Trump. I'm positive of it at this point. Nobody is this incompetent. This has to be intentional.
The fucking DNC is literally trying to elect Trump. I'm positive of it at this point. Nobody is this incompetent. This has to be intentional.
Easy win for Trump, so easy I'm not even going to vote this time
Me too, bro. Corona will also be all over the fucking polls, so better to just stay home and have a nap while everybody else votes.
You literally don't even need to. I mean who is going to vote for open and obvious senility?
I've been saying this privately for the past 3 years. It's ridiculously suspicious activity. Are the dems planning some massive financial catastrophe for Trumps obvious second term? I've seen a couple of starter threads on /pol suggesting another 09-11 style attack will occur but there isn't much sauce to go on.
Senile Biden vs Crazy Orange Hitler
while coronavirus burns through the nation, this is our choice.
We could revolt and make somebody king. I nominate myself.
Literally all Trump has to say to win any debate with Biden is "If you know how to fix America why didn't you tell Obama?"
Dems are just too far into radical intersectionalism, meaning they eat their own knowingly and willingly. They cannot resist tribalism and bitching about anything/everything.
Every 24 hours. Sure it is. The man literally can't speak in public.
He is clearly in the early stages of dementia
I've already reconciled that Trump will get re-elected. Democrats are so fucking stupid, this entire party is filled with the most out-of touch retarded boomer cucks that shoot themselves in the foot over and over again. You have the most inept, retard president in the history of our country, and the Democrats have decided to nominate a guy who is nearly as retarded as Trump is.
I'd rather have an administration with nothing but Hillary Clinton clones than Biden. At least Hillary wasn't senile, was somewhat competent and intelligent even if unsavory. She was like the George Bush of the Democratic party, only actually intelligent unlike W, just intelligent in an off-putting way.
To be honest, I've been expecting a Trump re-election for well over a year now. If you had asked me 3 years ago if I thought Trump could ever get re-elected I'd say no fucking way, the guy is so fucking dumb people in his orbit will eventually wake up to how incompetent he is, but that hasn't happened because Trump has survived all the scandals that he has created, mostly due to the fact that the entire GOP is willing to cover for his fuck-ups, and the fact that Trump's base has become the entirety of the GOP. There are no more never-Trump Republicans anymore, the party is now the cult of Trump and it's as strong as it's ever been. Meanwhile, the Democrats are weaker than they've ever been at a time when they need to be strong to defeat Trump.
How the fuck is Biden going to win PA, or MI, or FL? Maybe voters really are stupid enough to vote for him, maybe his stuttering and incoherent trains of thought, similar to Trump, are endearing to the retarded over 50yo boomers that make up his base (and most of the Trump base to be honest). I can't wait for this entire older generation to get alzheimers and heart disease and rid America of the boomer menace once and for all.
Well Bernie got the jews riled up a couple days ago so it was to be expected.
Ok doomer
we need to vote to make people more sour and shift to overton window.
Nice try.
just mail in your vote and be sure to lick the ballet nice and wet :^)
Trump was preselected a long time ago, you dumb niggers. It’s just a circus at this point
I was rooting for bernie but I didn't really want him to be president, just an underdog thing... Socialism and people surrounding him scare the fuck outta me.
I'm probably more likely to vote democrat now than before
Let's stay home, I've been feeling sleepy lately. PA fag here
Early?? The man is weeks from wandering off into traffic.
Obama was actually the last American president and I fucking called it then. This country would never elect a black president unless it was ending. And sure enough, trump will probably be the first king of America. And for his personality cultists - no, that is not a good thing.
>Maybe voters really are stupid enough to vote for him
just look at Super Tuesday
Yeah, let's just get comfy and have a nap
Nobody does. It’s all a show and drumpf is also a part of it
Either the votes are all rigged, or democrats are actually that stupid to vote for this senile old man. Both are equally valid.
My god, this is the first bait post of the election season saying they won't vote just to fish for yous.
>The fucking DNC is literally trying to elect Trump.
Trump is obviously showing signs of dementia. I’ve never seen Biden this sharp and energized. Clearly Biden has the upper hand in any debate.
This. I can't wait to see this demential boomer get mogged by trump in the debates.
Wow you mean to tell me that rich elites that own the democrat establishment dont mind having a guy like Trump lowering their taxes and taking the hit for it?
Who wouldve known.
Joe you're in the wrong car we're parked two rows down from here
All trump has to do is not catch the Corona virus, this shit is a lay up!
This guy for real 100% is senile and is entering dementia.
The worst part is this is actually a clip from August 2019.
All the olds will be dead by then and Tulsi will announce martial law.
Evil speaking the Satanic Trips of Truth when it'll hurt more.
I'm sure you are, CIA.
>I wouldn't need to run for president if you didn't undermine all we worked to build. America is ready to pick back up where Obama left off, and leave this dark chapter in the past, where it belongs
Revealing your shit universal cash grab for what it is - is fine. But how about No medicare for all.
Let people pick whatever they want, and if they don't want health insurance, that's their right.
People are fucking stupid falling for their schemes. That's like someone begging big brother to impose a federally mandated _____ subscription. Shit is not going to be free and it'll be deducted automatically from your paycheck.
If you want something you go and buy it. It shouldn't be forced. And if you're thinking "But some people can't afford it", those people are already covered by medicare but your white ass has no idea because you're worlds apart. You're in a snowglobe - within your own country.. your white and you have no idea what's going on right under your big noses
biden is literally a puppet...
Evil like you is offensive to the sight of the living.
How am I evil you absolute retard?
Women, minorities, cucks. Well over 50% of the country user.
capitalism is evil
You mean like they did in 2016? How'd running a center-right geriatric work out for the dems last time?
I actually read your entire post just because it made me feel good to watch a faggot like you suffer in your irrelevance. You should kys.
and communism is great?
the lefty media i follow was repeating a stat that the portion of voters that pushed him over bernie didnt know who they wanted to vote for until a week ago. So the media making a huge deal about biden winning South Carolina, that republicans will win in the general, convinced these people.
the media plays a big role in shaping opinions of people like that.
no one is trying to make communism happen, idiot
>Implying Biden is currently capable of delivering a statement like this, planned or not.
I don't actually think he will win, but there are a lot of complete degenerate dependent ingrates in the country. People who still cant succeed in the best economy ever, people who no one wants to fuck, people who no one wants to hire. I mean check out this pathetic loser-
also keep in perspective that a lot of the states that voted on super tuesday, hillary also won, but its a false win in the long run because those states will vote republican. it might be a good test for picking a conservative democrat, but when its fake liberal vs unabashed republican, the republican wins.
>voter turnout for the republican primary is literally double that of democrat primaries despite trump being a shoe in an receiving 99+% of the vote
>Nobody is this incompetent
You’ve never met a democrat before
Holy shit this sad to watch.
Nice try rabbi really nice try.
>best economy ever
>People who still cant succeed in the best economy ever
You literally deserve death.
he wasn't a narcissistic jewish ass licker
Just going to clatify that this is because hes defending the ACA from Trump. Nothing to do with Sanders.
He's not senile, he didn't fuck up with what he said.
This health insurance they're forcing you crackers to buy (I repeat, it's not free) and everyone else in the middleclass and higher.. is admittedly - by them, real fucking shitty.
It doesn't cover 100% of anything. There's a ton of deductibles/premiums.
The money they're taking away basically goes to pay off big pharma and the greedy medical establishment for crap they're going to sell you.. so when you go in because your pussy hurts, some of it's been paid.. by you.. and you'll at that moment have to pay them again for the rest of it.
It'll cover maybe bag of condoms and a few bandaids 100%, other stuff you'll have to pay maybe half or more depending on the price. Who knows they're vague about these things.. they say it's low but they always lie just to get you mouthbreathers on board. Even Trump did this (big time, still no wall.. 2 miles completed and his 1st term is almost up), Obama did it with blacks.. they all do. Might as well tell them to go shove it and buy some Kaiser Permanente or what have you. And if you really can't afford it, you qualify for medicare anyway, none of their buzzwords and rackets mean anything. They never did to broke people and the old. Programs for them have been in place for ages.
He was so preselected that every thing in the establishment has been after him since day one. That's how preselected he was.
Fucking retarded ass nigger user.
Corona will mainly hurt the high density cities the most i.e. Dem hives. It only hurts the Dems. Also the pandemic is a direct rebuke of Open Borders and Globohomo which they have feverishly been campaigning on.
>He's not senile, he didn't fuck up with what he said.
Not sure if bait or just blatantly ignoring the mountain of video evidence proving otherwise
I honestly thought for a while there that the DNC had finally come to understand how much everyone hates them and their politicians. Them and their media cronies were being so embarassingly blatant I was worried they had this devious master plan to publicly persecute Bernie for a while, then hand him the nomination anyway in the hopes people would view him as having defeated the establishment and go vote for him. I was giving them way too much credit. They've learned fucking nothing. The inner circle Dems have completely sunk the party for years to come.
Both Biden and Trump are neoliberal imperialists, so its not really much of a choice. As usual.
>Joe Biden isn't senile as shit
>all this block of text starting with a blatant lie
everything after him is so purposely retarded they could never win and that is the DNC reelecting trump intentionally retard
>not gonna vote
I smell some Malarkey.
Who's house is that, the guy who owns the insurance company that everyone is going to have to sign up for?
He's going to have his hands in every US citizens pocket, legally. Voted on by the idiots who are begging to get fleeced.
You want insurance? What's stopping you from getting it? You want the fed to make you buy some.. capitalism is the freedom to say "I'm going to do my own thing, I don't need a nanny to hold onto my allowance"
That's all it is.