Sanders and Warren: Communist
Obama and Clinton: Far Left
Biden and Jeb!: Left of Center
McConnell: Center
Trump: Right of Center
Miller: Right
>Jeb Bush is far right
the jokes write themselves.
Objectively speaking, this assessment is absolute lunacy if you compare us and our politics with the rest of the world. Hillary Clinton would be considered a far right nutjob anywhere but the USA. Sanders would be considered a moderate.
What is definitely true is that our politics are far right and more than anything authoritarian. We don't have much libertarianism here in the USA, the supposed land of freedom. That fucking sucks
You think Hillary would be a "far right nutjob" in Saudi Arabia?
>Objectively speaking, this assessment is absolute lunacy if you compare us and our politics with the rest of the world.
And if you compare politics today with politics throughout history, we're all on the far, far left. Even right-wing populist parties are centrist compared to what came before
The world is fucked and they want to drag us down with them.
You're a retard. By "anywhere in the world" you of course mean only in Europe.
How delusional are these people? The Overton window has swung DRAMATICALLY to the left. The "conservatives" of even 100 years ago would think we are all insane.
-in 2008 Obama wouldn't endorse gay marriage, in 2016 Trump waves the fag flag at rallies
-in the 90's Clinton gave lip service to anti-immigration, Trump's message 2 decades later was mercilessly attacked
The ONLY thing that has "moved right" are small/medium tax cuts (which most of us on the right don't even like anyways)
I legitimately want to know how people think the Overton window has shifted to the right. It just seems impossible to believe.
Absolute ignorance. For example, just in the 20th century alone, in the USA, we had welfare as a human right (up until 1996, actually), New Deal policies that destroyed wealth inequality in this country, LBJ's "Great Society", 91% top marginal tax rate, 50% corporate tax rate. Our current mold and right-wing norms were set by Nixon and then especially Reagan in particular.
You're historically clueless and objectively just clueless on the facts, as right-wingers almost always are.
Half of Saudi Arabia gets welfare and Hillary Clinton supported her husband as he gutted the welfare system in this country and turned it from "a human right" to something that only a few people deemed disabled by the state can get. So yeah. She would be a "far right nutjob" in Saudi Arabia. And Democrats support hijabs
Nah I mostly mean anywhere except the most niggardly states in Africa
Living in a bubble. Lefitsts dramatically shifted to the Left over the last few decades and mistakenly believed that to reflect the rest of the country. When Trump galvanized the 'rural retards' they viewed it as some atavistic throwback and not simply 'Boomers literally have not changed their minds on anything since 1975'
That's literally just one issue. Her positions on gay marriage and abortion alone would make her far left in Saudi Arabia. Politics is not about just the economy.
Everything from 1776 on is various forms of Leftism.
literally everyone pictured is a centrist
>I legitimately want to know how people think the Overton window has shifted to the right.
They don’t. They’re just lying so they can push the window farther left. Stop assuming your adversaries are approaching the debate in good faith, they’re not. Lefties are intellectually dishonest and that’s why we’re in this mess.
>Obama and Clinton: Far Left
I always kek at Amerifags
It is like words have completely different meanings, only in the US.
Walk the world and ask people of all countries if Bernie is communist or if Obama is a left-winger.
Nay, they will answer. At best, Obama is a leader which lingered slightly towards the left side of the spectrum.
But Americans are literal retards. If there is a word with a definition in the dictionary, be sure Amerifats will change its meaning to suit their twisted perception of politics and the world.
You're right about the libertarian part, but the left controls almost all of the major institutions in our society except for the directly elected positions. The overton window is still way more far to the left, even if our politics are farther to the right. Try going out in public and espousing genuine conservative, right-wing views. You're going to realize you catch a FUCK of a lot more shit than you do for saying something like "Stalin was actually a good guy". Actually, try saying "Hitler was a good guy" and then "Stalin was a good guy" and see which one gets you more shit. That's a good measure to go by. You'll get far more shit and probably even lose your job, get publicly doxxed by the MSM and maybe even physically have to fight for your life for saying "Hitler was a good guy"
t. ching chong chang
Imagine thinking some faggot and kike lover trump is on the right
Ha again, like I said, right-wingers are ignorant. I wonder how you'd feel to know that Thomas Jefferson was basically a massive fucking lefty, who had left-wing dissident ideas about taxing the rich and "personal property" as opposed to "private" property
When will people realize mainstream politicians aren't left or right but neoliberal globalists? I'm tired of this normie shit.
>You're historically clueless and objectively just clueless on the facts, as right-wingers almost always are.
Imagine thinking social welfare is inherently left-wing. Imagine thinking a couple isolated economic policies override the larger point that basically all traditional forms of authority and most restrictions on social behavior have fallen by the wayside
Even if you want to use a way less extreme example. Go out and say "Trump is a good guy" and then "Obama is a good guy." The reaction for praising Trump is hardly different from praising Hitler, which shows how deranged some people are.
I'm saying America itself is Leftist. Democracy is a soft variant of communism.
Yeah this is just retarded and a waste of internet bandwidth. Yes, welfare is an economically left-wing policy. The end. Period. Not a point up for discussion or debate
It's literally the most right-wing country in the world outside of maybe Israel or the continent of Africa
Yes. I agree 100% with you. And I am in no way a Trump supporter or even someone who is right-of-center
fixed btw
this is accurate
Concession accepted. Fascist governments are literally known for having massive social welfare programs.
>muh taxes
See? This is the only issue they EVER bring up when discussing this supposed "right" shift. Ignore every single social and governmental shift left for the past 300 years, as long as there are tax cuts we're "Far right"
>oh pwease pwease daddy gobenment can you buy me ice cweam
Your country and my homeland is fucked because of morons like you.
This is better, though I would still call Trump a neoliberal.
Can you provide a rebuttal this?
Fucking thank you, god I hate neoliberal retards and their fake history bullshit, commies are preferable to this idiocy.
nice one
Well, he probably wants to go back to "the good old days" America in the postwar-latter 20th century times. What he is likely too ignorant to understand is that America was far more to the left during that period. In the wake of 4 terms of FDR the USA basically became socialist by today's standards. And that's what led to the golden age of the american dream, and the time that is remembered so fondly by conservatives today. These policies were slowly whittled away after Nixon came to office, and then especially under Reagan. Clinton, who was an extremely far right-wing guy, finished them off finally before the turn of the millennium.
No, I provided the rebuttal to the last one you asked, but the comment you're referencing now just doesn't make any sense. It's written by a schizo and not rooted enough in reality to respond to
>objectively speaking
fuck you. the world is center left dumbass. Even National Front and Afd are socialist.
So you think the US was more far left during the 50s, that's what you're saying?
Reality: traitors
Again only economically, and even there you're both exaggerating and misunderstanding our views. Half of Yas Forums hates FDR, or income tax for that matter.
I mean what he's saying just isn't real enough to respond to in a legitimate fashion. Nobody ever said the USA was far-right "because of tax cuts", you know? He just made that up in his own mind and then attributed that opinion to other people who he is arguing with on the internet. He's just a schizo
and why do you care ,faggot? We didn't become most powerful nation in the world by pampering the weak who can't get shit done. lmao meanwhile you italoniggers up to age 40 are still suckling at your mommas tits and can't even afford to move out.
>I already gave a rebuttal
No, you said "muh taxes & welfare!" which I've stated numerous times ITT are the only example you retards ever give for this shift while totally ignoring every single social and governmental shift. You even made the laughable statement that Hillary would be "far right" in Saudi Arabia because, you guessed it "muh gibbs!"
Also the implication that "the glory days" were because of high taxes is utterly moronic, tax revenues as a % of GDP have remained largely constant regardless of the rate changes, so i'm not sure how a rate that accomplished nothing somehow created a golden age? It's literally a non argument, just a stupid kosher democrat talking point that is drilled into gullible heads in education but falls apart with 10 seconds of scrutiny.
It was. Even if you wanna say segregation is right-wing.......OK. Is it though? Which side of the political spectrum is openly advocating for segregation today? The left side. They want blacks to be able to segregate from whites, because that is an idea that is fundamentally rooted in a left-wing manner of thinking. Just because our center has been pulled to the right in many ways, doesn't mean that the political divide ceases to exist.
Immigration is another example of this. Is it "left-wing" to want open borders? Really? If you think that, then you don't understand why we have open border to begin with. It's done for business interests. It's done to increase the GDP. It's done to provide cheap labor for CEOs. Nothing "left-wing" about it, it's just that our center has moved SO far to the right. And IRL Trump pretends to be for immigration reforms, but he's not really (pic related)
if you genuinely think Hillary is anywhere near left leaning not only are you fat
but retarded to boot!
Ok, is advocating for stricter border control a left-wing position then? Or does it just fall outside of the left-right dichotomy altogether?
this is my favorite libtard trope
Well, sounds like you're just talking about social issues. That's less important IMO, but I would still disagree with you, read here . Just because our country has been pulled SO far to the right that now our "left" adheres to many classically right-wing and pro-business ideas, doesn't mean that the political divide has actually disappeared or that it didn't mean anything back in the 20th century.
Try to remember that it was Bush, Reagan and the Republicans who were always the biggest open supporters of immigration. Nixon openly stated on the Nixon tapes that he wanted to get blacks and whites to "interbreed" to make stronger workers.
>Marriage is totally broken and dysfunctional, divorce is sky high, many children grow up fatherless or in broken homes.
>The Sexual Revolution completely destroyed any sense of moral contempt for sex out of wedlock.
>Multiple waves of feminism completely transformed [in many ways, destroyed] interactions between the sexes
>Homosexuality, transexuality, and other forms of sexual deviace are not only permitted, dissent is punished.
>Traditional Religion is practically extinct, its last inheritors rapidly perishing boomers.
>Although our knowledge of Race grows daily, our ability to communicate about it or use it to effect social policy has vanished.
>Leftist influence in media, academia, and communication has adopted policies of censorship.
Oh but because taxes were higher in 1965, that means we've 'shifted Right' in the Overton Window. Literally kys.
Cringe, fake and gay.
In the 20th century it was a left-wing position. That is objectively the truth. Like I mentioned here , Bush, Reagan, et al all supporters of open borders and multiculturalism in various ways because it helps business. Nixon wanted whites and blacks to "interbreed" to make stronger workers.
As far as how things are now? Yeah, well, the left got pulled quite far to the right in many ways. Immigration is one of those ways. Pic related, I would suggest some kind of subversion by the banks
So does that mean Trump is actually left-wing on immigration? If so, that would pull him closer to the center overall.
A single payer healthcare system polls at 60-70% in the Democratic party and believe it or not around 50-55% with the Republicans
A massive overhaul of the economic system also polls at 50-60%
Bernie is the moderate who aligns with the views of the American people, anyone who opposes this stuff is a radical
OK so by this definition then the USSR was "right-wing". You're just basing your idea of left vs right off of certain hot topics in our current political situation. You're not getting to the heart of what "left vs right" is. At the heart, it is about whether you're going to have a society run for the benefit of its people, or for the benefit of the big money businesses and wealthy. You're getting those policies you mentioned because they make more money for businesses. It's the opposite of leftism, but you don't understand that since our society is so far to the right.
It’s just a waste of time responding to him. He just zeroes in on little snippets of modern politics that (in his mind) support his theory while ignoring the cultural and social sea change that has taken place both in the US and worldwide. Drop off the founding fathers in any big city for a weekend and see if they think we’re so much farther right as a nation now
>Wahmen are based!
>You're just basing your idea of left vs right off of certain hot topics in our current political situation.
That's literally what you're doing.
Yeah dude IDK I am def not a right-winger in any way, but I voted for Trump in 2016 cuz in my view, for sure, he is way to the left of Hillary Clinton. There is the war issue also, and a few other things where he was left-wing.
Not that I support Trump. I hate him, too. I mean he's a vicious authoritarian and corrupt abettor of big business. I'm not going to vote for him in 2020, prob will vote 3rd party if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, but in 2016 I did vote for him as a "lesser of two evils" and yeah I'm a fucking flagrant lefty
>anyone who opposes this stuff is a radical
More like reactionary. Radical usually means far left.
Again, by your definition the USSR and literal marxist China is "right-wing"
All of your responses show that you view literally everything through the lens of economics and are therefore going to be unreasonable (in this way you guys and the anarcho captialists are exactly the same). I'm sorry I mistook you for a neoliberal earlier, it's clear you're a marxist in the classical sense.
Of course the Republicans (and Democrats) both want open borders and mass immigration, it is a neoliberal globalist ("kosher centrist") position, not a "right wing" one. The historically right wing position on immigration is nationalist and extremely limiting. You are using a different definition of "right wing" (namely the purely capitalist one found in lolbergs and ancaps) we are not.
Socially they were.
This. Read it again and again user.
>for sure, he is way to the left of Hillary Clinton.
Ok, I can understand this. His economic views are populist, which is at odds with the neoliberals/neocons in the DNC and GOP. But of course, lots of people see him as an ebil far right nahtzee.
Ironic seeing as Stalin was objectively worse by absolutely all measures.
Real centrists don't want a huge human wave attack from the third world to take over the country. Every single douchbag in that infographic is happy to sell the American people down the river including Trump and Miller.
That's what Free Market Capitalism is you stupid fuck.
You interpret this as Jefferson wanted a huge bureaucracy to administer such a system when really what he clearly meant was people need to be ALLOWED to create their own work. That's what the land rush was all about. You didn't get a piece of land and a government hand out, you had to work that land and make it produce something.
Centrism isn't based around what is "common sense." If the majority of people want open borders, then being anti-immigration is extreme. The opposite is also true. If you supported open borders in Nazi Germany you'd be extreme.
>if you wanna say segregation is right-wing
No. Favoring your own people over outsiders could be said to be "right wing." Favoring outsiders over your own people would have been considered utter lunacy at literally any other time and place in human history. Now, it's "centrism" or "left-wing" if you're being charitable to the former (who support affirmative action).
Imagine being this fucking comically illiterate.