Four white millionaire democrats were on the ballot, but Bernie lost so its obviously due to racism. Grab some popcorn. This shit is getting good guys!
The Democrat primaries were rigged by racist Republicans!
The sad and frightening fact is that the DNC has a lot more infrastructure and political black-arts than the GOP does. I mean, I'm saying this just as a somewhat neutral libertarian, who doesn't consider himself of either party, other than that I obv did like Ron Paul back when he ran.
The DNC is quite frightening with its organization, and the interconnected web of powerful social institutions it controls. It's got its hands everywhere. The GOP, by contrast, just is not that way. I mean, I'm not saying gerrymandering is not a thing, I'm just saying that Democrats do this dark arts politics shit way more often and way more effectively than the GOP does
>Turn the voting process into the DMV
>Only employ niggers and spics
>Why did crackas does dis
DO NOT VOTE for anyone for any reason!
They are all puppets of kikes and corporations. The key factor is that your vote and participation in the civic system as a White person keep it functional and grants legitimacy to their puppets.
Vote Trump 2020 and whoever he endorses. The swamp is being drained and the country cleansed.
Pray for more dead corrupt politicians
I'd rather bite off my own cock and eat it than vote for zion don.
We're done (((voting))). We're done begging. Motherfuckers keep thinking this is a joke.
Here in CA you can vote at ANY voting booth in the State, not just your district...Absentee Ballots used to be for the elderly and handicapped - now they are automatically sent and you can turn them in within 48 HOURS AFTER the election. Look up "Ballot harvesting" its how Orange County lost 3 Republican Representatives in the midterms....the races were literally called and then 15,000 "extra absentee ballots" came in, with 72% support for the Democrat.....hmmm
Rusians did it ...its always the Russians
Okay, so do something faggot. Everyone is talking a big game about cities burning and shit lately, let's see some blood if you are so fired up. Fucking vote or don't, but shut the fuck up if you are just going to sit around and shit post pretending to be some nihilistic bad ass.
>Please do "something" illegal so we at the gov can justify our presence and power
>Please be quiet you're exposing our little scam called (((voting)))
Bitch you must be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm ever going to shut up. I do what I want and when I please. Sit your fuck ass down.
You need some meds
The DNC platform is nothing but dark arts and corruption at this point. Republicans look crazy as fuck because they are holding on for dear life in the face of that. DNC lost it's bearing a long time ago, they are basically a zombie party that is only living to avenge it's destruction in 2016. People are slowly beginning to realize this.
That's you're great reply?! You're boring
Oh shut up. Fucken tired of this ultra left commie shit.
They need to find you, cut off your internet and give you a mental eval.
It was Putin.
But we want Bernie to win.
Dilate faggot
Notice that these rats never actually speak of anything specific. They purposefully ignore what I said and immediately accuse in order to change the topic from the puppets onto me.
Die for jews bitch
There is nothing wrong with voter suppression
anyone know if you can vote in the republican and democrat primary?
Accuse your opponents of your crimes.
people don't understand how bad it is. Everyone seems to opperate on the notion that the voting process is secure because 'someone would get in trouble if they messed with it, right?' Like how? no one gets in trouble in any capacity for this shit. No one gets held to account. no one goes to jail. no one loses their job. no one gets voted out for being involved. no one gets excised from their party for ethics violations. in the 1950's, returned GI's laid siege to their own city hall and lynched their local politicians for doing one tenth of what they get away with today. The current American public deserves the government they got right now.
nice try tranny
Isn't this ran by the Texas DNC?
>The Jew cries out as he strikes you.
Who? Coomings?
What world am I living in where Democrats are saying that black people's votes don't count?
1. Cheat Bernie of Texas by messing with Bexar County
2. When caught blame Republican redistricting
3. Joe Biden Democrat Nominee
The good thing about Republicans is that their represenatives are all cucks.
The bad thing about Democrats is that their voters are all cucks.
>People waiting in line
>Voting suppression
No. You can only vote in the primary of the party you are registered to.
Why are niggers so stupid?
the black vote is the one Bernie could never crack
also he pissed off a key voting block in Florida (a vital state), Cuban-Americans, when he praised the dictator they all fled from
Blacks are more likely to vote for Biden because he was Obama's bro
Suppressing the black vote would actually help Sanders
Bernie bros are so deluded, they think their socialism is fighting for all the blacks and minorities and so they don't understand that those people don't actually like Bernie
>The current American public deserves the government they got right now.
Bullshit. I voted for Ron Paul. I didn't quite for ANY of these assholes. Except Trump.
Im confused as to how this effects anything its not the general election so who cares . also we're 1 of only 12 states that have open elections meaning it doesnt matter what party youre registered to you cant vote for any
how did 1.8 million vote for trump without a problem but 1.7 million people had 5 1/2 hour lines?
>Bernie bros are so deluded, they think their socialism is fighting for all the blacks and minorities and so they don't understand that those people don't actually like Bernie
They don't like Bernie because they already get free healthcare and free college. Blacks know that Bernie will just ruin the economy that provides them with all the gib me dats.
No not in texas youre wrong you can vote for any party
Thank you for four more years of trump. Your support is appreciated.
We are a open election state in texas so you can vote for dem Republican or independent
Yeah, this shit makes no sense to me. All states should be open.
Blacks understand economics better than Bernouts. Blacks know that tax dollars for gibsmedats are a limited, finite resource because there's a limited, finite number of middle-class whites to rob and redistribute their wealth (the rich international jew will never and would never be touched because that would be anti-semitic or something and anudda shoah)
The more gibsmedats other people get, the less money fo der programs.
that way the opposition could vote for the worst candidate?
looks like a picture of the congo
Yeah but talk to a leftist about it and the GOP is literally preventing voters from voting at gunpoint. Mental gymnastics. It’s insane.
I'm sure jews like you are very satisfied with zion don
Post under your location flag my fellow American
Even in states with open primaries, you can only vote in one.
Yes. Each state's party runs their own primary.
Its funny how dems always scream suppression yet most of their states you have to vote for your registered party ....thats true suppression . oh sorry you dont like him/her but youre shit out of luck you cant vote for x you must vote y
why would republicans come out in droves for an uncontested primary?
>Why would you exercise your rights?
Because fuck the Dems.
If you're that way inclined I'd still turn up to vote and spoil your ballot. You can't be certain the the DNC wont steal it otherwise.
Your shill tactics suck
pointing the finger at the rich doesn't work with blacks like it does with millenial whites because the dream of becoming rich and covering yourself with bling is part of the gangsta culture
they don't want to work hard for it but they do hope to become rich some day, and even they have the foresight to not kill that potential for themselves by voting for bernie
Jidf honeypot
>I'd rather be a tranny than exercise my rights.
Yes, we know.
whose fault is this? They can early vote can't they? If they waited then their interest was low, and that's the fault of the candidates.
Like a who's who of welfare recipients and garbage "people" in that picture, just add a thousand more niggers.
This is not what my blood, a signer of the declaration, had in mind when he killed all those brittish fags for our right to be a self governing peoples with every free man getting the right to vote.
It's not like you have to do anything special to get the other ballot anyway besides register in the closed primary. It's just more bullshit to jump through for no reason.
They've been all over the site this week. God alone knows who's paying them, they're fucking hopless
Arizona tried to outlaw that but it got shot down in the 9th Circuit Court. The dems have been trying to fight voter id, ballot harvesting, and being able to vote in ANY district. It’s bad. I don’t think Mexicans are voting blue enough l, because now their trying to import Somalis for more dem votes.
Dems did the same thing so spics couldn't vote for Sanders in Texas.