Parallel Prophecies

In Islamic eschatology, there is a figure known as Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal which is comparable to the Antichrist and who acts as a deceiver in that the individual poses as the messiah and attracts a cult following that is primarily made up of Jews which is reminiscent of Christian Antichrist legends.

This idea of a false prophet is shared among many faiths. Why is this and what type of person is the most likely candidate for being that false prophet? Obviously the messiah wont look like a demon but rather a charismatic and attractive leader who will actually be capable of growing a following.

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Other urls found in this thread: Marrs - Robot Alchemy [pack]/ebooks/PDF/Holy Serpent of the Jews - Texe Marrs.pdf

Djall is actually the same as the antichrist, and the Jewish Messiah. He will receive a fatal headwound, possibly losing and eye, and then return back to life. He will be able to do miracles with fire and water. He will be the body of Satan's spirit.

It's the prophet the Jews will select after they build the 3rd Temple. His name will be: Barron Trump.

I would say the Rothschilds but they mostly work in the dark. I suppose it would have to be someone who is a public figure. I can't think of anyone that acts like some messiah but Xi of China could be a good candidate.

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2000 year old sand nigger religion

Yep, false J*ws are trying to force him into emergence.

It's probably someone we don't know yet. I'd go with Jared Kushner but he's punchable rather than charasmatic

A part of me thinks it might be donald trump. It'll probably be keanu reeves though

Yes, and doesn't it also say in the islamic religion that both isa and jesus christ will unite together as chad bros to BTFO out of the false prophet?

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Best post ever made

There are lots of Hadith traditions and islamic narratives that describe the antichrist. They are not all the same.

Some say he is tall, pale, turbulent
Some say small etc.

The main features though are:
>1) He is blind in one eye
>2) He is somehow deformed
>3) He has the word Kafir (unbeliever) written on his forehead
>I just read a book on the matter, cannot remember the name now as it is on my other computer. It was a religious historian work "Al-Daijal in Islamic Tradition and islamic lore"

Notice also how similar the name for "Messiah" and "Antichrist" are in Arabic

Al-Masih is the righteous one, the messiah

Al-Masikh is the one eyed liar, al-Dajjal

Was going to say this basically. Christ and antichrist, black white, left right, etc is basically the same and separating them comes from the dualist human understanding of multi-dimensional holographic existence

Jews? Evangelicals clearly say that there whole point of supporting Israel is to conjure up the antichrist and start judgeent day.

I guess they assume they will change side then or they haven't thought what to do when he comes.

It's the same person

>made up of Jews
Are we talking Jews or "Jews"?

Big boss?

Imagine believing this horse shit. So fucking glad I broke out of the dune coon religion

>implying that all cultures haven't had to deal with liars or charlatans

Israel birth date = 1948

Mat 24:34
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

A generation is around 70-80 years. 2018-2028?

Mat 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Mat 24:38
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

>individual poses as the messiah and attracts a cult following that is primarily made up of Jews
Menachem Schneerson?

This person already came. His name was Sabbatai Zevi. We are still reeling from the consequences today.
Watch this for a real redpill you don't see on the surface web often.

>So fucking glad I broke out of the dune coon religion
Friendly reminder that Muzzy apostates get the rope.

he will have a grape like skin hanging over his blind eye

forgot link:

>In Islamic eschatology, there is a figure known as Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal
No, this is fabricated bullshit by Jews. There is no dajjal in the Quran or in real Islam.
>This idea of a false prophet is shared among many faiths. Why is this and what type of person is the most likely candidate for being that false prophet?
Jews infiltrated all the religions and injected this false messiah bullshit so that Jews can get away with their own prophesies while everyone else sits back and lets it happen because they would believe it's part of their own prophesies too.

It's all bullshit.

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Jesus will come down to pulverize dajjal.
The majority of antichrists army will consist out of females. They are easier to fool to fight for him.

Army of asian trannys?

I stopped at Islamic. Shit skin religion

Jews and their mind control puppets have similar characteristics, like personality cults and drooling eyelids (Islam was created by jews too, so you get the idea).
It's a very easy prophecy to fulfill.

It's not the same Person

1) Died on the cross
2) paid for peoples sin
3) resurrected on the third day

1) got replaced on the cross
2) didn't pay for peoples sin
3) didn't resurrect.

If you take that the islam already is Antichrist and they got a fake-Jesus.

Can you please leave Japan and go.... to Madagascar or something?

was that too much of a redpill for you, crypto jew shill?

So what you're saying is someone saw what really happened and didn't romanticize it through the 40 filters of localization and retelling as the bible?

following jewishteachers is a lot of a redpill.
Holy Serpent Of The Jews (PDF): Marrs - Robot Alchemy [pack]/ebooks/PDF/Holy Serpent of the Jews - Texe Marrs.pdf

how many times can he keep doing that trick?
just keep shooting then throw in a woodchipper.

theres no mention of dajjal in the quran. keep your fanfiction to yourself please.

>theres no mention of dajjal in the quran. keep your fanfiction to yourself please.

God only gives him one chance, *ques eminem

long story short he gets thrown into lake of fire along with hell and death.

Where did I mention the Quran?

According to hadith, Muhammad prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjal or "deceivers".

Muhammad is reported to have said:
If he comes forth while I am among you I shall be the one who will dispute with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth when I am not among you, a man must dispute on his own behalf, and God will take my place in looking after every Muslim. Those of you who live up to his time should recite over him the opening verses of Surat al–Kahf, for they are your protection from his trial. We asked: How long will he remain on the earth? He replied: Forty days, one like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and rest of his days like yours. We asked: Messenger of Allah, will one day's prayer suffice us in this day which will be like a year? He replied: No, you must make an estimate of its extent. Then prophet Isa son of Maryam will descend at the white minaret to the east of Damascus. He will then catch him up at the gate of Ludd and kill him.

>Where did I mention the Quran?
thats the problem: you didnt. if it isnt in the quran, it isn't god's word, and is therefore utter dogshit.

stop leading people astray, sodomite.

How did you sneak into Japan, dog?

You sound very strange. Pretending to be a Muslim? Leading people astray? Sodomite? Are all Hadiths supposed to be tossed away? Sounds like you are backpedaling as well.

>words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS words WORDS

The right forgot how to meme.

im white.

you dont seem to know what that word means

Enjoy your head while its still attached.


>According to hadith
Muh hadith.
>Muhammad prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjal or "deceivers".
No, Jews invented dajjal and then claimed that Mohammad said these things which he did not.
>Muhammad is reported to have said:
Cool story bro.

No, he's right. Kill yourself.
> Are all Hadiths supposed to be tossed away?
It would be best.

I know what it means and the excuse you made of not mentioning the Quran sounds like backpedaling when looking at it next to your original statement. Otherwise you would've stated that in the beginning.

do you even know that hadith is?

No worse than christians getting pope orders.

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Reminder that Baba Vanga predicted that the 44th president would be the last (Though we're on the 45th, technically we've had the same president due to the fact that both the 22nd and 24th presidency were occupied by Grover Cleveland, so you can make an argument that Trump is the 44th) and that he "will be faced with a crisis that eventually "brings the country down"

Carona, anyone?

are you actually retarded? go back and read what i wrote, you must have misread something. if it isnt in the quran, its not part of islam. the entire establishment of the caliphate right after mohammad's death is when the non-quranic bullshit hear-say came into play.

your argument: (none)


Yeah LoL I'm sure its nothing heh heh

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Records pertaining to the actions of the Islamic prophet from people who are thought to have been in contact with him. Referencing their contents should be a clear signal that I know what they are. The Islamic prophet's actions and life were well documented.

I don't get your pic, if anything it represents you since you are quoting hadiths like a typical sunnifag.

you wouldnt happen to live in richmond hill would you

Ignore the evil eye user. It's just a coincidence is all.

>Notice also how similar the name for "Messiah" and "Antichrist" are in Arabic
You retard

Massih Al-Dajjal = false Messiah
Quran refers to Jesus as "Al Massih", the Messiah

>Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)
Imagine relying on an antichrist for descriptions of the antichrist.

isnt that the guy that converted to islam when the turks wanted to test him by shooting him with arrows

>Why is there always someone called a false prophet

Because in all times and ages theres always someone who can see a snake oil salesmen's a mile off.
Anyone who challenges refutes or outright disproves bullshit people base there life on is seen as a devil to someone whos entire indenity is defined by it.
Cognitive dissonance with abrehamic reaction.
Basically murder mutilate torture etc.

polytheism is sodomy


>In Islamic eschatology,
stopped reading there

>people who are thought to have been
keyword: thought, as in supposed, dubious, and without proof
aka he said she said bullshit, you cannot base anything off of hadith

Your life user but it's time to move on.

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