Corona virus is result of Pluto-Saturn conjunction happening now.Last time it was in 1982 when AIDS was discovered...

Corona virus is result of Pluto-Saturn conjunction happening now.Last time it was in 1982 when AIDS was discovered.Also it was in 1948.There was no epidemy but Israel was created.

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based and jupiterpilled

Did someone forget their special pills today?

This is some next level schizo shit

You've been reading

REPILLED and WOKE as fuck bro. Bertiaux made these Aids tables back in 80s

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You have to be special levels of special to think the virus is anyone's fault but the chinks

Saturn into Aqua around 22th of March
Jupiter-Pluto conjunction will be partile on 5th-6th of April
retrogrades starting May-ish
we'll see
ignorant fool

fuck you stupid materialistic fuck

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Apparently the 13th to 18th of march has one of the worst alignments possible, like jupiter, mars, saturn, pluto and the moon.

aids started in 1980

Outbreaks started in 1981, 1982, 1983.

AIDS was first clinically reported on June 5, 1981, with five cases in the United States.

Corona-chan is based on Lilith which is associated with the moon and disease carried by air
Also I think Mars was in Scorpio when this was released which is the sign of covert/asymmetrical warfare and 'sex, death, and other people's money"

greetings my mongolian bro.
Any ideas on Pluto-Uranus square?

what signs and what houses?
Uranus is sudden change, on a 84 year cycle so think back to the themes 84 years ago....
pluto is 248 year cycle think 1776 + 248 = 2024
adam smith wealth of nations (capitalism) and USA were founded 1776
pluto return is about regeneration and empires and also ruled by the sign of scoprio.
it also symbolizes hades.

interesting, have this bump

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i mean not natal
that what happened in 1933-1945

and happening 2012-2024

dude had Mars in Libra
lemme translate
>ruled by the sign of scoprio
Mars rules Scorpio, signs don't rule shit
Pluto is a slow moving supposedly malefic star, nothing to do with rulership

Hard to say anything definite... but it is interesting. Especially all Pluto, Saturn and Scorpio connections.

I personally believe this was a a huge alignment

But we'll see

great music composed on Pluto-Uranus square

>dude had Mars in Libra

What do you mean?

It reads in the table Bertiaux is equating Pluto, Saturn and Scorpio with AIDS outbreaks

poor blind fool

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yea I mean technically you're right and I just said it backwards
I think mid Janurary or so Saturn Pluto as well as Venus the sun and earth all lined up in a row.

beware the Ides of March

Ides of March during the pluto return for both the USA and global capitalism....


intresting but i don`t trust it
i also heard that 2012 was not end but begging of the end

started in Africa 1980

I remember reading 9/11 happened under a Saturn/Pluto conjuction. Is is true or am i misremembering?

You realize AIDs, Israel, and NCOV2019 are all machinations of the same group of people right?

LSD was discovered in 1943 but intensified in 60s.

>I remember reading 9/11 happened under a Saturn/Pluto conjuction. Is is true or am i misremembering?

you have bad memory
911 was Pluto-Saturn oppositon.

>machinations of the same group of people right

no,one cosmic factory

You are redpilled my friend.
The Outbreak happened properly with LSD in 1965-1969

It ended with the 1969 Manson murders that ended the hippie era. Of course LSD is still around, but it's not the same...

buy chainlink

>but it's not the same.
totally agree
russian singer Egor Letov even created racist theory of biological supremacy of people born in 60s.
And he is right.
He was born in 1964 under Virgo where Pluto-Uranus conjunction took place

Idk, too stinky

Charlie was based.
Scorpio with Pluto square
fucking Americans put him in jail while he was INNOCENT

in 1970 when Pluto-Uranus conjunction ended everything turned into shit
beatles collapsed
morrion died
hendrix died
lsd was banned

>1948.There was no epidemy but Israel was created.
>no epidemy
that's a strong implication

if go back in time another Pluto-Saturn conjunction took place in 1914 when Fed was created
>The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913,

you cheeky pedo hunter.

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LSD was banned in 1966 already. Also Morrison and Hendrix were not good people, and it is no coincidence they died at age 27.

>When the true King's murderers are allowed to roam free a 1000 Magicians arise in the land. Where are the feasts we are promised?

true King = Jesus Christ
his murderers = the jews
1000 magicians arise ; magicians = pop artists and movie actors/directors/producers, they control the world view of the average norm.

The unconscious mind cannot distinguish between things you actually experienced and things you felt from watching movies. Especially on children this effect is pronounced, so their world view is essentially shaped by watching TV growing up. Only since 1970 every family had a TV and kids were raised watching TV every day.

Also: Hollywood : holly is the evergreen tree associated with Artemis/Diana and sorcery and magic. The magician's wand was made of a stick of holly wood. Hollywood is in their own words into "make believe". After all, acting is the profesion of the devil.

Regarding 60s rock artists, look into CIA and pop culture, especially LAUREL CANYON
>the so called counter-cultural revolution in the 1960s music scene centered around Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles. What appears to be an organic, anti-establishment movement led by artists such as Jim Morrison of The Doors is, upon closer examination, co-opted and steered by the very organizations that they publicly condemn. In America, controlled opposition would appear to take many forms.

Regarding LSD, look into the book "Storming Heaven. LSD and the American Dream" by Jay Stevens.
link to a copy:
As the name already suggests, "storming heaven" (referring to the original war in heaven, and the plan of Nimrod in tower of Babel days), it is written from a luciferian angle.

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... i have proof your here forever shill.

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>Regarding LSD, look into the book "Storming Heaven. LSD and the American Dream" by Jay Stevens.
>link to a copy:

oops, here's the real link:
b-ok dot cc/book/512030/a84477

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Angel the gnawing and mashing of many teeth.
possession To be taken by a gin as to speak in tongues. And as i behold this devil he had 6 toungs all as sharp . Sharp pitch. sound wave . as razor blades all speaking in false hood and thous that took to him spoke with blatant lies from the sides of there mouth.

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Like, top kek! Bro. Your meme was incredibly dank lol!

Do you know how to gif?

thous said the rabbit the valleys of green are upon you repent form your filth and wickedness and begone form such treachery.

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I left them on the table, did you not take them?

Go to /x you nigger brained retard faggot.

> Jesus Christ
Why not use his real name?

kiss my feet

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Because Morisson considered himself a poet, and also and more importantly, the message is very clear to the adepts of mystery schools and secret societies, while the "profane" will never think twice about it even while it is right in front of them. Hidden in plain sight, the specialty of masons.

Satan is called the prince of this world several times in scripture, he is even the lord of time (Kronos/Saturn aka father time, as Azazel was ruler of the Watcher class of angels, those who watch time, the movement of stars and planets). Yet God is above Him, Jesus Christ (the second emanation of the godhead in the Trinity) is the king of kings and lord of lords, hence the only way to escape the cube/hypercube (Satan's prison for mankind) is by the cross (opened cube).

Another example of them being in your face and the 'profane' not seeing it. At a black cube """art exposition""" in London the """"public was invited"""" to kiss the black cube and kneel in front of it. Just performance art, goy.

Attached: cube saturn 3.jpg (600x570, 60.8K)

>Hidden in plain sight, the specialty of masons.
pic related btw

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>Yet God is above Him
* him

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93,000 infected, 77 in USA as of today
Spoopy digits
