How do we uncuck christianity?

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Other urls found in this thread:ür-nazis-der-vatikan-und-die-rattenlinie/a-52450811?utm_source=pocket-newtab

Fetishize it.

make it positive :)

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Make it gnostic. Catholics are gayer than pagans because at least pagans admit that they are pagans.

A lot of the words translated to say forgive in English literally mean banish/discard. Your translators are perfect cucks who have no moral qualms with destroying your Bible to shill their cuckoldry.

Christianity epitomizes the idea of Universalism. It's lumps all homo Sapiens into the category of "God's children."

Also, it's "teachings" are diametrically-opposed to the laws of nature. "Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil."

This is the ANTITHESIS of Nature's principal law, "Survival of the Fittest."

Christianity is fundamentally anti-nature. It's a celebration of weakness.

You cannot "uncuck" that.

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Be more racist

by becoming a black hebrew israelite

A crusade will do

Start posting stuff like
>Niggers. Not a curse I want in my nation.
Instead of
>We are all God's children made in his image.

We don't have to.ür-nazis-der-vatikan-und-die-rattenlinie/a-52450811?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Use google translate if you don't speak German.
Tldr: Vatican helped thousands of SS members to escape to South America.

It's a Jewish sect

>It defies the laws of nature
>Is the largest religion in the world because it won by the laws of nature

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You can’t. It’s an inherently jewish pacifist cult that rewards self hatred and weakness. It must be abandoned for the good of European man. With its poison in our system, we will never be able to be victorious, because Christianity doesn’t desire victory. It desires death and decay, and the abolishment of man and his instinct to survive. Christianity is simply what you get when a man turns off his instinct to survive and embraces death.

none of what you said is biblical canon faggot

For starters, firstly, Jesus was not some pale femboy
Secondly, stop the kike practice of genital mutilation
Thirdly, pic related. Find the truth

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Christianity is not cucked to begin with, it is the (((modern))) version that is cucked because the large denominations care more about classification for tax exemptions and watering down scriptures to get butts in the seats and donations in the till. The Bible and churches before 1960 are clear on feminism, gays, and race-mixing. Once this modern bubble pops we will go back to traditional ways again, even if we retain out technological progress.

Stop being bitches and allowing degenerates to flock in God's house.

Biblical Christianity is already uncucked

Research kinism

That's not a denomination or a theology, it's a social program

*Richard the Lionheart cleaves you in two with his broadsword*

We need to go back to realism. The acceptance of universals as real things. Truth, beauty, man, woman, child. All things that nominalists (it more specifically anti-realists) don’t actually believe in.
If we treats universals as real things, we will go back to a reason-based form of a Christianity (that seeks to understand God’s will since realists believe his reason precedes it) a la Aquinas that has the Christian man primarily cultivate virtue in his spare time outside of work. The cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude. Since man is closer to God than woman, all of these are more or less masculine traits. This, if we cultivate them we will “uncurl” ourselves.

Today, something strange happened to me. I brought up religion with a co-worker and mentioned I recently discovered "do not resist an evil person" is a deceptive mistranslation. He finished my words and said he knows but he told me he's not very religious and also a liberal. This was a stunning revelation to me. The irreligious are not merely ignorant. They have been exposed to the truth about Christianity most Christians don't know about and have utterly rejected it themselves. I cannot believe these enemies know the real truth that I've been searching for for years and yet still hate it and lie about it. Why do those gifted with such powerful knowledge on a silver platter choose to hate it? This is absurd. They are like Esau who was given everything but rejected it.

>Also, it's "teachings" are diametrically-opposed to the laws of nature. "Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil."

You sound like a kike dog barking about stuff you don't understand thinking volume makes an argument.

> "Survival of the Fittest."
We are not beasts and you're showing your masonic hand too much.

>Christianity is fundamentally anti-nature. It's a celebration of weakness.
Literally the celebration of men over corruption by the grace of the creator of the Universe.

> You cannot "uncuck" that.
Get thee behind me. Pic related

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>Christianity epitomizes the idea of Universalism. It's lumps all homo Sapiens into the category of "God's children."
That’s true, but it also asserts the virtues of particularism. Supporting your family’s needs first before the community, the community before the state, and the state before the rest of the world. To a proper Christian, at least to traditional Catholicism, Africa is so far outside the realm of almsgiving with the financial struggles of the Church and of poor people in America that it’s almost laughable to support anything that Bill Gates for example does with his foundation.

So you tried to play your jewish bullshit semantics on him and it didn’t work

uncuckable, buuut its the chamaleon faith after all so anything's possible

>calls others kikes
>while literally worshipping a rabbi

This is your brain on Cucktianity

>do not resist an evil person
What is the right translation then hotshot

38You have heard that it hath been said: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 39But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other: 40And if a man will contend with thee in judgment, and take away thy coat, let go thy cloak also unto him. 41And whosoever will force thee one mile, go with him other two. 42Give to him that asketh of thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not away.

43You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thy enemy. 44But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: 45That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust. 46For if you love them that love you, what reward shall you have? do not even the publicans this? 47And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more? do not also the heathens this? 48Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.


I know realism. Archetypes are usually pretty obvious to me. Megaman, Ed, and I are all the same soul.

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get rid of these fucking 501c3 exemptions which does nothing but muzzle pastors and renders churches into lapdogs of the state.

>Supporting your family’s needs first before the community, the community before the state, and the state before the rest of the world.

Big if true. Can you give me that passage ?

Sorry Schlomo, yeah he was a rabbi as in master, but he was the good rabbi that other rabbis crucified

>It's lumps all homo Sapiens into the category of "God's children."
John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Obv the real translation is: "pretend to be christian online and then put a dragon dildo up your arsehole"

>the good rabbi

You don’t have to be religious to believe in the existence of universals. It is in Plato. They define the ancient world, the distinction between the ancient and the modern.

The Christian just believes they exist in the mind of God, which is more believable than another “realm” or some shit like Plato.

There is no going back to pagan Rome, but Christian Rome is still a possibility.

How many kikes knockned on your door or walked an extra mile with you to preach Yaweh because they wanted you too to enjoy God?

The logic leaps these faggots though to demoralize the last hope for this world.
It's almost like...

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This is peak Christcuck mental gymnastics, good job

My fucking priests told me. What do I look like a fucking theologian. Don’t have a verse for you, and you’d probably have a different ad uneducated interpretation of it anyway.

You can’t:

You don’t have to worry about it. Christ is sufficient. He is the head of the church.

Rabbi just means master retard

Turn it into a race like the Jewish religion is also a race

By ceasing jew worship.

>Gets defeated easily
Try harder schlomo no one is buying it

By actually being Christian
>pic related

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not just "master" in the context given brainlet

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>The Christian just believes they exist in the mind of God, which is more believable than another “realm” or some shit like Plato.
I mean sure, but what on earth is that supposed to mean to me? God's mind is by definition incomprehensible to us.

So what do you get for pretending online to be a christian? Is it money?

"What Jesus REALLY meant was...."

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Starts with the individual and goes on from there as the other user mentioned.

Matthew 7:3-5 King James Version (KJV)
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

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>implying everything is in the Bible
>What is the Aquinas’ Summa Theologica
This is what I’m talking about. Modern Christians don’t think you can understand God through reason. They want to be spoon fed verse from the Bible like children. They can’t understand why God would ever want you to support your brother before a stranger. It isn’t in my bible, how do I know it is good!

Some big faggot talk for someone who isn't winning.

Yeah basically that’s what they meant by calling Jesus Rabbi. He was certainly not a religious Jew, you’d have to be completely retarded to believe that. So how could he be a Rabbi in the normal sense of the word?

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>My fucking priests told me.

If it's not from the Bible we just lost a golden opportunity nigger.

you can't uncuck what was cucked to begin with

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It means that individuals are representatives of said universals and it is therefore good to conform to them. Men as men, women as women, etc.

It isn't.
