What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?

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I've never met a woman on my pagan level.


Redhill me on pagans? Why are they more attractive?

I've never met a pagan woman

>too old

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only ones I know don't like me like that?


Being Christian, Heretic.

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>I’m a female so I can’t have a wife! My husband comes from Nigeria, he is Christian but that version of Christianity has some of the old African pagan religion in it! It’s really fascinating!
oh my god i'm so tired of you posting this nigger shit everywhere you hapa faggot

They're not. Most are fat and think they need to prove something. OP only posts a small subset in Eastern Europe.

Not a retarded LARPer

Her mother raised her to love jesus, I'm chipping away. She's looking up Gaelic names for our unborn son and said she hates niggers after being a teacher.

because she already has a boyfriend

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>what a pagan couple actually looks like

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pagan picnic

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I refuse to have a degenerate heathen bear my children

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To fk Chads, so you're shit out of luck.

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Women are incapable of serious theological convictions.

>larps as a jew
She’ll steal your sons’ foreskins, m8.

Banged a literal goddess, and not one of the Pagans’. So, no, I could never go back to the “witchy woman” barsluts that haven’t outgrown chuuni syndrome yet.

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Paganism is cryptoatheism, which is marxism, which is judaism.

Scarcity and Jews ruining every Pagan meetups with everything BUT European ancestry.

All pegans I met were degenerates and/or furries
Atheist are less degenerate then them

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Don't don't really proselytize and want to attend their festivals without normies.

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>fat and inbred looking

Pretty sure that is just a US thing

>muh Jewish myth

I seen pics of Czech pagans and like look 100% like hippies.

I love my wife and don't want her to go to hell just so she can dress up and larp.

You mean crystal loving astrology farting retards? No thanks, prefer my Catholic sensible human being

>What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?
Too busy playing video games
Ray tracing is awesome man !

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Well running around barefoot, worhiping the planet and lots of movement and healthy food does that to ya

Still not cool to assume somebody looks like this because to the rest of the world they look like Americans above anything else

Come on, catholicism is pozzed af.

Because what you call “true paganism” has died out long ago. Some remnants were incorporated into current cultures but it’s nowhere near what it was like, say in the 600s with the Saxons.

Any current pagan movements are just leftists reinterpreting it and LARPing, which makes it extra cringe.

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rofl only mainstream opinion of it, which means shit all and is literally nothing new. You realize Jesus the Word Incarnate himself was literally crucified for calling out degenerates on their self-destructive ways, right? There is truly no happiness except in following the path he set forth

waiting for crypto bullrun to be extra fomofueled since it just ended a bearmqrket and boomer shit is imploding. give me 3 years, ill have a mansion in the woods for my family of 3-5

also, buy chainlink

>What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?
Because I have a Christian waifu, faggot.

And what does the catholic church have to do with any of that?

niggers aren't that much into vikings n shiet. its mostly white trash.
can confirm, average LARPers.

Also somehow roasties are all around this LARP shit.

Usually you have to convert "pagan" girls to real Blood and Soil heathenism because they tend to be wiccatruar Abrahamists as they come.
That means you dick them down good enough to where they start praising momma Europa like you do.

Remember, girls only believe in what others tell them to. They have no legitimate beliefs of their own.

Plenty like that already.

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kek and /thread

>what's your excuse
My country is 99.9% religious (and 90% catholic)

Have you not seen the average pagans? Fat as fuck, colored hair, land whales, or used up tattooed whores with BPD. I'll tell you this now. I am in a coven, and they're all ugly as fuck fat bitches, and have severe mental issues. The men are jobless losers who think they are hardcore or cool when they're actually pieces of shit or they are old men with anxiety issues who refuse to grow up. Not to mention the old women who think they are 'crones' but have the mentality of a 4 year old.
Why am I in the coven you ask? Simply because I want to see how fucking bat shit these people are. I am here to tell you they're fucked up people who think that gods speak to them.

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Quite a significant part of his ministry on Earth was establishing the Church, the priesthood and instituting the Eucharist. No one member of Christ's kingdom is fully Christ himself or can know or do everything, we all do our part and depend on one another to experience the love and joy and mercy in this life and orient ourselves appropriately for whatever comes after.

How come he didn't mention that part?

Pagan religions have been lost. Any attempt to recreate the rituals or comprehend the myths is unironically a LARP. Sorry guys, it's just fat goth kids with crystals and shit now. Moving on...

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Go back to your renaissance fair faggot

i'm a traditional catholic

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Does that get you laid?

is that Greta locked up inside? Based pagan bully girls.

Every white women have been blacked once in their life and some are fucking black dudes while their husband/boyfriend is out at work.

Which part? The part where he established his Church? The part where he sent out his Apostles and declared their authority on earth? The part where he declared his intentions for this in various ways? The part where he explains how people will be separated by their deeds on the day of judgement among other allusions? The part where he instituted the Eucharist and charged the Apostles with doing this in remembrance of him, and explaining that this was for them and for many? Pretty sure these are all Bible & Christianity 101 since pre Roman Catholic Church days.

He never established the catholic church nor even mentioned it.