You can’t
That’s because he is racist. No amount of “Zion Don” posting can’t change people’s minds that he’s orange Hitler
You can’t
That’s because he is racist. No amount of “Zion Don” posting can’t change people’s minds that he’s orange Hitler
Other urls found in this thread:
Being racist isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Duck off nazi
he literally DATED A BLACK WOMAN years ago.
Prove to me that being racist is a bad thing.
You can't.
Joe Biden is racist and he got more black votes than Bernie
Zion Don, greatest Ally, Bibi's Butt Buddy
You don't prove something isn't but rather is, so burden of evidence is on you faggot
Such a flaming racist.
If that’s the case why hasn’t Drumpfs dictator buddy Assad been removed
Oh that’s right because he’s a Russian agent and Russians are the new nazis
This. You can't prove a negative, you retard.
The Jew fears the Syrii
Prove to us you're not a nigger faggot kike wetback. See? YOU CAN'T.
nazis on Yas Forums are trying to associate Bernies campaign with white supremacy which is why he lost badly on super Tuesday
He’s literally a left wing jew, do you really think he’s going to gas the Jews and start a race war?
We don’t want you in our movement
who cares? lol, fuck niggers
get a job nigger
I am Hispanic and I am disgusted with your racism
My parents were deported under Trump Bernie will stop that
how is he orange hitler
He said all Mexicans were rapists
Nazis day he’s not a Nazi because he supports Israel but Hitler supported Israel too
Can't prove a negative. Prove to me you're not an ethnical jew. I'll be waiting.
Write the exact quotes. I'll be waiting.
prove that (((YOU))) arent racist.
you can'T. No matter what you do it still doesn'T prove that theres no racism deep inside you
therefore you are a racist
I do have Jewish family members, fuck you trump supporter
I'm disgusted by your existance. GTFO of my country-your parents didn't belong here and neither do you.
No human is illegal except you and trump supporters
Prove he is a racist
You should love Trump then
Imagine being such a racist that nobody ever knew about it until he announced his Presidential candidacy as a Republican.
Your wetback parents illegally entered our country and were legally removed. They came here because it's better here. Why is it better? It's better because our respect for the LAW makes it better. Your parents disrespected the law, which in turn, make life here more like the place they came from? Do you not see how this works, you idiot mongrel? If you have redeeming qualities, go back to your shithole where you came from and make that place better- and take your dumbfuck catch phrases(like:no human is illegal) with you.
Prove to me without a doubt that racism is a bad thing
He is very racist towards the goyim.
Prove to me OP is not a faggot
Listen here OP
I don't give a flying fuck if he's a racist
fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck spics, fuck non-whites, fuck jannies, and fuck yourself
I wish he was though
Prove he is, because I have yet to see it and it's why I'm not voting for him
>Prove to me that Trump isn’t racist
Logic dictates that it impossible to prove a negative assertion. Troll Fail. Therefore:
What does it matter. People have shown they don’t care about it as much as liberals would love to say about Trump. If he had a (D) next to his name, they’d probably make him president.
This is true
Calm down incel lmao
>Obama is a Muslim Kenyan terrorist
Yep totally not racist. After all it is the Democrats who are racist because Trump does so much for them blacks.
>prove a negative
>pro tip: you can't
Prove you're not a faggot.
He isnt and you know it, but hes an annoying loud mothed narcissisist.
obama is a muslim kenyan terrorist. he was a tyrant and usurper
Joe Biden voted against gay marriage in '96 and Buttigieg still endorsed him. Sanders voted for it.
He is, but that's not a negative thing on Yas Forums I hope you realize that.
shut up nigger
Be proud of your heritage. Racism (or I should say noticing patterns in people that do bad things) has been essential to our survival as a species. Your grandparents knew this when they elected Hitler
Prove to me Trump isn’t a Zionist
this is true tho
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Racism= privelidge+power
since obama was president he had a higher status than trump.
So his rant about kenya wasn't racist but just speaking truth to power.
Also he has an hr dept responsible for hiring and firing all employees, so can't directly be racist.
And thats a good thing
If you stop acting retarded people will stop treating you like you are a fucking retard.
>“Zion Don” posting
Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population
>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden on white genocide:
Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)
Tammy Baldwin (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ron Wyden (D)
Chuck Schumer (D)
Jacky Rosen (D)
Ben Cardin (D)
Chris Van Hollen (D)
Richard Blumenthal (D)
Dianne Feinstein (D)
House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)
Adam Schiff (D)
Brad Sherman (D)
Pete Aguilar (D)
Alan Lownethal (D)
Mike Levin (D)
Susan Davis (D)
Ed Perlmutter (D)
Bill Posey (R)
Lois Frankel (D)
Ted Deutch (D)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Jan Schakowsky (D)
Brad Schneider (D)
Abby Finkenaur (D)
John Yarmuth (D)
Jamie Raskin (D)
Elissa Slotkin (D)
Andy Levin (D)
Dean Phillips (D)
Josh Gottheimer (D)
Jerrold Nadler (D)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)
Max Rose (D)
Eliot Engel (D)
Nita Lowey (D)
Lee Zeldin (R)
Suzanne Bonamici (D)
David Cicilline (D)
David Kustoff (R)
Steve Cohen (D)
Elaine Luria (D)
Kim Schrier (D)
Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)
Does it even matter if he is racist?
Literally Hitler
>Why is it better?
Because white European American people are superior to brown shitskins.
phone posters should be shot
Have you ever talked with a European? Most arogen mother fuckers on the planet. Their version of world history has the US as the bad guys while they were perfectly innocent with the "pure" culture. Fuck those EU fags, America is better.
>Have you ever talked with a European?
Yeah, I talk to myself every now and then.
Yeah, no shit. We support him BECAUSE he’s a racist.
He talks about how much he loves niggers all the time.
News flash, EVERYONE is racist. Everyone understands that everyone and every group is different. You are just an intellectual midwit to stupid to realize this.
America we take the best fucking parts of the cultures. EU gets so stuck up its own ass about 30 miles between home towns. It is fucking sad how they cannot move on. I see this shit in small towns in the US but once you leave no one gives a shit where you are from or what your bloodline is. You are what determines if you succeed or fail, nothing else. Jews get this and is why they have such family bonds and push so hard for their kids to get a real education.
if you have followed him for years, read his books, seen his media, shows etc you'll know he isnt, he's also not republican
Ethno centrism is the basis of civilisation. Mewling fuckwit.
Honestly surprised that a woke nigger cartoon makes a good argument, but it applies in this instance