DRUMPF wants to trade high tech fighter jets designed to fight an imaginary war for BRONZE AGE TECH to fight a real and existing threat! HAHAH! It's not like walls work now, they couldn't, it's the current year! NO old tech still works!
DRUMPF wants to move $3.8 billion in spending away from America's already well funded military to build a FUCKING WALL!
How can you flyover state rural retards justify this???
yeah we need trillion dollar weapons to fight inbred goat fucking pedophile towelheads wearing sandals
>cut a dozen jets from 2020 production
>instead of having 7824 jets in by end of 2020, will only have 7812 jets
>only has 3 times more jets than every other airforce in the world combined
Well kind of difficult when you arent aloud to use F35s to protect the border
>more than a dozen aircraft
what, 15 jets out of the 2,500 the american military is planning to procure?
they assemble the bloody things on a production line
if they wanted to they could start pumping out nuclear carriers so quickly they could use the spares after the war for fucking theme parks
Let's pretend I cared enough to search this guy's twitter and blog history and found all the times he was bitching about huge wasteful military spending pre-Trump and posted all the links here.
I mean I get the sentiment, I’d prefer using f-35s to defend the border than walls but you gotta take what you can get.
I don't think we are suffering from a shortage of war planes tbqh
Do we really need a new ship and f-35s?
Remember the time there was a chance we could get robot attack dogs to roam the border hunting mexicans?
¿It's not politically correct to strafe migrants with those jets?
Wall seems like a good compromise.
At least tech from the bronze age doesnt fund lockheeb shartin and the faggot-35
spend the 4 billion on clean factories in south mexico
This is true and Trump is right.
It's fucking stupid to use hunders of billions to weapons when there is no country that could match even 1/10 of the current weapons owned by USA.
That money should all directed to develop next generation stuff. Think 50 years to future and stop throwing your money away.
USA could have fucking super sized cities everywhere in our solar system if 50 % current military budget would be used space exploration. Think about it.
Damn you convinced me. Better surrender now. Fook drumpf. Vote Bernie. Israel good.
At a certain point software becomes a liability for any complicated system engineering
12544421332-D chess.
What are you going on about? Our military has been built up greatly. Under Ofraud, when a fighter plane broke down the guys went digging in the graveyard for parts. We are safe now. We have new working fighters.
So what if the president diverts some money for the wall? We need the wall. We don't need more taxpayer money suckers.
f35: isn't that just a flying bulldozer designed to pump billions of dollars into Jew pockets?
nuke mexico check. sounds good user. kill yourself and leave your dumb spic wife in a gutter
he actually got the left to demand fighter jets
what a day to live in
Are you suggesting we should just bomb the beaners? Because that would be pretty based.
How the fuck does the headline correlate with the rest of the article? What in the fuck kind of clickbait am I looking at here? This is really a new low.
F-35 program is a literal scam and a massive failure from lockheed.
Her dur explain yourselves. Fuck off.
The F-35 is a piece of shit money sink and it was never meant to be anything else. Go read up on its original budget, project scope, price per unit vs what it is now. It's mind boggling. It accounts for a a whole number percentage of the US national debt and it barely flies.
Lmao we already have a fuckton of planes that can destroy 20 countries back to back
4 billion is fucking nothing
It's because he already has the space force. F-35s are obsolete compared to tic-tacs.
Look at the price tag, Canada can't afford them. They backed out of the original purchase agreement years ago
Why does America need the f-35 when the f-22 does the same things but way better?
F22 is strictly air superiority, not multi role
The F-35 is the worst fighter jet ever made.
We should put a 25 foot minefield on either side of the wall too.
>F22 is strictly air superiority, not multi role
The F-22 is made by the same company that shit out the F-35. The F-22 is a turd too.
We would be getting tax returns instead of tax fees if it wasnt for blacks and browns. Even keeping the military budget the same.
If you said this on the Aviation Week article threads 10 years ago you'd be crucified but it turned out to be true.
The Bronze Age was literally more advanced than the modern era. Humans at the time wielded magic and conversed with the gods, building massive cities and winning mythical valor and glory in battle. After war with the nephilim caused a civilizational collapse the gods retreated from the mortal plane, forever severing us from our connection to them
A turd that's better than the rafale and whatever sukhoi equivalent, at least
>The left is defending the military industrial complex and one of the biggest moneysink failures of a fighter jet ever because orange man bad
Can this timeline get any more hilarious?
is everyone in here missing the part where Trump's trying to re locate that money to wall funding? This is based as fuck
Trump could’ve built the wall with the money he gave Israel instead of cutting military purchases.
MIGAtards won’t even acknowledge that fact though. They’ll just ignore it like they’ll ignore that Dump lied about Mexico paying for the wall.
Stop spending money on useless, endless middle eastern wars, start spending money protecting the homeland. If we shouldn’t use stuff from the Bronze Age, guess we should give up other older technology such as the wheel too?
Is this really a news article from the Washington Post? It's not an editorial?
Imagine a legitimate news organization characterizing say a reservoir or a highway as "bronze age technology", just because they're butt-hurt over the 2016-2024 president.
He's broken them.
So if I'm interpreting the author of that article correctly, he wants us to use F35s to keep illegals out of this country? Seems kind of violent for the left to support bombing kids from the air like that (with very expensive bombs mind you)
Go away. No one cares about your silly little irrelevant hemisphere. Go build some mud huts with Africa and South America.
Since you're not allowed to use it against rapefugees I would gladly trade a mirage 2000 or a rafale for a wall
Imagine reading this and thinking it’s literal or true, you are a retard.
>he actually got the left to demand fighter jets
>what a day to live in
the man's pure genius
About time someone is using thier brain.
I've been saying this sence 06.
there is no point in drowning money into such projects when your biggest competitors are 40 years behind
paid shill journalists
So they’re now angry he’s cutting the massively bloated military funding that they bitch and moan about?
Based and Tedpilled.
Why don't we just stack F-35s and Ford class carriers along the mexico border? The LO coating on the F-35s is probably too slippery for the beaners to crawl over.
Is OP jew, black or brown?
All whites... college educated, non-ce, white women… went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from jews, blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
-----> 37%
>white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
>white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
>suddenly libtards think there's not enough military spending
Apparently you do because last time you tried to fight inbred goat fucking pedophile towelheads wearing sandals you got blown the fuck out so badly that your country won't recover for the next 30 years
f35 is the greatest jewish scheme invented.
3.8 billion is pocket change for the military.
Walls do work, ask any prison guard or inmate.
Why do you faggots use VPNs?
Bronze age tech is effective at stopping bronze age invaders.
Jets are weapons of imperialism and serve no use for white Americans as long as the border is undefended. The rifle is the weapon of republicanism or liberty, war machines are weapons of state oppression. I’d rather use half the military budget to arm and train local militias than send billion dollar shit to Iraq then blow it up when we leave because it’s cheaper than shipping it home.
we destroyed those nations with low IQ mongrels and they werent even real wars
canada is nothing but the toilet of the world full of liquid shit people, go brag about the fake mansion you burned down over 100 years ago for all eternity you literal wannabe america country
the reason was because we were using 10 million dollars to kill 3 boy fuckers with 400$ aks, machmood. trump is right. f-35 is a bullshit system and a wall would be more effective at protecting our country and domestic resources.